Anyone Hungry?

by: Rachael

It was Tracy and Jordan's 1-year anniversary, and they were celebrating it a Tracy's favorite restaurant.

After they were seated at their table, Jordan commented on Tracy's slinky black dress. "Do you know what you do to me when you wear that dress?" "I do, " whispered Tracy as she leaned over the table to kiss Jordan, "that's why I wore it."

While waiting for their food, they decided to exchange anniversary presents. Jordan handed Tracy a red box with a white ribbon tied around it, and she gave him an envelope.

Tracy opened her box first. Jordan knew she liked her gift when he saw her eyes light up. "Oh...Jordan," said Tracy as she held up a beautiful pair of heart-shaped diamond earrings, "I love them! You always know what to buy. Now, open your envelope." Jordan opened his envelope and laughed. This gift was so like Tracy. " A $200 gift certificate to Dominatrix, a S&M specialty store. "I bought that because I want to be handcuffed to the bed while you're fucking me."

Those words were enough to arouse Jordan and Tracy knew it. So much so that she removed one of her high heels and moved her leg up Jordan's leg, until she reached his excitedness. "Tracy, not here, not now.....I won't be able to control myself." "I don't care," said Tracy with a seductive look on her face. "And why not here and now? I am more than game." "Well, since you put it that way, how can I refuse?" "You can't. Meet me in the ladies room if 5 minutes." Having said that, Tracy casually got up and walked to the ladies room.

When Jordan walked in the restroom, he locked the door behind him to ensure that they wouldn't be interrupted. Then he walked into the stall where Tracy awaited him. Passion overtook them as they kissed - their tongues dancing like wildfire. As he was kissing Tracy, Jordan caressed and squeezed Tracy's nipples. Then he lifted her dress, and didn't even bother to remove her underwear as he pushed them to the side and entered Tracy. "Oh, god, Jordan.....I never knew you had it in you," she cried. "Trace, I always had it, I just needed you to bring it out of me."

Tracy's screams and moans were so loud that the restaurant patrons turned their heads toward the ladies room. The manager heard this too and tried to open the door. When she discovered it was locked, she used her key to get in.

When she opened the door, she saw Tracy primping in the mirror. "Is everything okay, miss?" she asked as if she didn't know what was going on. "I'm great, thanks for your concern," Tracy said, smiling.

The manager left the restroom and Jordan, who had been hiding in one of the stalls, came out and they both burst out laughing.

"That....was very....exciting!" exclaimed Tracy as she kissed Jordan on the mouth. "Very," said Jordan. "Well, shall we face the masses?" said Tracy, giggling.

"I don't think we have a choice, said Jordan as he grabbed Tracy's hand.

They both walked out of the bathroom, hand-in-hand, half-smirking, half-embarrassed. When they finally made it out of the restaurant, they both let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you think they'll ban us from that restaurant?" said Tracy, laughing. "It doesn't matter," said Jordan. "I can 'take' you anywhere." Having said that, they headed over to Dominatrix and then home, hoping to break in those new handcuffs.

The End