Truly, Madly, Deeply

by: Tracy H.

Jo ran a shaky hand through her hair and sighed. I can't believe it, she thought, fury coursing through her body. Her so-called boyfriend had broken up with her. And to make things worse, he had done it on their one-year anniversary. "What an ass," she cursed, hurling her answering machine across the room. And he hadn't even had the nerve to do it in person, or even to talk to her on the phone. He had broken up with her machine! Jo slumped into a chair, her head in her hands, willing the tears not to flow.

"He's not worth it, Jo," she told herself, but not believing it. "Oh hell! Who am I kidding? No one else is gonna want an old, worn-out fool like me!" Jo shook her head and let her emotions have free rein.

A knock at the door shook her out of her self-pity party. She dragged herself out of the chair and slowly crossed the room, silently hoping it was him. "He made a mistake, and wants to apologize," she mumbled as she reached for the doorknob. Taking a deep breath and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she opened the door, pasting on a huge fake grin.

"What is that look for?" Jo's smile faded as she realized that it wasn't Anthony, but instead, it was her best friend in the whole world, Jordan. "Fine, don't look so thrilled to see me. I love you too, Jo." Jordan brushed past her and sauntered into the house, oblivious to her glare.

"Jordan, please. I'm not in the mood for this today of all days!" Jo reluctantly shut the door, knowing that getting Jordan to leave would be damn near impossible. She pressed her back to the door and covered her eyes with the palms of her hands. "Jordan, leave. Please?"

Jordan spun around, hearing the pain in her voice. "Jo? What happened? I thought you had a date tonight. I was just dropping off the champagne you asked me to pick up." Jordan held the bottle up, but quickly placed it on the nearby table and gathered Jo into his arms. "Come on, Jo. Talk to me, baby."

Jo tried to ignore the shiver that word sent down her spine. This is Jordan. Your best friend, she scolded herself. "I'm fine, Jordan. Just not going out after all. Well, actually, Anthony's not coming over. It seems that he has decided that I'm not good enough for him. Dammit Jordan. What's wrong with me?" Jo buried her face in his neck, her sobs causing her body to shake.

"I'm so sorry, Jo. But it's his lose, not yours! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Understand me?" Jordan gently grabbed her shoulders, holding her at arms-length so he could look at her face. "Jo, you are a wonderful, caring, beautiful woman, and any man should consider himself lucky to find someone half as fantastic as you."

Jo looked up into Jordan's chocolate brown eyes and gasped at the intensity of his gaze. Could he…. No, she told herself. He is just being a friend. Telling me what I want to hear. "Yeah, ok Jordan. Whatever you say." Jo shrugged off his hands and turned her back to him, unable to control her emotions. But why was she feeling so, torn? Was it because Anthony had dumped her answering machine, or because Jordan thought of her as only a friend? Jo couldn't figure anything out at that moment. Anthony had been her world for a year now. He had shared so much with her. Her life, her love, her bed. The only thing he hadn't shared was her feelings for Jordan. Anthony had always been jealous of her relationship with Jordan. Many a night had been spent fighting about him. Jo couldn't make him see that all Jordan was to her was a friend. What she never mentioned was the fact that it was Jordan's choice to be "just friends".

"Jo, I'm serious. I just wish you cared half as much for me as you did about Anthony." Jordan blushed and dropped his gaze to his feet.

Jo's head snapped up and her eyes widened at his words. "What are you saying, Jordan?" She couldn't have heard him right. He couldn't be saying what she thought she heard.

"I'm saying… I love you, Jo. And not just the friend kind of love. I love you. Truly, madly, deeply love you." With his words, Jordan stepped forward and cupped her chin. Seeing no hostility in her eyes, he covered her mouth with his, his tongue lightly brushing her lips, seeking entrance. Jo parted her lips unconsciously, still not quite comprehending what he had said to her.

"I love you too, Jordan," she whispered into his lips. Jordan groaned and deepened the kiss, his hands wandering down from her face to her shoulders, and finally to her breasts. His touch sent tingles through her body, causing her nipples to harden. Jordan caressed one of them with the palm of his hand, weakening Jo's knees. His other arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her tightly against him. Jordan pulled away just enough to look into her eyes.

"You don't know how long I have wanted to hear you say that, baby." Jordan brushed his lips over her jawbone and down her neck, blazing a trail to the collar of her shirt. Jo sighed, her head thrown back, as Jordan began unbuttoning her blouse.

"You don't know how long I have wanted to say that, Jordan," Jo moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair, pulling his mouth against her bare breasts. "Wait a minute." Jo stopped his delicious torment of her flesh and stepped back. "Come here."

