by: Trinity

It was one of those nights that were the best when spent at home, curled up with some hot chocolate, and a good movie. That was exactly what Susan planned to do. There was a fierce blizzard raging outside, and she just wanted to be in her nice, cozy, two-bedroom townhouse. She was, however, worried about her boyfriend, who insisted on coming over, despite the weather. She smiled, thinking about him: the way his two dimples played in and out of his cheeks, his perfect smile, his bedroom eyes, his luscious, red lips; the way he smelled after working out his tight, muscular and cut body. The thing about him that really got to her is the special way he looked at her. He never gave that look to anyone; he saved it just for her. She felt her heartbeat quicken as she thought of how much he loved her and how he doted upon her. She imagined his smooth, silky skin on hers; the way he kissed her with an urgency and hunger, the way he savored her every move. She glowed with happiness. She felt that she didn’t deserve such love. It was as if God sent her an angel of her very own. She looked anxiously at the front door, hoping that he’d arrive soon. All these thoughts were making her desire him. She wanted him to hurry up and get there so they could heat up the house, despite the bitter cold outside. Suddenly, an idea came to her. She ran into the kitchen and got her most expensive bottle of wine. Then she took the bottle with two glasses into her bedroom. She slipped on her most sexy lingerie, a red silk and lace nightie with spaghetti straps and barely covered her essentials. It came with a matching red lace g-string. She poured herself a glass of wine and sipped it while gazing at the picture of herself and him; a picture they had taken two years ago. They managed to stay so happy and new with each other. They couldn’t be without each other, not even when he was on tour. He had bought a whole bus for just the two of them. She traveled and went everywhere with him. She laughed at the hard time they had trying to just be together and not have so much drama. But drama was inevitable…they had both broken off long-time relationships to be together. But they managed to beat the odds. They were a match made in heaven. They were going to move in together in a month, when her lease was up. She smiled again and lay on the bed with her second glass of wine.

"Where are you, Jordan?" she asked to herself.

The phone rang just then, as if in answer to her question. She snatched it up and said, "Hello."

"Hey, baby, what’s up?"

"And where are you right now, Mr. Knight? I thought you said you’d be right over," she asked.

"I’m two blocks away. There was a bad accident down the street. Traffic’s hell. The news said for everyone to stay in and not be out on the roads tonight. But nothing’s keeping me away from my angel tonight," he said seductively.

Susan smiled to herself. Oh, if only he knew the surprise that was awaiting him!

"Did you rent some good movies?" he inquired.

"Uh, yeah. I rented a few good ones. It looks like we’re gonna be snowed in for a couple of days. The news broadcast said this storms gonna last about that," she told him.

"Snowed in, huh? I think that’s just what the doctor ordered," he said, a wicked grin spread across his beautiful lips.

They both laughed at the many possibilities and hidden meaning behind it.

"Ok…well, I’m pulling in. I’ll be in there in a minute," he said.

"Oh, he’ll be in it alright," she thought to herself, heat rising in her cheeks.

"Ok, bye," she said to him.

She hung up and quickly got ready for a night of carnal passion and animal lusts.

Jordan, not suspecting what his girl had up her sleeve, let himself in from the blistering cold with his key and called out to her. When he got no answer, he figured that she was in a playful mood and wanted to play her little hide and seek game. He took off his snow-laden leather coat and boots and put it in the hall closet. He smiled at the thought of her. She was so playful and fun loving. He loved her so much. She treated him like he was the best thing to ever happen to the world. He loved her spontaneity and passion for life. He loved the way she smiled at and loved everything and everyone. She supported everything he did and was so understanding to his schedule. He wanted her near all the time, so she came with him on tours and all his functions, never complaining. She wasn’t annoyed at the fact that he wanted to cart her around everywhere and have her on his arm. He looked in the kitchen…no Susan.

"Baby? Where arrrrre youuuuu?" he teased.

He imagined her somewhere, hiding and giggling to herself. He couldn’t wait to find her and ravage her perfect little doll-face with kisses and love. He started to crave her touch as he went in to the bedroom.

There she was…lying on the bed with a glass of wine. Candles were burning all around the room. He almost fell over when he saw the nightie she was wearing. A Kenny G. CD was playing seductively in the background. He tried to grin, but the lust and love coursing through his system made his head spin.

