Donnie interrupted, “I had two more to go, Christie and Chris.”

Jordan said, “Well, man, we're down to the last one's you better tell about Christie.” Donnie said, “Yeah, ok.”

“Well, I was in the bathroom, I was going to take a shower, but I heard someone saying my name. I left the bathroom, and there was Christie. She was waving handcuffs. I put out my wrists, but she shook her head. She handed them to me, and said, ‘I have the right to remain silent.’ Then she tied a scarf around her head, gagging herself. I was hard by that point, and I handcuffed her to the bed, ripping her pants off. I told her she had my flava, and went down on her. I licked her until I could tell she was screaming, but she couldn't because she was gagged.” Donnie had an evil grin on his face, “Then I fucked her, oh man did I fuck her, I tore that shit up, then I let her go, she laid there for a minute, and laughed. Then she left the room. It was late by this time. I didn't know what time it was, but I was getting tired and hungry.”

All the guys nodded.

Jerry started, “Ok, so now we're down to you each having one fan left to be with.” Donnie interrupted, “Not FAN, FRIENDS.”

“Sorry, friend to be with.”

They all sat silent for a moment, wondering who was going to speak first. Then Danny said, “I'll go, get this over with.”

“I had fallen asleep. It WAS late, and I had used far more energy than the New Kids concert days. I thought I was having a wet dream, but when I opened my eyes, there was Jessie. She was sucking my dick. She stopped when she saw me watching, and said, ‘I thought you'd need a little help getting up.’ She winked at me, and climbed on top of me. I thought she was going to fuck me, but she didn't then. She scooted up, and sat on my face. I licked her all right. I licked and tasted her until she screamed, leaning back on her hands that were on my chest. Then I pushed her hips down. I put her on my dick, and she rode me for the longest time. What a way to wake up. When it was all over, she kissed me, and told me she'd see me again when hell froze over. Well, it didn't and here we are!” They all laughed.

Jonathan smiled, “I spent my last encounter with Christie. She's such a nice girl. I was in my room, we all had a room at Joe's. She walked in and said she was tired, but she wanted me before she fell asleep. I told her I didn't know if I had it in me for a fifth time in one night. She told me to hush, because in a minute I was going to have it in her. I blushed and she said I was cute.” Jonathan blushed again. “She took off her clothes slowly, and helped me out of mine. She laid on the bed, facing away from me, and threw her top leg over me. She put her hand on the back of my neck, and I entered her then. We rocked slowly, breathing deeply. She turned her head a few times, and we kissed deeply. I used my hand on her clit.” Jonathan blushed, he said ‘clit’ on national TV. “She started moaning, and that turned me on more, and I rocked faster. When her body shook into orgasm, I came too. I like her, but she's engaged. I hope we can all be friends.”

The guys nodded. Backstage, the girls broke into an, “awww.”

Joe started then, “My last time that night, wasn't so romantic, but it was damn good.”

Amy was backstage grinning, “I SO went to hair land, oh my god, did I go to hair land.”

Tracy said, “We went to New Kid's land, fuck hair land.” And the girls laughed.

Joe continued, “Amy came into my room. She told me it was her turn, and I had better be prepared. I didn't know what she meant. She asked if I had showered lately. I laughed and said, I did earlier. She told me to go take a shower and to use shampoo AND conditioner. I did it, and when I got out of the shower, she dried me off.”

Backstage, Amy was giggling. “I took control.”

“I was naked and dry, and she turned on the hair dryer. She dried and brushed out my hair, then she said now it was time. I asked her for what, she just said, ‘hair land.’

“She ran her hands up my chest, she was behind me, and up around my face, and up into my hair. She moaned when she touched my hair. She grabbed onto my hair, and gave it a pull. I didn't mind, she seemed to enjoy it. She took her hands out of my hair, and pulled me to the bed. I started to sit down, but she stopped me. She took off her clothes, and laid down. She pulled me with her, and kissed me. She pushed on my head, and I got the point. I went down, licking like a madman as she pulled and held onto my hair. When she came, she pulled me up by my hair, told me to ‘pull an A&W, but I want my hands up in your hair the whole time, got it?’ It was exciting, she told me what she wanted, and there was no arguing. I pulled her ankles onto my shoulders, and she pulled me to her by my hair. I think she wanted my hair more than me! I started fucking her, and she had orgasm after orgasm, never letting go of my hair, and every time she screamed, she tightened her grip. When I finally came, she kissed me, then smelled my hair. She told me my hair was a fantasy of hers, and that was the best she had ever had.”

