In an Instant

by: Renee

Chapter 1

Andrea awoke thinking it would be a day like any other. She had a few errands to run and being summer, the kids were out of school and wanted nothing more than to go to the pool. Andie was not what you'd call a normal single parent, she was a widow at only 28. Her 2 girls were now 4 and 5, but when they lost their father they were only 1 and 2, still babies and far to young to remember him. It pained her very much to know that they would never know their father for he was a good man, one of the best.

Although the pain of her loss was healing and she was able to date again, she chose not to for 2 main reasons. The first reason is that her own stepdad molested her and she felt the only way to protect her children from a similar fate was simply to avoid the chance of that happening altogether. The second reason is that after being put on a pedestal for so long by her wonderful husband, there was no way she could tolerate going back to being called, "some girl I'm dating" by anyone. When she'd met her husband there was never any doubt for either of them of their future together, they just knew and accepted it. However, she knew that most men wouldn't accept so easily regardless of their inner feelings. She also found that after being married for so long that she could no longer separate sex and love as she had in the days before she met her husband. So she simply accepted her life for what it had become, lonely. But at least she knew her girls were safe and so was her heart.


Angie walked into the radio station wearing her tightest jeans and a huge smile. She was there to do an interview with some of the former members of the pop group NKOTB. They included Donnie Wahlberg, Jordan Knight, and Joe McIntyre.

After she conducted the interview and asked all the appropriate questions, she found herself simply chatting with them and irrevocably attracted to Joe. Joe was about 6 or 7 yrs. her junior but that didn't bother Angie one bit. She was never one to conform to the rules of society. During this chat one of the managers got a phone call and became very irate with whoever was calling. After almost throwing the phone, he announced, "_______ cancelled your appearances! Well, at least delayed until further notice due to overbookings!" Rather than getting miffed about this, the three usually very busy guys seemed pretty happy about it.

"You mean we have a few days off?!" said Jordan unbelieving this very good news.

"No schedules for 3 whole days! No way!" Joe chimed in.

"Party time!" exclaimed Donnie with a mischievous grin. The manager grumbled, "Well, at least some one is happy about this!" As the other managers were already dialing various people to voice their complaints, the guys were already on their way out the door, and hauled Angie along with them.

"So what is there to do around here?" asked Joe.

"Yeah, we need a tour guide and you got the job, Ang!" presumed Donnie.

Angie answered, "Let's go get some of my friends and see if they have any ideas."

"Do not even consider trying to set us up with some stalker wannabes!" Jordan announced.

"Look," Angie said, "Janet doesn't even like any of you professionally, so to her it will be just like meeting any other person and Andie is a widow with 2 kids who has sworn off dating. I don't think you have anything to worry about!"


Andie answered the phone on the second ring to Angie's demanding voice. "What are you doing today? Well, cancel it! We have other plans! Me and Janet will be there in about an hour. Oh, and do you think you can find a sitter?"

"Sure, my sister can watch them. Why? What's up?"

"I was thinking we could go to Cedar Point today. So get yourself together and we'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Andie called her sister who said she'd watch the kids. She readily agreed to it because she felt Andie definitely needed to get out of the house and have some adult company and she made her opinion known.

Andie got the kids in the car with a few of their favorite toys and went to her sister's which was only about 5 minutes away. When she got back to her house there was a message from Janet that they'd left early and would be there in about 20 minutes. She unlocked the door in case they arrived and she couldn't answer the door and she jumped in the shower.


Andie heard Angie's loud mouth from the living room and assuming it was only Angie and Janet, she left her room to go say hi. She walked toward the living room, not looking where she was going because she was bent over towel drying her long, dark hair wearing only a short, white satin robe. She made it as far as the kitchen when she bumped into someone that she thought would be one of her friends. She flipped her head back and found herself staring into a thoroughly handsome, familiar face. But, for the life of her, she couldn't place it.

As for Donnie, he was drinking in the sight of her. Her long, dark hair that he immediately wanted to run his fingers through, her big, brown eyes that looked at him through thick, black lashes, a small, cute nose that topped a rosebud mouth with full sensuous lips, a strong jaw line, skin that almost looked creamy, her full breasts atop a small waist and lovely, curvy hips, all the way down to her painted toes.

They stared at each other for what seemed an eternity until the moment was broken by Angie making the introductions. "Donnie, this is my friend Andrea, we call her Andie. Andie, meet Donnie."

"Um, N-nice to meet you." she finally stammered out.

Donnie picked up her hand in his and brought it to his lips. "Definitely nice to meet you." he said with a wink.

