The Rescue

by: Dana

Jessica was riding the subway home from work as she had done everyday. The train approaches her stop and she is frightened to see her ex boyfriend, Michael there. "Not again" she thought. She and Michael had broken up months ago and he just wouldn't leave her alone. She would decide to get off at the next stop to avoid a conflict. Jessica managed to just get into the house when Michael comes flying out of his car at her. He demands for her to let him in so they could talk but she wouldn't hear of it. The loud tone of his voice frightened her, she remembered the last time where he threatened to kill her if she wouldn't take him back. She locked the doors and bolted upstairs to her room, she was hysterical. She decides to call on her friend, Jordan for help. They had been such good friends for a long time and he had often worried about her stormy relationship with Michael. "Jordan, I don't know what to do..." between sobs "I swear he had a knife on him and I"m here all by myself." "did you call the police" he asked. "They can't do anything unless they see him actually try to harm me" she answered. " I'll tell you what, I'll come over and get you out of there," he says. "No, he may try to hurt you and I don't want that" she exclaimed. "well, we have to do something, how about I meet you at the end of the woods behind your house, you can sneak out the back and he will never know you are gone" His soothing tone was calming her down. "ok", she says, "but be careful, and call me when you are there." They hang up. Downstairs, Michael is still waiting outside Jessica's house. "at least he wasn't making any more of a scene" But still he wouldn't leave. Then the phone rings again and it's Jordan. "I'm at the end of the woods, can you make a break for it?" "I think so" Jessica said. She moves quietly though the house making sure to stay away from any windows so Michael wouldn't see her attempt to escape him.   She gets to the kitchen and slips out the back door. She sees that Michael is still waiting at the front porch and she quietly makes her way through the back yard and up into the woods. She is safe at this point.

At the end of the woods, she sees Jordan waiting for her. He takes her in his arms, "are you ok, you're shaking like a leaf" "I'm ok, I think, he just scares me so much, I don't know what to do any more, I end the relationship with him and he just won't stop harassing me." she says as she clings to Jordan's waist. "let's go, I got the car right up here, we can go boating for a few days on the yacht to hide out until we can figure out what to do" he says as he strokes her long beautiful hair. They get in his car and drive away. "I don't know why you ever got caught up with him, he is bad news" He says. "I don't know why either, Jordan, he's changed and he isn't who I want to be with any more " "we'll be ok, don't worry" Jordan says.

They arrive at the dock and climb aboard the yacht. Jordan tells his captain that they will not want to be disturbed unless it's an emergency. Jessica is looking around the yacht in amazement. "i never knew you had a yacht" "I haven't had it long, so this will be a good test drive don't ya think " he says smiling at her.

As night falls, Jessica is standing out on the deck taking in the night air. She is more calm and relaxed now.   "It's getting cold out" Jordan says as he approaches her. He comes up behind her and puts his arms around her to warm her up. "aren't you freezing?" He says. "I'm fine" she replies. She could barely speak because Jordan's touches were sending electrical waves down her spine. Jordan leans in to whisper "you know, I'm glad you are not with him any more, I have a little confession to make to you" Jessica turns around to look up into his handsome chocolate eyes. He touches his hand to her cheek. "I love you Jessica, I always have" A surprised look crosses her face "but what about all that talk about losing our friendship should we get involved and how we couldn't do that to our....." he silences her with a deep passionate kiss. Jessica is surprised about this but gladly welcomes him as his tongue dances with hers. Her hands ride up his back to rest at the base of his neck and she begins to run her fingers through his hair. As their kiss breaks, she stares longingly into his eyes. "why didn't you say something sooner" "You were with Michael and I didn't want you to resent me for breaking you up." " But I wanted to be with you and felt I had to move on when you didn't" she says. " Do you still feel the same way? " he asks. She reaches up to kiss him once again. she whispers "does that answer your question?" He takes her hand to take her inside. "I think you need to warm up a bit and I know just how to take care of that"

Jordan takes her down to the bedroom below deck. He guides her to lay down on the bed. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere" like she wanted to go anywhere right about now.   He returns with some candles which he lights and places around the room. She sits up as he sits down beside her, his eyes never leaving hers. He takes her face in his hands and kisses her deeply as he lays her down. "I've waited so long to make love to you, I want this to be special" he whispers. He starts kissing her all over, removing articles of clothing as he goes. He pulls the T shirt over her head and begins to feel her breasts over her bra. He then unfastens her jeans and begins to slip them off.   He makes his way back up her slim body planting kisses the whole way. His hands are working magic on her thighs and it's driving her crazy. His hands make their way up to her back where he unfastens her bra and releases her. He slips the material off and works his way down to suck upon her breasts. She is going wild by his touches and kisses. His hands are traveling down to remove her silk panties. She starts to pull at his T shirt and manages to slip it off over his head.   He then sits up a bit to undo his pants when she stops him midway. "allow me" she says. She slowly pulls down the zipper and her hands move to his firm ass to slide the pants and briefs off. She can feel his erection on her thigh and it drives her wild.   He begins to move his way down her body until he is inches away from her center. He teasingly kisses the inside of her thighs and works his way up to her clit. Jessica lets out a low soft moan as he works her clit. Her hands travel down to his head to guide him deeper into her. "Oh Jordan" she exclaims. her breathing becomes heavy and erratic as she reaches her orgasm. "I want you now, please don't make me beg" He slides his way up and deeply kisses her, she can taste her juices on him. "thought you might like that" he whispers. She can feel his erection right outside of her. He then begins to slide ever so slowly into her and they both let out a huge sigh as he enters her. He begins thrusting inside her, slowly at first but then picks up the pace. He never takes those gorgeous eyes off her. "Oh Jess" he exclaims. He begins to shudder as he explodes inside of her. He lowers down to deeply kiss her before he rolls to lay on his back.   She snuggles up next to him and rests her head on his chest. She can hear his heart beating and he begins to quietly sing to her as he holds her to his chest. He is singing a song he specifically wrote for her about how he longed for that moment for the longest time. She looks up to him and gazes into his eyes. "I love you so much, I wrote that song for you" he says as he softly strokes her cheek. "I love you too, Jordan, it's beautiful" she says with a warm smile. "not as beautiful as you" he says holding her tight in his arms. "I have a solution to everything" he says as he reaches into the nightstand drawer. He pulls out a diamond ring. "Jessica, we've been through so much together, it's fate that has brought us to here. I know this is a new beginning for us, will you marry me?"   she is speechless as he places the ring on her finger. "Oh Jordan, yes, I'll marry you," she says as their lips meet once again. "Thank you for rescuing me" she says. "My pleasure, I hope to rescue you more like this" he says smiling upon her. They were so far away from civilization but were right where they wanted to be in each others arms forever.