Maybe Tonight

by: Tracy H.

~We've been friends for a long, long time/You had your lover and I had mine~

"Dammit Joe, will you just shut the hell up?" Jen's blue eyes glittered angrily at her best friend. "Why do you always have to find something wrong with every guy I date?" She was stomping around her living room, trying to get ready to go out with Ryan.

"If you didn't only date assholes, then I wouldn't say a word," Joe grumbled. "Matt cheated on you, Kyle tried to rape you, and Brian left you at a bar and you almost had to walk home. I'm afraid to even think what this one will do." He knew he was exaggerating, but he worried about Jen. They had become close friends shortly after she had moved to Boston to work at KISS fm. He had been her first on-air interview and they had gotten along great.

"Ryan is NOT an asshole and neither were the rest of them. Well, I admit Matt was a dick, but you are way off on the rest. Kyle did NOT try to rape me! And Brian got so sick he was throwing up everywhere! And I didn't 'almost' have to walk home. If you remember correctly, YOU drove me to the bar and YOU drove me home." Jen ran a brush through her dark hair as she paced. "And if you remember, Shelly left YOU at the bar, so if we are going to argue about assholes, you've dated your share." Why is he so damned nasty every time I go on a date with a new guy, she wondered? It's not like HE wants to date me.

Jen thought back to the day she met him. She had been so nervous to learn that she was interviewing Joe McIntyre, the man she had lusted over since she was a preteen. But the interview was great. They had chemistry. At least, Jen had thought so. And when Joe had asked her to dinner that night, she thought he felt it to. But then while they were eating, he said something that shattered her hopes. "Jen, I would like to introduce you to Moriah, my fiancee." Jen's dream of someday just dating Joe withered at his words.

Even now, long after Joe had broken his engagement, they were still "just friends". By Joe's choice, Jen thought.

"Okay. You got me there." Joe's voice snapped Jen out of her memories. "I have dated some very irritating women, but what else am I supposed to do? YOU won't go out with me."

~One night I looked at you and I think we both knew/some night I'd hold you in my arms~

"What? Where the hell did that come from?" Jen's heart had skipped a beat at his statement. Then reality overtook her and she realized he was just trying to win the argument. He hated losing and he stooped to all sorts of dirty tactics to shut her up. Every little thing she had ever did or said wrong, he would mention. Usually causing her to slam out of the room. He took victory however he could get it.

"Jen, I have to tell you something. Ever since we met, I've..." Joe was interrupted by the doorbell. Jen held her breath, waiting for him to finish. "You better get that. It's probably Ryan." Joe's gaze shifted from her face to the door, to his feet.

"What were you going to say?" Jen demanded, angry at him for not continuing and angry at that damn doorbell that was chiming every 2 seconds.

"Just answer the door. That bell is giving me a headache." Joe slumped onto the couch, his hand over his eyes.

Jen stalked to the door and flung it open. "WHAT?" Ryan jumped back, startled.

"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Ryan's blue eyes glanced over at Joe before once again looking at Jen questioningly.

"Riiight! Like we were doing important stuff," Jen muttered as she grabbed her cigarettes off the table. "Let's go. See ya, Joe. Lock up when you leave." Joe waved a hand at Jen in acknowledgment before she slammed the door.

"Jen, what am I going to do with you?" Joe groaned and stretched out on the couch, hoping his heart would stop hurting. Before long, he was snoring lightly.

~Maybe tonight we'll find each other/Maybe tonight you'll turn around and I'll be there/If the timing is right we could finally get together/We might just fall in love and it may be tonight~

Jen couldn't get Joe's incomplete sentence out of her head. What was he going to say? A million scenarios of Joe professing his love to her ran through her mind. "Hello? Jen, are you in there?" Ryan waved his hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention.

Damn, he looks like Joe, she thought as her eyes focused on her date. Come to think of it, all the guys she had dated resembled Joe in one way or another. How pathetic Jen, she told herself. "I'm sorry, Ryan. I have tons of things on my mind right now." She smiled apologetically up at him.