Finally remembering what she was wearing and who she was, Andie excused herself to go change. While she was changing, she had a chance to rebuild her wall of protection which this man had unwittingly knocked down within seconds. "I will not even consider this!" she scolded herself, "screwing around with that guy is a heartache waiting to happen!" She had figured out why he looked so familiar and realized exactly who he was along with the other two. She knew that if she did anything physical with this guy at all that it would be a one time thing, and that she would want it to be more than a one time thing. There was no way she'd allow herself to be hurt in any way, shape, or form!

When she joined the others in the living room, she felt she had control once again. When Donnie commented on how nice she looked, she simply smiled and thanked him, all the while reminding herself to never let down her guard.

They had decided to take her car because she had a Grand Prix with a bench seat in front allowing seating for all six of them. Before she knew what was happening, she found Donnie sitting next to her with Janet on the other side of him. In the back were Jordan, Angie, and Joe. She tried to pay attention to the road and nothing else but Donnie had a way of demanding her attention that she had a hard time ignoring. She'd finally get her mind out of the gutter and he'd push a stray hair behind her ear or say something funny that she couldn't help but laugh at.

Donnie was definitely getting confused. He knew this girl was attracted to him yet she seemed to want to blow him off. Normally he'd never take such an attitude, he would certainly have no problem finding the company of another woman if he wanted to. He was Donnie Wahlberg! Women simply didn't treat him this way! But there was something about this woman that got under his skin. There was something about her that made him want to touch her, make love to her, protect her, make her his. Angie had briefed them on her history and when he looked into her eyes he could see the pain and loneliness that resided there. He was determined to be the one to take that look away and replace it with one of happiness.

Chapter 2

They arrived at Cedar Point and parked the car. As they were walking to the entrance, Andie noticed that not only were Joe and Angie flirting, but Janet and Jordan had found an interest in each other. "Great" she thought, "Now everyone's going to expect me to mess around with this guy just because they are doing the same and he's attracted to me." Not that she'd mind 'messing around' with him, but she found herself to attracted to him to be able to walk away with no strings attached. "Well, I'll just go along with it," she thought to herself, "it's not like I'm supposed to screw the guy or anything. What harm is there in flirting?"

After her self-pep-talk, she felt better about the whole thing and started joining the conversation, not to mention smiling alot more. This did not go unnoticed by Donnie. "It's about time she loosened up." he thought to himself, "this is more like it!"


Once inside the park, they discussed what to do first. "Roller coaster!" said Andie excitedly.

"I want to try that game over there." Jordan said.

"Roller coaster!" said Andie

"I'll go with you Jordan." answered Janet.

"Roller coaster!" said Andie.

"Okay Andie, I think we get the point,” said Angie.

"A girl after my own heart!" said Donnie. After a quick look at the park map he took her by the hand. "Let's go!" then to the others, "we'll meet up with you guys in frontier town at 1:00. See ya!"

"See ya" Andie said as she was dragged away by Donnie. She had to admit, it was fun to have the attention of a man again.

The others went their own ways, Angie and Joe, Janet and Jordan, and they agreed to the time and place to meet.

"What do you suggest we ride first?" Donnie asked her.

"Definitely the Magnum!" Andie said. She was a true roller coaster freak and finally had someone along with her that wouldn't waste time on games and 'wuss' rides. Sure she felt the other rides were fun, especially the Tiki Twirl, but coasters were her favorite.

As they were standing in line, Andie was trying to decide which side of the seat to go in. She'd been on this before and she knew that at one point it made a turn where the passengers were almost on their side and it was over 100 feet up in the air. As much as she loved coasters, she did not want to be on the inside of that curve and told this to Donnie.

"Don't be a wuss!" he said.

"Wouldn't it be funny if I left right now?" she answered.

"No, then I'd miss you turning green on that curve." he teased.

"I wouldn't want to leave you here alone anyways. Knowing you, you might set something on fire."

In response to that, he started tickling her and even though he stopped as the train started to pull up, he didn't take his arms from her.

As the train started going up the first hill, Donnie said teasingly, "Hey, remember that scene on the roller coaster in 'Fear'?"

"Gosh no, why don't you tell me about it while we're going down this 150 foot drop right here?" she answered sarcastically.

"Ah ha. You're killing me." he answered bluntly.

"Slowly but surely." she said with a wicked grin.

"You wouldn't want to kill the one and only Donnie Wahlberg, now would you?"

"That depends, will you make me your beneficiary?" she said with that same wicked grin.

Before he could answer, the train started to tip over the top and race down the first hill at about 76 mph. They went through a couple of tunnels and more hills and as with most roller coasters, the ride ended much too soon.

