When the Lights Go Out

by: Jacqueline

Sophia sat at the back of the restaurant, her nose buried in her Psych book. God I am never going to remember all of this she thought to herself. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. The waitress walked past and Sophia ordered another cup of coffee. She looked at her watch. It was twelve. Outside the world was engulfed in darkness and rain pounded the ground. Every few minutes thunder crashed and lightning flashed across the sky. Shit, I can't walk back home in this. She packed her stuff up and debated spending ten bucks for a cab to get back to her place.

"It's a really horrible night," her waitress said as she set her coffee down. "Are you walking home?"

"I'm debating on whether or not to take a cab or the T. The T takes forever but I can't afford the luxury of a cab. Do you think the rain will let up?"

"Honey, this is Boston. Once it gets going, it's gone." She walked away to check on her other tables.

Sophia watched as the rain beat the ground. I hate taking the T this late. All the weirdoes are coming out.

"I hear you can use a ride home."

Sophia looked up into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes she had ever seen.

"Excuse me?"

"Your friend told me that me you needed a ride. Well actually, I asked her about you then she told me. So can I give you a ride?"

She looked at him skeptically. He was gorgeous. He had deep, sincere brown eyes and his heart shaped lips curved in a natural smile. He seemed okay to her.

"What's your name?"

"Jordan. What's yours?"

"Sophia. It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. So how ‘bout that ride."

"Sure, I'd appreciate it." She tossed some money on the table and grabbed her things. She headed to the door with the handsome stranger close behind her. Suddenly all the lights went out. Sophia stopped short and Jordan ran into her. He grabbed her to keep from knocking her over. His touch sent a chill through her body. Slowly the emergency lights came on.

They walked outside into the freezing cold. Emergency lights were flickering on through the whole area. The rain was coming down in sheets. What a crappy night she thought to herself.

"I'll go get the car you stay here so you don't get so wet." Jordan ran to the car, getting thoroughly soaked in the process. Sophia noticed his great body even underneath his heavy overcoat.

The streets in her neighborhood were pitch black. The only light was the occasional flash of lightning.

"This is what I get for insisting that I live in an old brownstone. No emergency generators."

Jordan pulled up in front of her darkened house. She sat staring at it not wanting to go in that dark place alone.

"Jordan can I tell you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I'm afraid of the dark."

"Are you serious!" He was about to burst out laughing when he saw that indeed she was serious. "Oh. Do you want to me to go in with you?"

She smiled at him gratefully and they got out. By the time she got the door open, they were both drenched. They walked into the house and were surprised that it was even darker inside.

"Okay don't move. I'll go get some candles."

She came back moments later with one candle.

"This is all I could find. Do you want to come upstairs? That's my little apartment, the downstairs is my roommate's domain."

Jordan followed her up the dark stairs. She turned around to warn him to be careful. Suddenly her wet shoes slipped on the step and she fell. Jordan instinctively reached out to catch her and fell on top of her in the process.

"Are you okay?" She could hear the concern in Jordan's husky voice. His face was so close to hers. She could feel his warmth and the weight of his body on hers was making her heat rise. She felt her face flush and was glad that it was pitch black. She had dropped the candle and it had rolled down the stairs.

"Yeah, are you? I'm such a klutz."

"I'm fine," he murmured. His lips were too close to her ear and the heat of his breath on her neck gave her a chill. Her heart beat faster and butterflies began to flutter in her stomach as she imagined him lying on top of her with nothing between their naked bodies.

Oh my god. You don't even know this man! But she didn't have to know him to know that he was gorgeous and that her body was having a very pleasant reaction to him.

At the same time Jordan was also becoming aroused. Her breasts rubbed against his chest and he could feel her heart racing. One of her legs was between his and that was causing some disturbance in the area. He pictured her soft, full lips and imagined them kissing him all over.

"Maybe we should get up," she whispered. The sound of her voice so near to him was so incredibly sexy. He rubbed his cheek to hers. Then slowly he moved up until his lips were over hers. Jordan didn't have to go any further. Sophia met him halfway. His tongue slid inside her parted lips and she eagerly reciprocated.