Jordan eagerly followed her down the hall. Jo opened a door to her right and slowly backed into the room, her eyes never leaving his face. Jordan's own eyes were showing his confusion. "The bathroom?" He asked, before realizing the candlelight and soft music.

"This is something I have wanted to do for so long," Jo purred, pulling him all the way into the room and shutting the door behind him.

A smile had started on Jordan's face till she said those words. He quickly frowned at Jo. "Yeah, but you were planning this with Anthony, not me," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It may have been planned tonight with Anthony, but a dream I had gave me the idea, and it wasn't Anthony in that dream," Jo explained, slowly stripping her clothes off. The lust in Jordan's eyes emboldened her. After removing the shirt he had already unbuttoned, Jo unzipped her slacks and stepped out of them. Running her hands down her body, she winked at Jordan. "Want to make that fantasy come true?" Hooking her thumbs in her lace panties, she pulled them down, kicking them across the room.

Jordan hesitated for a moment, unsure of the truth behind her words, but finally shrugged. What the hell, he thought. Even if she had planned this with Anthony in mind, he wasn't going to waste the atmosphere. Candles were lit and placed in various locations around the large tub full of bubbles. Two champagne glasses were perched on the nearby vanity table. "I'll be right back," Jordan stated, dashing out of the room.

Jo looked after him, confused. Was he leaving, she wondered, suddenly feeling self-conscious. But just as she was reaching for one of the towels hanging from the rod, Jordan reappeared in the doorway, champagne bottle in his hand. "We forgot this," he explained, setting it beside the glasses.

Jo breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed something that had to be remedied immediately. "Jordan, you are kind of over-dressed, don't you think?" Jo smiled mischievously up at him as she began undoing his buttons. He shivered as her hands pushed the fabric off his shoulders and her mouth explored his chest. He gasped as she plundered his navel, her hands working on removing his pants as quickly as possible. Jo looked up at him, eyebrows raised in amusement as she ran her hands inside his pants. "You sure are a free-spirit," she murmured, caressing his erection.

"Less clothing, less time," Jordan replied, his eyes half-closed in anticipation. Jo chuckled as she removed his pants. He groaned as he felt her mouth close over him, her hands caressing his muscular thighs, then running up the back of his legs and grabbing his ass. Jordan ground his hips as her tongue and lips teased his rock hard dick. "Oh Lord, Jo. Come here." Jordan pulled her to her feet, not wanting this to end so soon.

"Like that," she asked, running a finger from his chin to his navel as she stepped away from him. He wiggled his eyebrows as he slowly led her to the tub.

"What do you think," he muttered as he helped her into the tub. She sank down into the bubbles, her eyes never leaving his.

"I think you had better get in here this minute, Mr. Knight," Jo ordered. Jordan obeyed, stepping carefully into the tub.

"Your wish is my command," he whispered, sinking down between her legs, pressing himself against her as his mouth sought hers. He sucked on her bottom lip for a moment before nibbling down her neck. As he continued his descent, Jo sighed and pushed bubbles out of his way. He devoured her breasts, her back arching out of the water as his hands continued down her body. He teasingly ran his fingers over her clit, then on down her thigh. Jo moaned, her body squirming under his taunting touch.

Jordan returned his mouth to hers, and grinned against her lips as he slipped his fingers into her, causing her to gasp with pleasure and rock her hips in time with his thrusts. He rubbed her clit with his thumb as he felt her tighten up around his fingers. Jo grasped his shoulders as her orgasm hit, pulling him tightly against her as she cried out his name. Jordan pulled out of her embrace and sat down in the water across from her. The look in his eyes told her what he would like her to do. She carefully crawled over to him and straddled his hips, poised above his waiting erection.

"I love you, Jo," Jordan said, placing his hands on her hips. He pulled her down on him, filling her with his throbbing manhood. Jo gasped, her head falling back, as she began pumping her hips in time with his. Jordan took one of her nipples in his mouth and began sucking and licking and nibbling as she rode him, oblivious to the water sloshing over the side of the tub. Jo grabbed the edge of the tub for balance, and began thrusting harder and faster as she felt her orgasm building. Jordan's mouth sought hers, capturing her in a deep kiss as she felt him climax. He cried out her name against her lips as her own body shuddered with release. She collapsed against him, spent.

Jordan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently on the top of her head. "Well, I hope your night got better," he teased.

"Shut up and pour me some champagne," Jo replied, sliding out of his grasp and relaxing against the back of the tub.

"Your wish is my command, baby." Jordan reached up and grabbed the bottle, popping the cork. He poured two glasses of champagne and handed one to her.

"I love you, Jordan," Jo whispered, taking a sip.

"I love you too, Jo." Jordan leaned forward and kissed her, tasting the sweetness of the champagne on her lips. "I could stay like this forever."

"Me too, Jordan. Me too."

The End