They exited the ride and started walking toward the next coaster. He said, "Hey, do you want something to drink?"

"Sure." she answered.

As they placed their orders, Andie started to retrieve her money.

"Don't worry about it, I got it." Donnie said.

Blushing, she put away her money and said, "Thank you."

They sat down at one of the tables and started to talk. Once they started, they couldn't stop. Before long, they felt as though they'd known each other for years. This was not something Donnie would usually acknowledge when meeting women, but then he met so many of them, he could hardly give individual attention to each one. But this one was different. He'd felt it when he'd first seen her and he felt it again now. It was like a peacefulness that he seemed to feel around her.

"I went to a New Kids concert once." she confided.

"Really, when?"

"It was 1989, I was 18 and I didn't know who you guys were. I didn't like 'I'll Be Loving You Forever' or 'The Right Stuff' but I did like 'Cover Girl' and 'Hangin' Tough' only, I didn't know who sang any of those. I especially like 'Cover Girl'"

Donnie instantly assumed it was because he sang it. "Hey, thanks." he said.

"I like it 'cause it sounds just like the Archie's." she answered without thinking.

"Ha ha" he said with a smirk. He knew her enough by now that he knew she was teasing him. She'd also been teasing him on the hill of the roller coaster.

"So anyway," she continued, "I was working at a gas station and my best friend at the time came in and asked me if I wanted to go see New Kids On The Block. I said, 'Who's that?' She said, 'They sing that song you like, you know, 'Cover Girl'. Oh, and they also sing 'Hangin' Tough''. So I said that sure I'd like to go and I gave her a check for my ticket. We had excellent seats. Not on the floor or anything but directly across from the stage. So here I am, enjoying myself when what do I hear?" Here she did a bad impression, "I'll be lovin' yoououuouou." Before Donnie could get in a word about his opinion of this, she continued, "Well, without thinking, I lit up a cigarette."

"You smoke?"

"Quit a few years ago. Don't interrupt." she teasing chastised. "So I lit up this cigarette and I suddenly notice all these kids around me giving me looks as though there was to be a lynching."

"Aren't most arenas non-smoking? Maybe not in the hallways to get inside but inside the actual arena?" He interrupted.

"I'm getting to that. You see, that last concert I'd been to was Iron Maiden and believe me, people were smoking alot more than just cigarettes there! In my experience, in all the concerts I'd been to, no one ever cared so I assumed they wouldn't care here either."

"So did you put it out?"

"Hell no."

"Good girl." he smiled.

Now Donnie thought to himself that this girl was definitely different. For one thing, she didn't gush about how great the group was. She didn't pretend to be something she was not which counted for alot in his book! And she had a seriously funky sense of humor. He found himself wondering at times if her sarcastic remark was supposed to be a joke or serious. After spending this much time with her, there was no doubt that she had a strong sense of humor. He found that when he ripped on her a few times in return for her remarks, she kept coming back with more of her own. He was beginning to seriously like her.

After a while, their conversation began to turn to more serious matters. Before she realized it, she found herself telling him about her husband.

"You were very lucky to have found that kind of relationship,” he said.

"Yeah, at least I was smart enough to realize it and not take it for granted." she answered.

"What would you do if you found it again?" he asked non-chalantly.

"I don't think that's possible." Then she looked up with a slight glimmer of hope in her eyes, "Is that possible? Because after what I've had, I can't settle for less."

Without answering, he leaned in toward her and gently kissed her. He was surprised at the electricity that went through him when his lips touched hers. Having not been kissed for so long, she reveled in the warmth of his soft lips. When he saw that she was not going to pull away, he kissed her more deeply. He gently parted her lips with his tongue and took his time in exploring her mouth as she did the same to him. She could feel his hand on the back of her neck and his fingers playing with her hair. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed this!

When his lips parted from hers, he found himself staring into her eyes as he did when they accidentally met in her hallway. Again he felt a shock of electricity throughout his body.

She was surprised at the way she reacted to his kiss. She thought for sure if anyone had tried to kiss her that she'd make them stop. After all, what was the point when no one could measure up to her husband anyway? But now she'd met someone who gave her that electric shock she'd missed so much. That feeling that courses through your veins, makes your head spin and your toes tingle.

Their stare was interrupted by a passerby. "Excuse me, do you have the time?" he asked.

"What? Oh yeah, sure," Donnie stammered, "It's about 5 til 1."

"Thanks." the man said as he walked away.

Then Donnie and Andie looked at each other with a different look, "5 til 1!" she said, "We're supposed to meet the others. Let's go. I can't believe we were yakking that whole time!"