She pulled away and whispered, "Mmm, yeah we need to get up." Confused Jordan sat up and helped her to her feet.

"Ouch," she mumbled. Her fall to the hardwood stairs had done a little more damage than she had at first realized.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She smiled at the concern in his voice.

"Yeah, just a few bumps."

Sophia grabbed his hand and led him to the top of the stairs and into her room.

"Sit here while I find some more candles." Shortly the large room was illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. Jordan saw that he was sitting in the middle of the room on the edge of her bed.

"Do you want a shirt to get out of that wet one?"

Jordan looked down and realized that his clothes were stuck to his body and that he was dripping water everywhere.

"Oh yeah, thanks. Hey sorry, I dripped on your bed."

"Don't worry about it. Here." She handed him a towel and a dry shirt.

"How long do these things usually last?"

"It could last all night," he answered as he pulled his wet shirt over his head. His wet skin glistened in the soft candle glow. Her eyes roamed over his hard chest to his cut abs down to his cute treasure trail. She sighed thinking of where that trail ended.

Jordan saw her staring at him with lust in her eyes. She had not yet changed out of her wet clothes and her blue V-neck sweater clung to her round breasts. His desire for her slowly became evident in the bulge of his pants.

His growing erection was all the invitation she needed. In one smooth step she was next to Jordan. One hand behind his neck and the other at his waist, her fingers sent electricity through every inch of his skin that she touched. He wrapped his arms around the small of her back, pulling her as close as he could. Within moments, Jordan's khaki pants were in a pile at his feet and Sophia's hand was wrapped around his stiff penis. Jordan inhaled sharply then moaned against her mouth. Not wanting to wait any longer, Jordan pulled Sophia's sweater over her head revealing her smooth, mocha breasts. With one hand he was cupping her breast, teasing her nipple with his thumb and forefinger and with the other he was anxiously tugging at the buttons on her pants. Once he'd worked them off, he picked her up and she wrapped her long legs around his waist. Jordan walked over to her bed and set her down. He kneeled down before her and slid her panties down. She knew what he wanted. Sophia threw one leg over his shoulder and entangled her hands through his thick, black hair. His grazed his mouth along her inner thighs before focusing his attention to the real job at hand. He barely allowed his tongue to touch her. She lifted her hips to his mouth but he backed away, enjoying teasing her. She tightened her grip in his hair and pushed him to her. He relented and went to work tickling, nibbling, and sucking her aroused clit. She felt her body begin to tingle as she prepared to climax. It was as though he knew her body perfectly. It wasn't long before her breathing became ragged and her body arched as her orgasm came over her in warm waves.

Jordan moved up her body, leaving a trail of wet kisses from her stomach to her mouth. Sophia sat up and pushed him onto his back. She straddled him but only lowered herself as far as his tip before pulling back.

"Oh, I want you know," he moaned after she had done this for the third time.

"Uh uh, not yet." She was enjoying teasing him. The look of desire in his eyes was too satisfying to give it up to soon. But that answer was not acceptable to Jordan. He grabbed her hips and pushed her onto him causing her to cry out in pleasure. Together they found a rhythm that soon had them teetering on the threshold of insane pleasure.

Jordan's breathing became shallow and his body tightened up. Sophia tightened herself around his penis. Together they went over the edge as their orgasms racked their wet, hot bodies.


Sophia was awakened by sunlight streaming through her window. She rolled over and saw that Jordan was still asleep. She smiled as she remembered the events of the previous evening. He stirred then slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning," he whispered.

"Good morning. Listen, I have to go to school. I have a final this morning. So…you can stay as long as you want."

He sat up on his elbows, "and then what?"

"Well, that depends."

"On what?" He looked her square in the eyes.

"On you." She got up then and left him with his thoughts.

She went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. In a few minutes, she heard the shower door open behind her.

Jordan stepped in and turned her around. "So what time's your class over?"

"At eleven."

"Can I give you a ride somewhere after that?"

She smiled, "Sure, I'd appreciate it."