"Well, well, well, isn’t this the perfect scene of seduction?" he asked in a low voice.

"Not yet…not until you’re naked, lying with me…or on me…or…in me," she replied.

His whole body quivered with desire. After all this time, she still had the effect of a powerful drug on him. He was putty in her hands. His desire and love for her was insatiable. Their love was golden and without imperfections. They were best friends and lovers and everything else in the world to each other. He stood there, at the doorway, breath coming a bit faster, and almost didn’t want to disturb this perfect picture and mood. But she beckoned to him. He walked slowly and languidly to the bed, on the way, shedding his sweater and shirt. She licked her lips at the sight of his heavenly body. It was a masterpiece, impossible to duplicate. She sat up and got on her knees, holding out a full glass of wine for him. He took the glass and tipped it back to finish it in one gulp. She reached out and ran her hand, now hot with desire, down his chest, tracing the path of the wine as he drank it. She traced down, down, down, until she reached the bulge in his jeans. The thought of it and how much pleasure it had given her for the last two years instantly made her wet. He put the wineglass down, and pulled her up into a standing position on the bed. He was still standing on the ground. So she stood there, hovering over him and running her fingers though his thick, silky brown hair. He buried his face into her torso and breathed in the scent that was so familiar and so necessary to him. Her fingers felt so good on his scalp. He reached up and slowly slipped off her red g-string. She stepped out of them, and he threw them aside. He lifted her red teddy up and kissed her flat belly, lightly teasing her belly button ring. She moaned. He continued to move down. At her pelvic bone, his kisses and licks got a little harder. Her hands endlessly roamed his head and neck. He smiled up at her upon noticing her fresh bikini wax. She liked to keep herself with no hair down there. He thought that was the coolest thing ever. He ran his tongue teasingly near her clit. She took in a sharp intake of air. He wanted to properly repay her for her idea for seduction tonight. He bent down some more to get easier access, and lifted her right leg to drape it on his shoulder. He pulled her suddenly, quickly and skillfully towards his face. He reached around to grab her so she didn’t fall. He put his mouth fully on her and started to gently suck on her. She groaned, as her knees threatened to give out on her. But he had her. He’d never let her fall. He relished her taste. He knew her body and soul so very well, yet every time they kissed, touched, or made love, he discovered more and more he loved about her. She threw her head back as his tongue licked, sucked, nibbled and stabbed through her harder and harder. She finally came, and the one leg she had for support gave out. He caught her and laid her down like a pro, his tongue never leaving her for a second. He felt her contracting against his mouth. Her warm liquid soothed him. She pulled him up to her, gently, by his hair. They kissed. She raped and ravaged his mouth with her tongue, her nails slowly scratching down his muscular back. He got the chills every time she did that. Meanwhile, Kenny G. still played on and on. She got up off the bed, pulling him up with her. She smiled sexily.

"My turn," she purred. They stood there, by the bed, and she was kissing his neck with such an erotic slowness and wetness, he shivered because of the chills going up and down his sides and spine. He laughed into his neck and continued down. She unbuckled his pants and slid down his jeans and boxers. She was still moving slow, like a panther ready to pounce on her prey. She kissed and locked all the grooves his six-pack stomach made, all the while, stroking and caressing this throbbing dick. He stood there, helpless and lost. She finally put her burning and wet mouth around the head of his penis and sucked him hard. He jumped and almost screamed at the bliss of it all. He put his hands on her head to guide it down further. She obliged by clamping her soft lips and abruptly taking all of him in her mouth. He gasped and moaned her name. He could feel the back of her throat while she greedily sucked all of him down. Her mouth was so warm and wet around him. He wanted to be inside another part of her...a part that was more warm and a whole lot wetter. The mere thought of him almost drove him mad. He lifted her up like she was a bag of feathers. She laughed in delight and wrapped her legs around his waist while stroking his arms, which were now all tensed up with the muscles bulging from lifting her. He walked with her in his arms to the wall by the bedroom door. She suddenly shifted a bit and brought him inside her. He almost lost his strength and dropped her when he felt her hotness around him. He leaned her back against the wall for support. He started to ram in and out of her. She cried out several times and wrapped her arms and legs around him like a child desperately holding on. He leaned and pumped in and out, then in ground her in a circular motion. He felt her swollen clit against his base. He looked into her eyes and kissed her mouth. They were so involved with each other. He stared at her and thought about how her legs were wrapped around him, and he thought about how sexy she looked with her hair down and flowing down her back, which was currently smushed into the wall. He thought about her clit rubbing against him and about how deep inside her he was. He knew she was going to come soon because the muscles inside of her started to twitch. She screamed his name as the orgasm built and exploded through her like a bomb. The thought of him being the one to make her come and the thought of her being the one to make him come for the rest of their lives, pushed Jordan over and beyond the edge. He shoved into her hard as he exploded. He cried out her name and she cried out his. They were both slick with sweat. They stood there, still quivering and spent from their always-powerful orgasms.