Everyone was laughing, and Amy was smiling.

Jordan sighed, “That's when I met Tracy.” This was where it all started getting interesting, and the guys waited for Jordan to go on.

“She came in my room, she had just had a shower, and she smelled good. I don't know what she showered in, but I will never forget that moment.” Jordan got a dreamy look in his eyes as he went on. “She walked over to the bed, she said, ‘ya know, it's funny, I fucked everyone but you, and you're the one I've wanted for so many years.’ I looked at her, and I don’t know if you believe in love at first sight, but I found it. I knew at that moment, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this woman. I sat up, and looked at her. She seemed shy a little around me, and I pulled her hair from her face. She wouldn’t look at me. ‘I'm married’ she said. I was a little shocked, but she had already been with my friends.” Jordan's eyes teared up, and one tear ran down his cheek. “I knew then, I could never have her as my own. I knew this was it.” Jordan was crying then. “She looked over, she told me she wanted this to be special. No games, no nothing. I told her I wanted to do whatever she wanted. Anything. She took that for what it was worth, and told me to stand in the middle of the bed. I did it, I was confused, but I did it. She told me to just wait a second. She walked over to the stereo and put in “Baby I Believe in You.” I looked down, remembering what I was wearing. She laid on the bed, ‘sing it’ she said. Then she told me to ‘PERFORM’ it. I guess she didn't mean to sing to her. I did the dance, the whole song, just like a personal concert for her. When the song was over, she turned the tape off. She told me to kneel around her. I did, and she ran her hands over my chest, taking the shirt off. She ran her hands down my arms, and took my hands to her mouth. She kissed and sucked gently on each of my fingers. I started to touch her face, and she stopped me. She reminded me I was doing whatever she wanted, not what my urges were. I smiled. She pulled her clothes off, god, she was gorgeous. She told me, ‘lick it clean, then wet again.’ I didn't hesitate, I licked and licked, and sucked and did it for a long time, until she was clean of anything, then teased her clit until she was wet, and ready again. She told me to come up and kiss her then, and as I did, she was working my pants open. I helped her get them off, and she told me to stand up again. I did, and she just looked at me. She spread her legs then, and motioned with her finger for me to come back down to her. I thought I was going to get to fuck her, and I could hardly wait, but, she said, “Lick it again.” I went back down, cleaning and licking what I had made her do before, and teasing her again, until she was as wet as I believe I have ever seen any woman. She moaned loud, and said, ‘fuck me, now.’ I moved up on her body, and thrusted into her. We both moaned, and she told me, ‘you had better not cum until I say so.’ That was hot enough to make me want to right there, but I didn't. This angel had told me not to. When she shook with her third orgasm, she told me, ‘cum, now.’ I did, and it was very powerful, and it took it out of me. I laid next to her, and looked at her. We both just laid there for a minute. I asked her to stay with me, to let me hold her that night, but she didn't. She's married, what could I expect?”

There wasn't a dry eye backstage.

Donnie looked at Jordan, “It'll be ok, J, it will.”

