Bon Voyeur

by: Jo

Tracy was having second thoughts about her apartment - until she discovered it's saucy secret......

Tracy had a week off to move into her new apartment. The rent was dirt cheap because she had promised to do the decorating. More than I'd bargained for, she thought looking around - the place was a hovel. It had belonged to the old concierge who'd left years ago. As she sunk onto the sofa, Tracy noticed a massive crack running down the wall. When she got closer she discovered that the crack had strange smooth edges, so she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stuck it into the tiny gap.

Suddenly a panel of the wall flew out at her. Behind it lay a whole surveillance system, with video screens and a keyboard. Tracy tentatively pushed a few buttons and the screen in front of her jumped to life. It didn't take her long to figure out that she could actually look into every apartment in her building. #23 looked the most interesting as she spotted a particularly fit looking man walking across his front room in his boxer shorts, his toned body rippling as he moved.

By seven the next morning she was eating her breakfast glued to her screen, willing her fantasy neighbour to be up and about. He was more 'up' than she bargained for - stretched out on his sofa, busily tending to his morning erection. Tracy giggled with shock and a tingling excitement. She found herself aroused, partly by the seediness of it all, and partly by the expressions of lust on his face. Tracy sneaked her fingers between her legs and mirrored his actions, imagining that he was thinking of her too. Seconds after her orgasm, she felt ashamed of herself for spying. I'll make it up to him, she thought, in the shower before work. I'm going to give him a night he won't forget. The only problem was how to do it.

Fate, however, was on Tracy's side. As she trudged home from work that evening the heavens opened and chucked it down. She jumped when she heard a car horn behind her and turned to find her sexy neighbour, the very man she's been fantasising about, in his car.

'I saw you moving in the other week,' he said. 'Would you like a lift home?'

'Oh I see,' replied Tracy with a smile, 'you felt so bad about letting me carry all those boxes that you're doing me a favour to appease your conscience!' When he laughed he looked even sexier and Tracy gladly plonked herself into the passenger seat.

'I owe you one,' said Tracy, as they arrived home. 'Let me buy you a drink.'

'OK,' said Jordan (at least she knew his name now), 'What are you up to tomorrow?'

'Taking you out it seems,' said Tracy, pleased that her plan was coming together.

The following evening Tracy was giving herself a final glance in the mirror to check her cleavage was tempting enough, when she was struck by an idea. Could her secret video record as well as spy? In a giggly frenzy, she pressed a few buttons and slipped a blank tape into the player. 'Let's see what the camera catches tonight!' she thought.

A few drinks into the evening and Tracy could feel sex in the air. Jordan was snuggling up close and he could hardly keep himself from drooling. Halfway through their meal at the swanky Thai restaurant, the tingling between Tracy's legs inspired her to be impulsive. She leaned over the table and huskily said, 'Lets go back to your place - now,' she breathed. After he finished nearly choking on his peanut noodles, Jordan was happy enough to take her straight back round to his apartment.

They barely made it into the apartment before their hot wet mouths were sucking on each others necks and shoulders. He touched her face gently in a moment of tenderness and then pure lust took over. Grappling with each other, they stumbled onto the couch, Jordan ripping down Tracy's zipper, pulling down the top of her dress and biting hungrily at her stiff nipples through the raspberry silk of her bra. As she pulled her breasts free and pushed Jordan's soft mouth onto her tingling nipple, she gasped, 'I want you now,' and without a word, Jordan freed his erection from the confines of his Levi's and plunged deep inside Tracy.

'Touch yourself,' groaned Jordan, as he felt himself reaching his climax, 'I want to see you come when I do.' That, and the idea of him watching her touch herself as they moved together made Tracy come with a rippling intensity that left her weak.

The next morning, Tracy slipped up to her apartment after having breakfast in bed with Jordan to grab a few files for work. She grabbed the video she'd set up the night before and, without even checking to see if it taped, slipped it into a brown envelope and wrote 'There might be something worth watching on here' and shoved it through Jordan's mail box as she left the building.

When she got home that night, there was a note from Jordan slipped under her door of her apartment. 'I won't ask how you managed it, but let's hope there are many more videos like that to come!' Tracy picked up the phone, dialled Jordan's number and said. 'Don't suppose you fancy a live action replay?'