Nice to Meet You Mr. McIntyre

by: Rachael

Sandra had been waiting for Joe to do a concert in her city for months and he was finally doing a show....tonight at 10pm.

"Oh my God, WHAT am I going to wear?" said Sandra to her friend Tracy, who was going to the concert with her. "I don't know San, wear something that you think will catch Joe's eye," said Tracy, who was half-listening because she was thinking about Jordan, who was rumored to be attending.

"I think I will wear this," said Sandra as she pulled a pair of suede hipster pants and a white tank top with spaghetti straps out of the closet. "This outfit will look great with my new boots."

"Yeah, yeah," said Tracy, still having Jordan daydreams. "Tracy, wake the hell up!" said Sandra, half-joking. "We are leaving in an hour!"

The ladies quickly got ready and headed out to the arena, where they had front-row tickets.

When the show started and Joe came out, Sandra could not take her eyes off of him. He was better than any fantasy or dream she had ever had and she finally got to see him in person.

The show lasted about 2 hours, but Sandra couldn't even remember any of the songs Joe sang because she was staring at him the entire time. Even Tracy's "Earth to Sandra" messages were ignored.

Sandra and Tracy decided to get something to eat after the show. They had decided on a local seafood restaurant.

After they were seated, Sandra started talking about the show. "Wasn't that an amazing event?" she said as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "You wouldn't know about amazing, Miss I-was-dreaming-about-getting-in-Joe's-pants!" said Tracy, who was now laughing uncontrollably. "I was NOT having those kind of thoughts," said Sandra, who was lying through her teeth.

Sandra and Tracy were so into their conversation that they did not see Joe and Jordan come in and be least not until Tracy heard a female at the next table say, "Oh my god, Oh, my god! Isn't that Joe and Jordan from the New Kids?"

Tracy's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "JOE? JORDAN? IN THIS RESTAURANT? OMMFG!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!" "Tracy," said Sandra, not wanting to turn around and stare, " Did that woman say....?" "YES!!!!" said Tracy. "They are here, Oh, my god!"

They were so psyched up that when their dinner arrived, they couldn't even eat. They just sat at the table, frozen and speechless.

When they realized that they would have to pay for their food, cold or not, they began to eat. Sandra was about to put a piece of shrimp in her mouth when she saw Tracy drop her fork and freeze. "What, Tracy, what is it?" "They are coming over to our table!!!!! OMMFG!!!!!" "Who, Trac--" before she could finish, she was eye-to-eye with Joe and Jordan, who had walked over to their table.

"Hello, ladies can we join you?" said a smiling Jordan. "Uhhh, of course," said a shocked Sandra.

Joe and Jordan sat down and Joe began talking. "You two were at the show, correct?" "Yes," said Tracy, "Front row!" "Thought so," Joe began, "I recognized the two of you and decided to come over to thank you for coming to the show. Your support means the world to me."

Sandra, who finally gained her composure, managed to say, "You're show was fantastic. You were wonderful." Tracy laughed , "Like you would know! You were staring at him the whole time!" Joe and Jordan laughed as Sandra's face turned bright red.

"Bitch," said Sandra, half-joking, " I was NOT!" "Well, in any event, " said Joe, " I am flattered and would like to show it by buying you dinner. "Well, that's really nice of you Joe, but--" "No but's....let me do this for you, it would make me really happy."

The ladies agreed and their cold food was replaced with warmer, more expensive food.

By the end of the evening, Sandra felt more relaxed and more attracted to Joe than she had ever been. And Joe was drawn to Sandra's easygoing nature....not to mention her blonde hair-a plus with Joe.

When the check came, Joe paid the bill and asked San and Tracy a question they'd only heard in dreams.

"Would you ladies like to come back to the hotel with us? We don't exactly have any friends around here and we really enjoy your company." Sandra almost had a heart attack in the middle of the restaurant. She knew what going back to the hotel meant. So did Tracy. But Tracy would be more than willing to do the mattress mambo with Jordan. "We would love to! " shouted Tracy before San could answer. "Sandra, " said Joe as he looked into her eyes. "Umm, yeah, I would like to go," she said rather bashfully.

