Movie Love

By: Tracy H.

"You lucky bitch!" Tracy couldn’t believe what her best friend, Chris, had just told her. "You’re joking, right?"

Chris was grinning widely at her friend’s disbelief. "No, it’s not a joke. I got the lead! I couldn’t believe it either, but here’s the signed contract." She handed Tracy a packet of papers. "Check out that figure at the bottom."

Tracy’s eyes widened in shock. "Are those zeros right? They didn’t put the decimal point in the wrong place, did they?" Chris shook her head. "And you get to keep all the clothes too? Damn! Who’d you have to screw to get this?"

"Thanks a lot, bitch! Did the thought that I could just maybe be that damn good even cross your mind?" Chris knew her friend was just teasing her, and she was returning the favor.

"So who’s the male lead? Anyone good?" Tracy glanced up from the contract when Chris didn’t answer. "Well, who is he?"

A glazed expression crossed Chris’s face. "Donnie Wahlberg," she sighed.

"No fucking way! You’re kidding…you’ve gotta be kidding!" Tracy was shocked. Donnie had been Chris’s fantasy for over 12 years, and now she was starring opposite him in a movie?

"Nope, not a joke." The shock began wearing off and Chris’s heart began hammering in her chest. Tracy squealed and grabbed her hands, spinning Chris in circles.

"Go Chris, go Chris, gonna get Donnie, gonna get Donnie," Tracy chanted as the two began the bassackwards Cabbage Patch, ala Joe McIntyre. All of a sudden Tracy stopped and glared at her friend. "What about his wife?"

Chris stopped dancing, reality taking over. "I don’t know. I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied playing his love interest. I’m not into homewrecking."

"I know. Damn, that does suck, doesn’t it? Oh well, maybe you’ll have a really good love scene." Tracy grabbed her friend’s arm. "C’mon, let’s go out to dinner…my treat. A celebration." Chris nodded and they went to their rooms to get ready.

"So have you seen him yet," Tracy asked during a break in shooting. Chris had gotten Tracy a part as an extra in a few scenes and they were in the process of shooting a club scene.

"No, he missed taping yesterday. He should be here soon though, since he’s in this scene." Chris was nervous as hell. She’d filmed 5 scenes over the past two days, and so far, no Donnie. But their scenes together were coming up on the schedule.

"Well, good luck – break a leg, whatever. I have to get back to the box." Tracy’s part consisted of dancing her ass off on a raised platform in the ‘club’. She wasn’t complaining at all since the two guys she was dancing with were hot!

"The box? Were you a bad girl or something?" The voice came from behind Chris and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. Donnie had arrived.

Tracy smiled at him, "Not yet, but give me a few minutes and I could be." She laughed and headed back over to her spot. Chris slowly turned around, eyes focused on the floor.

She saw black workboots covered by slacks of the same color. As her gaze slowly traveled up, her pulse quickened. Tucked into the well-fitting slacks was a black silk button-down. She gulped hard as she noticed the top three buttons were undone, revealing the most kissable throat ever. She finally managed to look him in the face, flushing a bit when she saw his sly smile.

"Like it," he asked, holding his arms out. Chris nodded, unable to speak. "I’m Donnie, and you must be…"

"Stunned," Chris whispered.

"Well that’s unusual. Is that a stage name? Cuz I thought I was told your name was Chris." Donnie grinned, his lips curling up and causing a flood of heat to Chris’s nether regions. Damn he’s fine, she thought.

"I’m sorry, long day. Nice to finally meet you, Mr. No Show!" Chris recovered quickly. She wasn’t going to continue acting like a fool for anyone, not even the man who had a starring role in every sexual fantasy she’d had since high school.

"Hey, it was beyond my control," Donnie said, trying to explain his absence the day before. "My son got sick and I had to take him to the doctor."

"Why didn’t his mother take him," she asked, almost choking on the word ‘mother’. She really didn’t want to think about Donnie’s wife.

"She’s out of town," was all he said. He glanced away before looking at her again. "Well, let’s get this party started." He grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor as the director hollered "Action!".

"I’m sorry, Tra, but it’s a closed set. Nothing I can do." Chris pulled on a silky hunter green robe over her matching nightgown as Tracy pouted in a corner of the dressing room. "They don’t want any distractions since we’re already a day and a half behind schedule."

"Yeah, whatever. Oh well, have fun!" Tracy wiggled her eyebrows at her friend. "Don’t give ‘em too much action. This movie’s supposed to be rated R, not X." She laughed as she left the room. "I’ll see ya at home."