"Time flies when you're having fun!" Donnie said with a cute smile, while taking her hand in his.


The rest of the day was wonderful. Andie found herself warming up to him in a way she didn't think was possible after all this time. Donnie was quite surprised at his feelings as well. He found himself doing whatever it took to make her smile. More than anything he wanted to please her. Whenever he looked at her smiling, she seemed to have a sparkle in her eye that was meant just for him. It made him feel powerful, protective, and possessive. He wanted nothing more than to take this woman to bed and search and explore every part of her body. At the end of the day, he found he was reluctant to leave her.

They had dropped everyone else off at Andie's because that's where they left the other cars. But instead of going in the same car as Jordan and Joe back to the hotel, Donnie asked Andie if she'd take him so they could be alone. As everyone left, they waved their goodbyes and drove off leaving Andie and Donnie alone in Andie's house.

"Well," she said somewhat reluctantly, "I'm going to have to get you back to the hotel if I'm going to pick up the kids by midnight.”

"Why don't you ask your sister to keep them overnight and stay at the hotel with me?" he asked seductively.

"You know I can't do that." she frowned. "Now come on, we have to get going."

"What if you pick them up and I stay here?" he suggested.

She knew that as much as she wanted to, there was no way she was going to sleep with him so soon and she told him as much. As far as she was concerned, he was lucky she was considering it at all!

His first reaction was shock, then anger. Who the hell did she think she was to tell him no? Then anger turned to peace. Of course she'd say no. She'd said that she'd never settle for less and having what would appear to be a one night stand would definitely be settling for less. But he wasn't so sure he wanted only one night with her. She'd told him that after the first date her soon to be husband told his best friend, "that girl could very well be wife material." His friend had scoffed at the idea of marriage and blew it off. Then 8 mos. later they were married. Now he was having the same thoughts. Wife material? Was he really thinking this? Better not to question it and just go with it. Before he knew what he was saying, he found himself offering to sleep on the couch, but he did not want to leave her.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" she asked, "My kids get up pretty early."

He still agreed to it and she left him there to pick up her daughters.

"At least I know he won't molest them," she thought with bitter memories, "he has to much to lose."

Once she was gone, he found himself looking at the pictures of the 2 girls on the walls. He imagined his own son playing with them, here, in this cozy living room and again was reminded of the words, "wife material".

Chapter 3

After putting the girls to bed, Andie went out to the living room to see if her guest needed anything else before heading off to bed herself. She entered the living room and she never saw him move. One second he was on the couch, the next he had her in his arms and was placing kisses on her neck that threatened to sear her skin with their heat. That now familiar shock streamed through her very veins and she found herself supported in his arms. What was happening? She had not intended this and she meant to put a stop to it. But, damn, did he know how to kiss. It was when his hand went for her breast that she remembered who she was and made him stop.

Donnie was surprised at the fact that he wasn't mad. He wanted her so badly. Maybe it was because he knew her motives for stopping him. Oh, he knew that he could push it and she'd give in. She was close enough to giving herself to him as it was. He could see it in her face, hear her becoming short of breath, and he felt her body go limp in his arms. But he wanted something more from her. What it was, he couldn't explain. He only knew that when they did make love it would be pushed from both sides, not just his.

"I.." Andie started to explain herself.

"Relax," he whispered, "I know what you're going to say, so don't bother." he paused, "Come on, follow me."

Andie followed Donnie to her room with half reluctance and half hope that he'd start again. She couldn't believe how close she'd come to acting so irrationally! If she did this, she knew how lousy she'd feel when he left to go back to his own life and she'd never see him again. But for some reason, whenever he touched her, she seemed to lose her usual rational control. She wondered if Donnie knew that he could have rather easily gotten her to give in.

Instead of ravishing her, Andie was surprised that Donnie merely tucked her into bed, kissed her on the forehead sweetly and whispered, "Goodnight” Then he non-chalantly walked out of the room as though nothing had happened.


She awoke that morning to find a half-nude man that she was terribly attracted to asleep on her couch. She was overcome with the feelings she seemed to have developed for him overnight. She made the kids breakfast and tried not to disturb him but kids will be kids and he awoke to the warm sounds of a family.

They took the kids to the park and out to lunch. It had been a wonderful day. Later that night they were back at Andie's house. She'd already gotten the kids to bed when Donnie's cell phone rang relentlessly as it had all day. Sometimes he answered but mostly didn't. He explained that according to his caller ID, it was an old girlfriend he'd almost gotten back together with before he met Andie. He was supposed to have called her and didn't want to now. Finally fed up, Andie asked, "Why don't you shut it off?"