Donnie started, “Well, I got my Chris at that time. She walked into my room. We were all goin to bed, and I was ready. She walked in and told me that I needed to only let her touch my lips, and she'd leave me alone. I told her to come on in. I was brushing my teeth, and she sat on the bed. When I was done, I walked over to her. I squatted down, and said, ‘what's this about my lips?’ She took her hand, put it on my chin, and ran a finger over my lips. I saw something in her eyes, then. It was love. It had to be, that's the only way I can describe it. I was only wearing jeans, and her hand ran along my chest. She moved her hand slow, like, like, ya know, she didn't want to rush it. I leaned foreward and kissed her. I don't think she expected that. She jumped a little, then kissed me back. It was a very passionate kiss. Her hands went behind my neck, pulling my face as close as I could get. She was breathing deep and slow. She was shaky, but she didn't stop. I laid on the bed, and pulled her up next to me. She was on her back, and I propped my head up on my hand on my elbow. I looked at her and trailed a finger along her jawline. There was just something about this girl. I had to laugh, though, when she said, ‘oh god, don’t read to me, or talk or sing, I’m so damn tired and I love your voice, I’ll fall right asleep.’ I laughed a little, and told her I’d try to remember that. I leaned down and kissed her again. My head was spinning the rest of the time. I was lost in her. She ran her hands over my chest, I told her it wasn’t fair that she had more on than me. She took her shirt and bra off, and I took my pants off. ‘Still isn’t fair.’ I told her. She took her pants and underclothes off. I just looked at her. I kissed behind, and around her ear, and down her neck. I lingered at her breasts, and ran my tongue up and down between them. I kissed down over her stomach, and lifted her legs around me slightly. I put her legs over my shoulder, and rubbed her legs as I started teasing her with my tongue. She moaned and squirmed. I loved the sounds she was making, and that made me do it more. I don't know how many times she came, I just knew I could do it forever if she'd only keep those noises up. She didn't say words until a while later, she said, ‘make love to me, Donnie, please.’ How can I argue with that? I felt lucky to have her there, and I could only imagine this woman tight in my arms as I make love to her. I moved back up, kissing and licking everywhere I had on my way down. I kissed her again, and I moved on top of her. I didn't thrust into her yet, just grinding. She moaned and pulled her legs up higher, she said, ‘I want you in me.’ I thrusting gently into her, and moved slowly on top of her. God, she felt so good. She started making those noises again, moaning my name. It all seemed too good to be true. Here I was, with an amazing woman, and here she was, liking me. We were breathing faster, and looking into each other's eyes, when she said, ‘cum inside me, Donnie.’ That was all I needed, and I came with her. Her body tightened and shook, and so did mine. She said she couldn't stay when I asked, but she brushed my cheek as she got up and left.”

Jerry knew that was the last of the New Kid's story, so he brought on the girls. “AND NOW, BRING ON THE GIRLS!!!” They all went onstage, and Jerry told them to sit by their favorite guy. Naturally, Tracy sat next to Jordan. Chris sat next to Donnie. Christie sat next to Joe. Jessie and Amy sat right on the edge of the stage. Jerry looked at them, “What are you doing?” Jessie explained, “We don't have a favorite.” Jerry started with Christie, “Would you be interested in possibly starting something with Joe?”

Christie said, “No, I'm happily engaged. Joe had always been my favorite New Kid, but I am in love with Ken.”

Joe nodded.

Jerry went to Jessie, “You don't want any of these guys?”

Jessie said, “Sorry, but Marilyn Manson is more my speed.”

Jordan broke in, “I KNOW, and we got ahold of him for ya, here's his number, he said he'd take ya to dinner.”

Everyone thought Jessie would piss herself, but she left the stage, she just couldn't wait to call him.

When he got to Tracy, an audience member stood up. “Oh shit.” Tracy said. When Jerry got to him, Tracy's husband Joe said, “Tracy, I forgive you, just come home with me.”

Jordan said, “Tracy, I respect your decision, but if you stay with me, I only have one thing to say.” Jordan got down on one knee, and pulled a beautiful ring out of his pocket. “Will you marry me? I could be all you ever wanted, and as for me, you're all I'll ever need.”

Tracy looked at her husband Joe, and simply said, “Sorry?”

Joe, red-faced, stormed out of the studio.

Jerry went to Amy, then. “You want someone else, too?”

Amy said, “These guys are all great, and I've always had a problem choosing, and I don't want to start now. I had a great time, and I'd date them, but I'm not pursuing anything.”

Then, another audience member stood up and shouted, “I'LL TAKE YOU OUT!” It was Nick from the Backstreet Boys! Amy jumped off the stage and ran to him. She sat in the open seat next to him that Joe had been in, and they made plans for dinner.

When Jerry said, “Chris?” Chris looked at Donnie.

“Yes, I'm a Donnie fan, and the rest, I'm leaving it up to you.”

Donnie got on one knee, pulled out a beautiful ring, and said, “A double wedding sounds good to me, you?”

Chris cried, and they kissed.