"I love you so much, Suz," he breathed out.

"I love you too, baby," she answered.

They separated and walked to the huge sliding glass window she had in her room. They looked out at all the white and pure snow. They cuddled and giggled, kissed and whispered sweet nothings to each other. They got dressed, then took their wine and went into the living room. They sat with legs overlapped and watched the news. While the news was playing, Jordan sipped his wine and looked over at Susan. He watched how beautiful she looked while concentrating intently on the movie, sipping on her drink, hair falling softly and silkily around her face like a fan. He stared and let his gorgeous lips curl into a smile. For two years, she had made him completely blissful. He couldn't be without her for more that a day at most, and he made sure he never ever was. She was on his arm no matter where they went. He loved how she supported him and never complained. Her beauty was shocking and striking; he was so proud. She sensed something and looked over at him, catching him staring. She smiled at him, somewhat shyly. He made her heart pound everytime he was around. She couldn't help sometimes feeling a little shy and overwhelmed. She felt so lucky to have found such a pure and loving guy.

"What the staring for?" she teased. "Do I have something hanging out my nose?"

He laughed and said, "As a matter fact you do...right here," pointing to his nostril.

She laughed and grabbed her nose in mock embarrassment.

"You're crazy, J. You're always playin'," she joked.

"Nuh-uh. I can be real serious when I want," he said, feigning hurt.

"Yeah, right! Short of someone gettin' run over, you don't have a serious bone in your body. But it's all good though. I guess it's alright having goofy man," she explained.

"Goofy?!?!? I'll show you goofy," he said, lunging at her.

She screamed and burst out laughing as he tickled her. They wrestled until she was begging for mercy.

"OK, OK, OK! You're not goofy!! You're not...you're not!"

They stopped wrestling, and he leaned back length-wise on the couch, propping his back on the back of the couch. He pulled her between his legs, with her back on his chest. She leaned back into him and nestled the back of her head between his neck. He rubbed his 5 'o’clock shadow on the side of her head.

"I can be serious, Suz. I'm serious when I say I love you. I'm serious when I say I can't be without you for a second. You make my life fun, and I feel like a little boy again, so I guess I can be a little goofy."

"I know, baby. I love you and I have fun with you. That's the way everyone should be together... have to know how to have fun," she explained.

"Oh! Well, I forgot to tell you the most serious part of me," he added.

She thought he was going to make a perverted joke, so she giggled and rubbed his leg.

"And part is that, Jordan?" she asked, smiling coyly up at him.

He laughed and kissed her on the tip of her nose. He laced his fingers in hers.

"Well, the most serious thing about me is that...I wanna marry you. Will you marry me?" When he had laced his fingers through hers, he had slipped on a ring without her feeling it. She gasped at the question and at her hand. She jumped up and faced him, eyes bulging.

"Are you serious?" she stammered.

"Never been more," he said in a husky and emotional voice.

She jumped on him and hugged him. She squealed yes, yes, yes, and kissed him all over the face until he was laughing. She looked him deep in the eyes.

"I'm gonna be the best wife to you. I'm gonna treat you so good, baby. You'll be my king and I will love you and be the all you ever wanted," she vowed.

"You already are everything I've ever wanted...and more," he explained, eyes burning with desire again.

She smiled and led him to the bedroom.

"And it looks like snow, snow, snow out there, folks. Worst winter storm in years. So please stay indoors and be prepared not to leave the house for about 3 days...." blared the TV weatherman.

Jordan and Susan smiled at the fact that they would be snowed in for the next 3 days together. They loved nature for it's little blessings. And the storm raged on and on...