Tropical Fantasy

by: Tracy

You are sunning on a tropical beach, soaking up the sun (hey, it's a fantasy so there is no skin cancer worries, lol). You are on your private beach, so you have no top on. You are dozing in and out of sleep, lulled by the soothing sound of the waves lapping the shore. Just as you start to drop off, a noise startles you. You sit up, grabbing the towel to cover your bare chest. You see a figure in the distance, casually strolling along YOUR beach. You get an attitude at this person's nerve! You jump to your feet, determined to defend your territory. You stride angrily toward the intruder, still clutching your towel to your chest. As you draw nearer, you notice something VERY familiar about this person. You get about 10 yards from him and stop dead in your tracks. Jordan Knight!!!! (Joe, whatever) OMIGOD!!!!! Your mind screams. Without thinking, since the man of your wettest, wildest dreams is within yards of you, you drop everything! Jaw, arms, towel.... He stops where he is and just smiles as he takes in the sight before him.

"Well, hello there. I'm Jordan." You just nod, unable to breathe, let alone think of something smooth to say. "I do believe you dropped this," he bends down to retrieve your towel, his eyes never leaving your body. You blush, gratefully taking the towel from him.

"Thank you, Jordan," you whisper, finally finding part of your brain. You grin wickedly as you wrap the towel around your waist. He chuckles before asking if you have a name.

" What would you like to call me? Because I'm open for suggestions." He raises an eyebrow at your innuendo. "And yes, ANY suggestions."

"Well now, why don't we walk a little and talk a little, baby." You shiver at the way he calls you 'baby' and step closer to him. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you against him.

"Walking isn't something I would choose, Jordan," you whisper, trembling at the contact of your bare chest against his (did I mention he's only wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts?). He laughs out loud at your boldness.

"You are definitely my kind of woman, baby." That shiver again! You gaze coyly up into his beautiful brown eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair, causing him to groan at the sensual feeling. "Keep that up, and we won't be going very far."

"Oh really? If your body reacts that way to me touching your neck, then I think we will be going ALOT farther than that!" You run your hand down his chest to his shorts, pausing for effect, before continuing down, caressing his still growing bulge. "See, I think we DO think alike," you purr, rubbing your whole body against him.

He moans and you both drop to your knees in the sand, rubbing and touching and kissing and nibbling. His hands cover your breasts as his mouth trails hot kisses down your stomach. You squirm out of your bikini bottoms as he continues his path of seduction. Grabbing your hips and pulling you to him, he sends heat waves coarsing through your body. You gasp and wrap your fingers tightly into his hair, pulling his mouth harder against you. Once your panting eases, he slowly works his way back up your body to your breasts. He sucks and kisses and teases each breast in turn, as your hands work him out of his shorts.

"Now, Jordan!" You moan, grabbing his well defined ass and pulling him deep inside of you. He thrusts and grinds as you wrap your legs tightly around his waist, not wanting to lose an inch of his magnificence. You ride the waves of passion together, gasping as explosions rip through your body. Parts of your body are quivering that you never even knew existed. He moans "Oh baby!" and ever muscle tenses as he climaxes. He holds you tightly to him, rolling you over so that you are now astride him. "Thank you, baby. That was amazing!" He grins a slow sexy grin as he notices the satiated look in your eyes.

"Anytime, Jordan. Anytime." You lean down and press your lips to his. "I think I need a dip in the water, to freshen up. Wanna join me?" He groans as you lift yourself off of him, but quickly follows as you race to the water's edge. The fun continues however you imagine it.....