
by: Shaya

Donnie sensed that there was rain falling and that the ground beneath him was cold and wet. But none of that mattered, he was here at "her place", Shaya's. "Shaya loved to come out here and sit in the sun, she would sit for hours staring into the ocean." he thought to his self. The rain mixed with the tears that were running down his face, as he stared down at what he had left of the beautiful woman that was his wife. The lightning mirrored what he felt inside, the white hot flashes of pain that flowed through his body. His body jerked from the sobs that ripped through it. "Baby, I know that I promised you this.." he whispered. Not even a three days ago, they had both sat here together and thought of names for the son that they were soon to have. "Shaya. Oh Shaya.." Donnie cried into the stormy, dark night, but his cries couldn't be heard above the waves that pounded on the rocks below.

It felt as if he was in a nightmare, and in fact he was he was living in reality. And one thing that was truly real was that his wife was dead. He remembered everything too clearly..

"Baby, I'm going over to Tracy and Jordan's for a few hours,"Shaya said as she kissed him on the cheek, "we are going to look at some baby's books that Tracy got in the mail. I won't be long." "Okay, be careful." Donnie laughed as he hugged her bye. "I will, you just better have my dinner on the table waiting!" Shaya teased him, as she walked out the door."

"I should have stopped her, I should have made her stay home!" Donnie yelled. The storm seemed to intensify has Donnie confronted the memories of that day and the pain.

" It was Mark that answered the phone, and Donnie could tell that something was wrong as he watched his brother face turn pale as the color drained away. "Shaya?" Donnie asked as Mark hung the phone up. "D , there has been a accident,"Mark said as he grabbed the car keys, "Shaya has beeb taken to St. Frances hospital." Donnie said nothing as they rushed to the hospital. "Mr. Wahlberg, we have tried everything that we can to save your wife and child," the doctor said, "but there is to much internal bleeding. We are going to have to do a cesarean and pray for a miracle to save the child." "Are you telling me that my wife isn't going to survive that she is going to die?" Donnie asked. The man just nodded. "I want to see her, now!" Donnie commanded. "Follow me. "a nurse said as she led him to Shaya. Shaya was surrounded by doctor's and nurses as they tried to save her. Donnie could hear her moaning for her baby. "Shh.. honey. I'm here.."Donnie whispered as he stroked her hair from her face. "Donnie, MAKE THEM SAVE OUR SON! PROMISE ME!" Shaya said forcefully!"

"Our son.. is alive.. and he's going to be okay!" Donnie said, as he got up and walked towards the water.

"Shaya had held his had and stared into his eyes, the whole time that the surgery was taken place. Shaya held on until after their son had cried his first cry. She smiled at him and closed her eyes."

Donnie stopped at the water's edge and looked down at the container that held Shaya's ashes. "It's time."He whispered as he opened the lid and the wind took the ashes away to sea.

"I love you!" Donnie said as he watched them disappear.

The End