Chris waved as Tracy left. Sitting down on the couch, she took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down before the big love scene. Her dreams were coming true, somewhat. She was about to make movie-love with Donnie Wahlberg. She would get to feel his lips and hands all over her, and feel his body pressed against hers. So why aren’t I more excited? "Cuz he’s with someone, and this isn’t real," she rationalized. "So I’ve just gotta enjoy it while it lasts. Here goes nothing," she sighed as she got up and walked to the door. Stepping quickly into the hall, she collided with someone.

"Whoa, sorry," Donnie grabbed her shoulders, steadying her. "Didn’t mean to run you down. Wow!" Donnie’s eyes took in her outfit. "Nice."

"Gee, thanks. So glad you approve. Now, we’re gonna be late." Chris pulled out of his grasp and headed in the direction of the soundstage.

"Wait!" Donnie caught up to her and gently spun her around. She couldn’t help noticing that all he had on under his terrycloth robe was some black silk boxers. "Come here," before she could respond, Donnie had pressed her against the wall and covered her mouth with his.

When he pulled back, he gazed down at her. "I’ve been wanting to do that since day one," he mumbled. Chris was trying to catch her breath when a stray thought slapped her brain into reality.

"You are married," she said icily, pushing him away from her. "I don’t fool with married men." Determined to get as far away from him as possible, she brushed past him. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"No, I’m not. As of yesterday at 3 o’clock, I’m single again." The hurt in his voice caused her to turn around. "She didn’t like me not being home all the time. It was something we fought about constantly. I didn’t want to give up my career, so she gave me up. I got the final papers yesterday." Chris’s mind was spinning. Now she knew why his performance in the fight scene yesterday seemed so real. He was emotional about the divorce.

"I’m sorry to hear that. I guess your way of getting over her is to kiss me?" She wasn’t going to be the rebound woman. Regardless of the fact that she wanted him more than anything in the world, she didn’t want a relationship with a man who might still be in love with his ex-wife.

"I’m sorry about that. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since the day we met. And I also thought it would help to get it out of the way before we make love in front of cameras." That thought sent tingles through Chris’s body. "I’m not bitter, and I’m not pining for her. We both agreed it would be the best thing for both of us, and it was all amicable. It was just so…final. I got a bit crazy yesterday, but I’m fine now. We’ve been separated for over a year, and she is even dating someone I know. We loved each other, then feelings changed. We’re both better off now."

Chris swallowed hard, letting this new information sink in. He didn’t seem like he was rebounding, but still…she didn’t want to be the transition relationship. "We’ve got a movie to shoot," she stated, turning once again and heading towards the set. Donnie shook his head and followed.

"Places please," the director yelled. Chris stood in front of the vanity table, preparing to begin brushing her hair once the cameras started rolling. Donnie leaned suggestively in the doorway, eyeing Chris’s curves beneath the filmy robe. What he wasn’t aware of was that she was studying him just as intently through the mirror. He’d taken off the robe and Chris noticed that he had obviously been working out. His abs were cut, and his arms were deliciously toned. And she was about to feel them against her in more ways than one. The tingling that had began when he kissed her sped up and seemed to be centering in her lower belly. She could feel herself begin to throb as images of his lips on her naked skin played in her head.

"Action," the director’s voice brought her back to reality and she began running the brush through her thick brown hair. She moaned as Donnie walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to her collarbone.

She turned, dropping the brush on the floor. Her arms wound around his shoulders and she tangled a hand in his hair. His lips met hers and took her breath away. His tongue caressed her lips before slipping inside and tangoed with her own tongue. His hands were slowly peeling away her robe and she felt her nipples harden as they rubbed against his bare chest through the silk nightie. Donnie slowly began backing towards the bed, pulling her with him, his lips never leaving her mouth. She slipped a hand down his back and just under the waistband of his shorts, teasing him with her light touch. What a body, she thought as his mouth moved across her cheek and down her neck, lightly nipping her with his teeth. When they reached the bed, Donnie grabbed her legs and gently lifted her onto it, lying down beside her.

He had one leg between hers and was softly rubbing her shoulders, slipping the straps down just a bit so he could continue his assault on her skin with his lips and teeth. "Oh yes," she groaned as his thumb brushed her erect nipple. He smiled slightly and began tasting her cleavage, just above the lace edge of the gown. She threw her head back and purred, to the delight of the director. Donnie nibbled the top of her left breast as he scooted her farther up the bed, trying to get them both under the covers. Chris stiffened as her foggy mind slowly cleared, reminding her where she was and why she was doing this.

