The Pool Table

by: Nikki

"God, it's hot." you complain to your friends. The six of you are sitting around your house. It's one of those hot August days in Boston. The kind where you can't go outside without risking heat stroke. And, of course, your air conditioning isn't working and you can't find anyone who can fix it until next week.

You look around at your friends. Your eyes fall first on Donnie, then Jordan, Joe, Leah, Sarah, and Jessie. Then your eyes go back to Joe, who is sprawled out in front of one of the many fans placed around your house. "Damn, he looks fine!" you say to yourself and you look his body up and down. As if reading your mind, Joe glances up at you, catches you staring and gives you a lopsided grin. You look away quickly, so you don't notice him doing the same thing to you, his eyes lingering on your shapely legs. You have on as little clothing as possible because of the heat, wearing only a floral dress with spaghetti straps and a very short skirt.

"How 'bout we all go to my place and jump in the pool?" Joe suggests. No one argues.

You run upstairs to retrieve your bathing suit from your bedroom and come back downstairs. When you get outside, you realize that everyone had rode over in Donnie's car, and they were all piled in it now. Being the last one out, you were stuck sitting in the back on Joe's lap. You don't mind at all.

Once you arrive, everyone heads to different parts of the house to get changed, and then you all meet out by the pool. You sit down on the edge dipping your toes in while everyone else dives in. You watch as Leah climbs on Donnie's shoulders, and Sarah climbs on Jordan's. They begin trying to push each other over.

"Want to join in?" Joe asks, startling you. You hadn't even noticed he'd swam over to you.

Shrugging your shoulders, you say "Why not?"

Joe turns around and backs in between your legs so you can climb on to him. You find yourself thinking, "Too bad he's facing the other way."

You shake your head to clear your mind of those thoughts. "This heat must be getting to me." you say to yourself.

You and Joe turn out to be an excellent team, winning every time. After a while, the others get tired of losing, and decide it's time to go. Everyone goes inside to get dressed.

You come back downstairs to find that no one's there. You start searching the house and find Joe playing pool.

"Where is everyone?" you ask.

"They left." he tells you. "I told them I'd take you home."

"Oh, okay." You turn, heading for the front door.

"Wait!" Joe calls, stopping you. "How 'bout a game of pool first?"

You turn to look at him. "Okay." you agree. "But I really don't know how to play."

"No problem. I'll just have to teach you."

Joe begins his instruction, standing very close behind you. Everytime he brushes intimately against you, you swear to yourself that if you didn't know better, you'd think he was doing it on purpose. Just as you were thinking that very thought for the umpteenth time, you feel Joe's hand on your thigh, and his breath in your ear. "I've been watching you all day." he whispers. His voice sends shivers up and down your body.

You close your eyes and say "Now, why would you be doing that?"

Joe softly chuckles. "Oh, I don't know." he tells you. "I just couldn't help myself." As he says that, his hands works its way in and up your thigh, until it rests right at the edge of your silk panties. He begins softly kissing your shoulder. You sigh. He takes that as sign that you won't stop him and slides a finger inside your panties, and gently slips it inside you. He's pleased by what he finds there. "You're wet." he says. "Does this mean you want me, too?" You don't answer him because you don't trust yourself to speak. His other hand begins exploring and finds its way to your breast, gently kneeding and squeezing until your nipple becomes rock hard, causing you to moan. As soon as Joe hears that, he stops what he's doing and turns you around to face him. A kiss like none you've ever experienced follows. His hand wanders to the back of your dress and begins unzipping it. Pulling the straps over your shoulders, he pulls the front down and exposes your breasts, which his mouth immediately moves to. He kisses each nipple, suckling and licking them both. He finishes removing your dress and slowly slips your panties down your legs. Lifting you by the waist, he sits you on the edge of the table and kneels in front of you. Placing one foot on each of his shoulders, he buries his face between your thighs, making you scream out. Lightly taking your clit between his teeth, he flicks it with his tongue again and again until you can't take anymore.

"Joe!" you beg. "Now, please!"

Joe stands up, and in one sweeping motion, clears the pool table. You hear one of the balls break something when it hits, but neither of you pay any attention. You scoot back on the table so Joe and climb up. With one deep, hard thrust, Joe is inside you. You place your legs over his shoulders to give him deeper access. He thrusts so hard, it hurts a little, but it's a good kind of pain. You stay in this position for what seems like forever. You can't believe the stamina this man has! Finally, you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him as close as you can. Joe begins to pump faster as you both begin to cum. In a blinding explosion, you both cry out each other's name.


One week later, everyone is gathered at Joe's house again. "Anyone wanna shoot some pool?" Jordan asks.

Joe and you look at each other and grin. Neither of you will ever be able to look at that pool table the same way again.

The End