Get Your Rocks Off

by: Jo

As the dry ice cleared, Tracy steadied the camera ready to take a photo of the group on stage. They were the second band in the lineup and only marginally better than the first, they had been awful. 'I don't understand it,' shouted Tracy to her friend Chris above the din. 'How does such a good band like Donnie's get to play on the same lineup as this rubbish?' Chris chuckled as she replaces her camera's lens cap.

'As you can see most people don't come to hear this lot. Besides on a Tuesday night in a gritty club, what do you expect?' she shouted back. 'I keep telling Donnie to give up these dead-end gig's now the band's doing so well, but he's adamant that without clubs like this they wouldn't have got anywhere.'

This was the third time Tracy had seen the band. Since her split with Nathan a few months ago, she'd found staying in during the week tough as those were the nights they had spent curled up in front of the telly. So when Chris asked her to help photograph the band she'd jumped at being rescued from midweek tedium.

To her surprise Tracy had really liked Donnie's band and was particularly impressed by the talent of the rather gorgeous lead singer!

Finishing her beer, she leaned over to Chris shouting, 'I'm just going to the bathroom, with any luck this lot'll be finished when I get back!' She made her way through the half empty club and opened the door to the dark hallway that led to the toilets. She heard footsteps and as she opened the door to the ladies, she glanced over her shoulder to see a tall, dark haired man behind her.

'Hi,' he said and smiled at her as he passed. She smiled back, a little confused. Once the door had shut behind her she realized it was the gorgeous lead singer. Oh my god, she thought, he recognized me! And with that she found herself standing in front of the mirror. Not too bad, she thought as she tidied her hair.

She washed her hands, and took a deep breath as her heart raced with the thrill of seeing him again -- up close! Calm, calm, she thought as she walked towards the door before giving it a confident push. WHACK!

'Whoa! Steady on.' She looked round the door to see the singer with a smile across his face. 'You nearly knocked me out!'

'Oh God, I'm sorry! How embarrassing,' she flapped apologetically.

'You're Chris's friend, aren't you?'

'Yeah, that's right. Did I get you?' She looked up at his smiling face with concern. God, he was stunning. Tall and lean with short dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, stubble. Mmmmmmm! She realized she was staring.

'Actually, you did get me, just here -- feel.' He took her hand and guided it to his cheek then stroked it down his face. She took a step closer to him, her heart racing...

'I....I can't feel anything,' she stuttered.

'Are you sure?' he whispered. He brought her fingers to his mouth, gently kissed the fingertips and then drew them back over his cheek. 'That feels better already....'

Before he could finish the sentence he leant down to kiss her on the mouth. Tracy responded to his gentle touch, unable to comprehend what was happening. She felt his hand slide down her back drawing her closer to him. Breaking off the kiss, he nuzzled her neck and whispered. 'Sorry, I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you. I'm not in the habit of pouncing on girls in hallways.' He lifted his head to look into her eyes. 'But I'm glad I did.'

'So am I,' she murmured into his neck. As they kissed passionately, his body gently pushed her towards the wall for support. Tracy felt something against the small of her back and, as she reached behind her to move it, the wall moved inwards. It was a cupboard door!

'When do you have to be on stage?' she asked with a saucy grin.

'Twenty minutes,' he smiled, reading her mind. They backed into the cupboard and shut the door.

She sighed as his hands ran up her back, lifting her T-shirt to stroke her skin. She mirrored his action, stroking his muscular back. His kisses returned to her mouth and his hands moved to feel her firm breasts. Her body responded, reveling in the sensation of his soft deliberate action.

Both were breathing rapidly, naked from the waist up. He bent his head to her chest and she moaned as his lips enveloped her hardened nipples. Within seconds Tracy found her hands exploring his lower body, grasping his taut buttocks as he devoured her neck. As he kissed her, her hands ran across the front of his jeans and she felt his hardness pushing against the denim. He responded to her touch with soft moans of ecstasy and she moved her hand to his buttons, freeing his tuned instrument!

As she caressed him, she felt a surge of passion. It was as if her body had been awakened. She broke free of his kiss and guided his hands to her hips. After slipping of her skirt and panties, she stood naked as his hands caressed her curves.

As he gently lifted her up, she guided him into her and gasped with pleasure at the contact. She grabbed his buttocks pulling him deeper into her as they moved together, breathing faster and faster until finally they couldn't hold back.

Giddy, Tracy couldn't be sure if she had her top on the right way round in the darkness, and halfheartedly attempted to fix her hair. 'Well, I suppose you should really get on that stage before they wonder what has happened to you!' Tracy murmured.

'They'd never believe me!' he chuckled.

Tracy laughed. 'By the way, it's a bit late, but what's your name?'

'Jordan,' he said. 'Tracy, right?'

'Well, your one up on me!' she laughed as they walked to the door. 'So, same place, same time next week?' she asked.

'How about in 50 minutes?' he said as he bent to kiss her. She watched him leave and then walked to the ladies to tidy herself before heading back into the club. It was going to be hard to wipe the wicked smirk off her lips. She took a calming breath, ready to face the world again and walked to the door giving it a good push. WHACK!

Oh my god who have I hit now? she thought. She peered round the door only to find her eyes met with the previous band's drummer! He grinned, his eyes twinkled in anticipation. Tracy hesitated, but Jordan's promise filled her thoughts. Smiling politely, she walked away. There was only one encore she wanted.....and that was with Jordan!