Reluctant Passion

by: Rachael

India had always admired Donnie from afar: his beautiful hazel eyes, his chessire-cat grin, and of course, his unending charm. But there were a few things that kept her from ever saying anything to him: number one, she was as shy as one could possibly be, two, she had little relationship experience and was therefore very insecure, and three, Donnie was her brother James' best friend.

India saw Donnie almost every day because she shared and apartment with her brother and Donnie came over all the time. India always looked forward to seeing Donnie, even if it was only for a moment.

Donnie and India had spent many times alone, but this night would be different from the others.......

"Have you packed everything?" said India as she saw her brother looking at his plane tickets. "Yes, Indie. Thanks," said James as he smiled at her. Suddenly, they both heard a honk coming from outside and James looked out the window. "That's my cab." Upon hearing that, India sprung up from the couch upon which she had been sitting and gave her brother a hug. "Have a safe trip, bro." " Thanks, Indie. I wish I didn't have to leave. I hate going on business trips. Well, I guess I had better go." Upon saying that, he picked up his suitcase and walked out the door.

Since India didn't have any plans, she decided to have Chinese food delivered and rented "The King and I," one of her favorite musicals. After the movie, she decided to take a nice, long bubble bath. She put candles all around the spacious tub and carefully lit each one. She then lit some incense and put on her favorite Isley Brothers CD. Once every detail was complete, she put her hair up and hopped in the warm, bubbly water.

Just as she was indulging in her favorite Donnie fantasy, she heard a knock at the door. "Who could it be?" she thought. It was almost midnight. So India reluctantly got out of the tub, put a robe on and went to the door. "Who is it?" she asked "It's Donnie. I am sorry it's so late." India quickly opened the door to see Donnie's smiling face "Come on in," said India "What brings you here?" "Well," he began "I know you don't like being by yourself, so I thought I would keep you company- I hope you don't mind." Mind? Like she would EVER say no to him. "Of course not, Donnie. This is really sweet of you." "So, what are you doing?" said Donnie. "I just took a bath. I was just going to stay up and watch horror movies...but we can do anything..." " I love horror movies!" exclaimed Donnie as he sat down on the couch. "Great," said India as she joined him.

After watching "The Shining" and 3 of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies, they decided they'd had about all the horror they could take. After taking the last movie out of the VCR, India threw on the Isley Brothers CD again.

"I hope you like the Isley Bros.," said India "they are one of my favorite '70's groups." "I love the Isley' have wonderful taste." "Thank you," India said, rather sheepishly.

So they began talking. About life, work and whatever else came to mind. When the subject rolled around to love, Donnie asked India a question she never thought she'd have to answer "So, have you ever been in love?" Donnie asked. "Yes, but It was hopeless...the person didn't even know..." "Well, why not?" "I was afraid to tell him....I'd rather him not know than tell him and have him laugh in my face." "Now, why would he do that? You are smart, funny, interesting....and very beautiful." India's face was now bright red. "Thank you," she said softly. "So, who is this man, and do I know him?" "Yes, you know him, very well." "Well, why don't you tell me who is and maybe we can arrange something." "I don't think so," said India as she averted her eyes: they were now overflowing with tears. "Baby, I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry...I" "No, Donnie, it is not your fault. It's not your fault I'm in love with you and you're not in love with me." India couldn't believe her own ears. She had just made the biggest confession of her life.

Donnie was surprised. He had no idea India had been in love with him. It was now time for his confession. He talked as if he didn't hear India pour her heart out. "I have been in love. I am in love," he said as he lifted India's face with his index finger, "with you..." "You are?" said India as her tears began to overflow again. "I don't unde-" Before she could get her words out, Donnie softly kissed her bee-stung lips. "I know you don't understand, but you will after tonight." Having said that, he held her face in his hands and began kissing her again, this time pushing his soft, warm tongue into her mouth. "I have wanted this for so long, India," he whispered as he moved from her mouth to her neck. "I wanna make love to bad I can taste it." Upon saying that, he slowly removed her robe, exposing her naked body to him. "You are so beautiful, your body is incredible." At this point, India was speechless but that didn't matter to Donnie. He got off the couch, stood in front of India and extended his hand to her. She took his hand and he led her down to the floor. India lay on her back and Donnie got on top of her and began kissing her again as he rubbed her breasts and squeezed her erect nipples.

As much as India was enjoying herself, she wanted more. But she was afraid to say anything, for it was her passive nature that kept her silent. So, instead of Telling Donnie what she wanted, she would show him. She sat up and aggressively began to kiss Donnie. She wanted to consume every inch of him. She then removed his leather jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. After every button she removed, she would passionately kiss the exposed skin on Donnie's chest. After India removed Donnie's shirt-which by the way, shocked him-she took his fingers and began sucking on them, one by one. This drove Donnie so crazy that he almost "relieved himself" so-to-speak, right there (writer's note- I was not referring to using the restroom if you know what I mean!) After India sucked her last finger, she got verbal. "Now that I have given you a lube job, it's time for you to check my oil....although I doubt there's a shortage of it." India moved Donnie's hand down to her private area and he slipped his fingers inside. India was so wet that his fingers went in without incident. "Damn," said Donnie "I am not one to drink oil, but I would die for a taste of this," he whispered. Donnie removed his slipped his fingers out of India and replaced them with his mouth. India was almost blind with ecstasy. She started aggressively scratching Donnie's back (which left red welts) and pulling his hair. Then she exploded like a firecracker on the Independence Day. "Donnnnieeee!" she cried. Donnie "finished up" and kneeled in front of her. "I want you to do something for me. I want you to touch yourself..." he whispered as India began sucking her own fingers. "Don't ask me that question," said India as she took her wet fingers and began to rub and squeeze her breasts. She then began to play with her nipples to Donnie's delight. She then moved her hand down to the warmest place on her body and gently began to rub.

Donnie was extremely turned on by this, but at this point, he had to be one with her. He walked over to her, gently moved her hands away from her body and parted her legs. He then drove himself deeply into her. He sat her up so that he could look right into her eyes as he made love to her. Every time she tried to avert her eyes, Donnie would say "Baby, I need to see the pleasure in your eyes....please look at me." India looked into Donnie's eyes and she could feel the connection-the love between them. This was enough for her. She climaxed as she tightly held Donnie's hand. Donnie had an orgasm several minutes later.

When India and Donnie woke up in each other's arms the next morning, India was half-amazed at what happened the night before. "Last night was-" before she could finish, Donnie kissed her. "I know baby. But the last thing I wanna do is talk. I love much." "I love you, too." Then India though about her brother. "What will we tell James?" "We'll tell him that your screaming and moaning almost got the two of you evicted," he said as he laughed. "But seriously, we'll figure something out...but until we do we can fuck each other raw." "Sounds like a plan." And that's exactly what they did.

The End