"And I bet most of them involve Joe in one way or another, right?" Ryan tried to smile, but couldn't. As much as he cared for Jen, he knew she would never return his feelings. He just wasn't Joe, and that's the man Jen wanted. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Why would you say that? Joe and I are friends, nothing more." Jen could only dream that they were more.

"Whatever you say, Jen. Look, why don't I just take you home, okay?" Ryan laid out enough money to cover their check and tip, then stood, waiting for her.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. Am I that obvious?" Jen grabbed her jacket and followed him out of the restaurant. He stopped to unlock the car door for her and sighed.

"Yeah, Jen. You're that obvious. Let me just say that either Joe is blind or stupid not to see what he has right before his eyes." He slipped behind the wheel and revved the engine. "I just hope he comes to his senses soon. I would hate to see your heart broken."

"Thanks Ryan. I hope so too." Jen leaned back against the seat and stared blankly out the window.

~Two hearts on fire can't live like this/A burning desire we can't resist/Who's gonna break the ice/Who's gonna roll the dice/All it would take is just one kiss~

Jen entered her apartment locking the door behind her. Leaning against the door, she sighed. A low snort scared the hell out of her. "Who's there?" She called, her heart pounding. She crept passed the chair and a movement on the couch caught her attention. Jen breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Joe, snorting and mumbling in his sleep.

She walked over to the couch and sat down on the floor in front of him. Her eyes appraised every inch of his body as her hand lightly brushed a lock of his brown hair off his forehead. Then, she slapped his cheek, hard.

"What the fu...?" Joe sat up quickly, his hand rubbing his cheek and his eyes darting everywhere. "Jen? What the hell did you hit me for?"

"What the hell are you still doing here? I thought you had 'plans' tonight." Jen giggled at his disorientation. He looks so cute when he wakes up, she thought.

"I canceled. I didn't mean to fall asleep. So, how was your date?" Joe ran a hand through his short hair, trying to straighten it. Jen just smiled at him. A smile that rattled him. Why did she have to be so damn beautiful? And why was she sitting so close? He could smell the rose scented soap she used when she showered and it was causing an uncomfortable situation in his jeans.

"My date dumped me." She let her gaze wander from the top of his sleep-tousled hair to his bare feet, and felt her body go warm in intimate places at the sight of the increasing bulge in his jeans.

"Again? Jen, what do you do to these poor guys?" He noticed her roving eyes and shifted slightly, trying to hide his reaction to her nearness.

"I think about you." Jen chuckled at Joe's stunned expression. His mouth dropped open and he stared at her, unable to speak. "You know, that's the first time I've ever seen you speechless. I'm not sure if I like it."

Joe grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him, his mouth finding hers. Jen parted her lips at his tongue's insistence. Their kiss deepened and her hands tangled in his hair as Joe's hands caressed her back. Finally breaking apart, Joe cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?"

"What took you so damn long," she breathed, wishing he would do it again. Her hands were now on his thighs as she knelt before him. Slowly, she began rubbing up the inside of his thighs, grinning as he gasped.

"I didn't think you wanted me," he said, his breathing ragged. "God I want you, Jen." He kissed her again, deeper than before.

"Then do something about it," she whispered against his lips. With a growl, Joe stood up and scooped her into his arms. He carried her into her bedroom and laid her gently across her bed. His eyes glazed with desire, he began removing his shirt. "No! Let me." Jen crawled to the edge of the bed and ran her hands up under his shirt, caressing his chest. Once his shirt was gone, she glanced slyly up at him as her tongue trailed down his chest to his navel, then traced the edge of his waistband.