Feeling her reaction, Donnie nibbled back up to her ear and whispered, "Just pretend the cameras aren’t there, it’s just us." He ran a hand up her thigh to her hip, playing with the string of her panties.

"Maybe I like cameras," she whispered back as she lightly ran her fingernails up his back and wound her hand through his hair once again. Donnie pulled back a bit and glanced down at her, shocked. Then he just grinned slightly and kissed her hard. Her confession must’ve aroused him, because when he covered her body with his, she felt his erection pressing against her lower belly. She raised an eyebrow and grabbed his ass, grinding her crotch against his. He groaned loudly and rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Fumbling around, he found the spare panties and boxers that were placed under the covers for him to "remove" and he tossed them off the side of the bed. Sitting atop him, she ran her hands over his chest. He grabbed her hips and began sliding her up and down the length of his shaft, taking her breath away. Even through two layers of silk, she was sure he could feel how wet she was. Too bad this is just for the movie, she thought as their thrusting became faster. She tossed her head back and moaned in "climax", almost cumming for real. She collapsed onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek as he tucked her beside him. His heart thudded in her ear and she knew that he was just as close to the edge as she was. Just then, the director yelled "Cut and print. Perfect you two! Just perfect. And so realistic!"

Donnie chuckled as Chris sat up. "Realistic is right. Damn." Chris just nodded and jumped out of the bed, trying not to let her knees buckle. Being that close to making love to Donnie had worn her out. She grabbed her robe off the floor and called a quick goodbye over her shoulder as she hurried to her dressing room. She needed time to cool down before she faced anyone, Donnie especially. Her emotions were just too close to the surface, and now wasn’t the time to explore them. Slamming her dressing room door, she collapsed onto the sofa and closed her eyes. In less than a minute, she had drifted to sleep.

Chris was having the most sexual dream she’d ever had. It felt so real. Donnie was tracing circles up her thigh, just missing the scrap of panties covering her most private parts. His tongue was dipping suggestively into and out of her bellybutton and his hot breath was giving her goosebumps. "Oh Donnie," she moaned, her hips bucking as his fingers slipped under her silk covering. Her eyes flew open as Donnie’s thumb grazed her clit. It wasn’t a dream. Donnie was kneeling beside her couch, sucking gently on her stomach as his fingers caused all sorts of wonderful feelings between her legs.

"Shhh, it’s all right." Donnie leaned up and kissed her gently on her forehead as his fingers continued their mischief. Chris couldn’t protest. She wanted him too much. She nodded and grabbed his head, pulling him down for a long, deep kiss. He slipped a finger inside of her, feeling her wetness and smiled against her mouth. Her hips met the rhythm his hand was setting and she felt her muscles tighten in anticipation. She almost cried when he withdrew his hand. "Don’t worry," Donnie laughed, slowly kissing down her throat to her chest. That’s when she realized that her nightgown had been untied and lay open to the waist. His lips closed over her nipple and she gasped as his tongue teased it into a hard peak. His hand closed over her other breast and gently molded it as he moved from nipple to nipple.

He pulled away long enough to help her move into a semi-sitting position with her legs off the side of the couch. He knelt between her legs and removed her panties, his eyes never leaving hers. She moaned as his tongue penetrated her heat. She threw her head back against the couch and threw her legs over his shoulder as he continued this most intimate kiss. Just as she felt her world starting to implode, he drew back. She whimpered until she realized he was removing his boxers. She wanted him inside her, NOW. Without saying a word, he slid his erection inside her, his eyes closed in pleasure. Chris wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and began rocking her hips against him. Every thrust brought them both closer to release, and Donnie was panting hard.

As her orgasm overtook her, Chris dug her nails into Donnie’s shoulders, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and pain from Donnie. He moaned, "oh yeah, baby girl", and Chris lost it. She screamed his name as she came, pushing Donnie over the edge as well. Donnie fell against her chest as she lay back against the couch. Her legs were still wrapped around his waist and his arms were around her back as he slowly caught his breath. "Now what was that comment about cameras earlier," he asked, causing Chris to laugh.

"They can be interesting," she giggled suggestively, running her hands through his hair. Transition relationship or not, she wasn’t going to let him get away. At least, not yet.

The End