Within 20 minutes, they had made their way back to the posh, five-star hotel. The foursome then made their way up to Jordan's suite. Tracy and San where amazed by the size and beauty of the room. "Wow," said Sandra, marveling at the room. "This room is absolutely gorgeous," said Tracy.

Sandra went out on the balcony to check out the city's night view. She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard someone whisper in her ear, "If you like the view from here, you'll love the one from my suite better." Sandra turned around and saw a lust-filled Joe looking at her. " I think I would like that view much better," she said, not believing her own words.

Joe took San's hand and led her into Jordan's suite. Jordan had Tracy pinned to the floor: they were wrestling and laughing. "Children, " said Joe as he smiled, "Sandra and I are going to my room...since the two of you are so busy."

"Well, go ahead man," said Jordan, "do what you must." Tracy gave Sandra a look: she knew what was about to happen. So Joe and Sandra left Jordan's room and went to Joe's.

As soon as they entered the room, Joe grabbed Sandra and gave her a hard and passionate kiss, making sure her tongue met with his. When he let her catch her breath, she looked at him and said, "You sure don't waste any time do you, Mr. McIntyre?" "Not when I know what I want," said Joe in his ever-present Boston accent. "And Mr. McIntyre, what is it that you want, " Sandra said, teasing Joe. "To screw your blonde-headed brains out, if that's alright with you," Joe said as he began to caress Sandra's erect nipples. Sandra almost wet her pants. "Well, what are you waiting for? I am right here."

Upon hearing that, Joe pulled Sandra down to the floor and removed her tank top. He began kissing and biting her right shoulder, then her left... and eventually removed her bra straps with his teeth. He then unhooked the front of her bra and threw it on the floor. He then started to ravage her nipples. The pleasure was so intense that Sandra thought she was having an out-of-body experience. She pulled away from Joe and he looked surprised and said, "Am I hurting you, baby?" "No, just the opposite, " said Sandra. "I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way, but I heard a rumor....that um, your family jewels are worth their WEIGHT in gold...and all this foreplay is great, but I wanna see how they shine-NOW."

Joe smiled at Sandra and said, "It's ALL true," he said as he began to remove his clothing. Sandra followed suit and removed her remaining clothes.

Once they were both naked, Joe forcefully grabbed Sandra and pulled her body next to his and began to kiss her again, biting her lips and tongue. While he was kissing her, he ran his nails across her butt, leaving red marks. "Damn, Mr. McIntyre, " whispered Sandra. "Believe me, my name won't be the only one you'll call tonight," said Joe, "God will hear his name for the umpteenth time tonight." "How can you be so sure?" said San. "Oh, I KNOW....and you'll never forget it...."

Upon saying this, Joe picked San up and took her over to a nearby table and set her down. Then, without warning, Joe parted San's legs and drove himself into her. He then began to rhythmically thrust like he was dancing. Sandra didn't know whether to scream with pleasure or cry from the pain Joe's manhood was causing her: she had never been with a man of Joe's size. Sandra took Joe's hands and placed them on her breasts. "Now, hold on to these. Squeeze, pull, whatever you have to do. This will be a very bumpy ride." Sandra then went to town, grinding herself on Joe. Her head rolled back as she began to sweat and neared climax. Not able to control herself, she let out a stream of obscenities and covered Joe's hands, which were still firmly placed on her breasts. "Are you ready to get sticky, Mr. McIntyre?" "Baby, don't tease me," whispered Joe. Seconds later, Sandra let out an earth-shattering cry and had the greatest orgasm ever.

Collapsing into Joe's arms, she only had one question for Joe. "So, Joe, have you ever been to the rodeo?" "Baby, I think we INVENTED the rodeo," said Joe in his sexy accent.

After a few hours of laying in bed, Joe and Sandra got dressed and went back to Jordan's room. They knocked on the door, and a disheveled Tracy answered the door. "Where's Jordan?" said Joe. "He's 'otherwise engaged,'" said Tracy. "Oh," said San as she winked at Tracy. "What have you and Joe been up to?" said Tracy, as if she didn't know. "Well, let's just say that tonight has made me consider a career change. And all I need is a cowboy hat."

The End