Her fingers fumbled with his zipper in her haste to see him naked. He gently removed her hands and finished undressing, becoming even more aroused by the hungry look in her eyes. As soon as he stepped out of his jeans, Jen took his erection in her hands and began stroking him. He moaned as she ran her tongue along his shaft from base to head. After teasing him for about a minute, she wrapped her lips around his swollen head and slid him all the way in her mouth. He wrapped his hands in her hair as she caressed him with her mouth, her tongue flicking the head lightly before once again sliding her lips to the base of his dick.

Joe finally pulled her away, not wanting to cum too soon. She pouted for a second, till she saw the lusty glint in his eyes as he began unbuttoning her blouse. Pushing the shirt off her shoulders, he joined her on the bed and trailed kisses down her neck to her silk-covered breasts. He lightly squeezed her soft mounds before reaching behind her to unhook her bra.

She practically ripped it off in her impatience to have his lips on her. Joe smiled at her urgency and obliged. Lowering his mouth to her breast, he rolled her nipple between his teeth, causing her to gasp. His tongue teased it into a hard peak before doing the same to the other. While his mouth devoured her breasts, his fingers slowly inched down her belly to her slacks. She lifted her hips as he eased her pants down. Before they hit the floor, his hand was inside her panties, his fingers dipping into her wetness.

Joe worked his way down her body, sliding her underwear off as he knelt between her thighs. He stared at her, savoring her beauty, before kissing her more intimately than anyone had ever done. His tongue slid inside her as she threw her legs over his shoulders. Her hips lifted off the bed to meet the demands of his mouth. "Oh my God, Joe," she moaned, her hands clutching the blanket as he drove her to the edge of ecstasy.

She whimpered as he pulled away. "Don't worry, Jen. I'm not leaving." Joe pulled her on top of him as he rolled onto his back. She positioned herself above his erection, anticipation making her tremble. Slowly, she eased herself down, savoring every last inch of him. Once he was fully enveloped inside her warmth, Jen began rocking her hips. Joe grabbed her waist and held on as he met her thrust for thrust. Before long, they were bucking wildly against each other, both lost in the intense sensations washing over them.

Joe dug his fingers into her hips as he exploded inside of her, gasping out her name. Jen's head flew back and she rode him harder and faster as her own orgasm overtook her. Stars burst behind her eyes as waves of electricity pulsated throughout her body. She collapsed against his chest, listening to the wild beating of his heart as they both attempted to catch their breath.

"Thank you," Joe panted, cradling her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head before tilting her chin up so their mouths could meet.

"Anytime, Joe. Anytime." Jen knew that he had just ruined it for every other man. There was no way anyone could ever make her feel so satisfied, so good.

"There's still something I wanted to tell you, Jen." Joe propped his head up on one of his arms as he looked into her eyes. "I never told you why I broke up with Moriah."

"I don't care why, Joe. All that matters is that you're with me now." Jen didn't want to talk about anyone else. She wanted to enjoy the time she spent in his arms. She didn't know how long it would last, so she sure didn't want to waste a second.

"I broke up with her because I fell in love with you," he stated. Jen's eyes widened in surprise and she propped herself up beside him.

"What?" She wasn't sure she had heard him right.

"I love you, Jen. I have for quite awhile now. I just didn't know how you felt about me, until now." Joe gently touched her cheek and traced her lips with his finger. "I remember you telling me that you were afraid you would die a virgin because you hadn't met anyone special enough to give it up to. But you let me make love to you."

"Because I love you, stupid." Jen laughed as Joe reached for her.

"Stupid? I'll show you stupid," Joe growled as he rolled on top of her, pinning her to the bed. Jen gasped as he tickled her mercilessly.

"Okay, okay! I give!" She hollered, unable to fight him off. "You aren't stupid. Just a smartass. But I love you."

"That's all I need, Jen. That's all I need." Joe's mouth sought out hers and the promises behind that kiss blew her mind. Her dreams were finally coming true.

~Maybe tonight we'll find each other/Maybe tonight you'll turn around and I'll be there/If the timing is right we could finally get together/We might just fall in love and it maybe tonight~

The End...