"What if someone important calls? I just can't. If my manager calls and my phone is off, he'll be pissed. Personally, I don't care if he's pissed but I don't want to listen to it either."

The phone rang again and sure enough it was her. Andie grabbed the phone before Donnie could stop her. "Hello, Mr. Wahlberg's phone." Andie said in her best secretarial voice.

"Uh, is, uh, Donnie there?" stammered an unsure female's voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you just missed him. He just walked out the door."

"Well, can't you catch him still?"

"I'm sorry, I would but I have a broken leg and I can't run,” said Andie without missing a beat as she paced the floor. At this Donnie was trying his hardest not to laugh out loud.

"I'd be glad to take a message for you." continued Andie, "who should I say called?"

"I'll just try back later." she said, "when do you expect him back?"

"Actually, he had some appearances and interviews lined up so it will be quite a while." Andie lied. "Maybe you could try tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll do that." she said in a now snide voice.

"Okay, well, fuck you very much." Andie said and hung up the phone.

At this last remark, Donnie finally lost it.

"Where have you been all my life?" he said while laughing.

"Waiting my turn for the great Donnie Wahlberg." she said sarcastically.

At that remark, he finally stopped laughing and said, "I'm glad it's finally your turn." Then he leaned over and kissed her. She felt the pent up desire she'd had for him all day and kissed him back hungrily. They were standing in the middle of the living room and as their kisses turned from soft to greedy, he again went for her breast and this time she knew she wouldn't stop him. She could not have had the strength to stop him if she'd wanted to, and she didn't want to. "So be it," she thought, "I'll deal with the consequences later." After that thought, she did not think again as she readily gave herself over to him.

As Donnie caressed her now taut nipple through her shirt, he had known that this time she would not have stopped him. He was amazed at the feelings that ran through him. The very essence of her seemed to be coursing though his veins. He felt he'd never get enough of her.

As he picked her up, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her like that into her bedroom. He lay her on the bed and their clothes seemed to melt away as wandering, exciting hands found all they sought to explore. Touch by touch, kiss by kiss, they were enraptured with delight in each other’s bodies. He was bewitched by the feel, the pure scent of her as he sought her most inner secrets. And he found them.

He expertly used his mouth to tease, lick, and suck until she was nothing more than hot, molten wax that only he could sculpt anyway he wanted. The powerful feeling this gave him only made his own need rise to even greater heights. He continued his torment of her until her body shook with the powerful spasms of her delightful release.

He rose above her to look in her face at the rapture he'd created. Her eyes were glazed, and her skin was pleasantly flushed. He wanted to enter her then, but she had other ideas.

She got up and pushed him to his back. She explored his entire body with her hands and mouth trying to memorize every tiny spot she came in contact with for she knew that tomorrow he'd be gone. He groaned as she lowered her mouth on his manhood, putting all her energy into it, wanting to be the one he remembered. With each deep, deliberate movement of her mouth, he groaned louder until he finally stopped her and turned her on her back.

They both gasped as he entered her with one smooth, silken stroke. As he started to slowly thrust into her, he was aware of how perfectly she seemed to fit with him. With each plunge, he lost more of himself to her. She felt on the edge of paradise as his moves started to quicken. She seemed to lose all other senses except for touch as her body was suddenly washed over with wave after wave of pure ecstasy. He used every ounce of energy he had to hold back his own orgasm while enjoying the heat and pulsation of hers. He reveled in the rush of power it gave him to know he could reach deep inside of her to release such a dazzling tempest. When she seemed to be calming, he separated himself from her and rolled onto his back. She seemed almost dazed as he pulled her over him and she settled herself down onto his still throbbing manhood.

Now the power was hers and she used her sensuous inner muscles to bring him to heights he'd never known before. His head was spinning as she rode him slow at first, then faster and faster until they were both swept away by the rush of ecstasy that overcame them.

They descended slowly from their shared rapture, drifting in the last waves of their lovemaking. He wrapped his arms about her, pulling her down to him until they were both relaxed again. She started to pull herself off, but he took her face in his hands.

"I know you think this was a one time thing," he whispered, "it's not. Somehow, in the matter of an instant, you stole my heart."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" she said, praying his answer would be the one she wanted to hear.

"You are mine and I mean to keep you." he answered simply.

He then rolled her off of him onto her back and kissed her gently.

"What do you say to a shower?" he asked.

"My pleasure." she answered smiling.

"The pleasure's all mine." he seductively teased as they got up to take a shower.

As he chased her into the bathroom, she still couldn't believe she'd found a new love. And Donnie couldn't believe that this tempestuous creature so innocently held his heart in her hands.

The End