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S/T (cd5)
Sweetness & Light / Sunbathing / Breeze

MAD LOVE (cd5)
De-Luxe, Leaves Me Cold, Downer, Thoughtforms

SCAR (cd5)
Baby Talk / Thoughtforms / Scarlet / Bitter / Second Sight / Etheriel

GALA (cd)
Sweetness & Light / Sunbathing / Breeze / De-Luxe / Leaves Me Cold /
Downer / Thoughtforms / Baby Talk / Thoughtforms / Scarlet / Bitter /
Second Sight / Etheriel / Hey Hey Helen / Scarlet
SWEETNESS & LIGHT (cd promo)
Sweetness & Light (Album Version) / Sweetness & Light (Single Edit)

Nothing Natural / God's Gift / Fallin' In Love / Monochrome

Nothing Natural / God's Gift / Monochrome / Nothing Natural (Version)
FOR LOVE (cd5)
For Love / Starlust / Outdoor Miner / Astronaut

Stray / Nothing Natural / Tiny Smiles / Covert / Ocean / For Love /
Superblast! / Untogether / Fantasy / Take / Laura / Monochrome

SUPERBLAST! (cd promo) Superblast! / Starlust / Fallin' In Love / Superblast!
Hypocrite / Cat's Chorus / Love At First Sight / Undertow (Spooky Remix)

Desire Lines / White Wood / Girl's World / Lovelife (Suga Bullit Remix)

SPLIT (cd)
Light From A Dead Star / Kiss Chase / Blackout / Hypocrite / Lovelife Desire Lines / The Invisible Man / Undertow / Never-Never / Lit Up / Starlust / When I Die

COOKIE (Japanese cd5)
White Wood / Girl's World / Lovelife (Suga Bullit Remix) /
Love at First Sight / Cat's Chorus / Undertow (Spooky Remix)

SINGLE GIRL (cd5, part 1)
Single Girl / Tinkerbell / Outside World / Cul de Sac

SINGLE GIRL (cd5, part 2)
Single Girl / Pudding / Demystification / Shut Up

LADYKILLERS (cd5, part 1)
Ladykillers / Matador / Ex / Dear Me (Miki's 8-Track Home Demo)

LADYKILLERS (cd5, part 2)
Ladykillers / Heavenly / Carmen / Plums and Oranges

Ladykillers / Heavenly Nobodies / 500 / I've Been Here Before / Papasan /
Single Girl / Ciao! / Tralala / Last Night / Runaway / The Childcatcher /

500 [SHAKE BABY SHAKE] (cd5, part 1)
500 (Shake Baby Shake) / I Have The Moon / Piledriver /
Olympia (Acoustic Version)

500 [SHAKE BABY SHAKE] (cd5, part 2)
500 (Shake Baby Shake) / I'd Like to Walk Around in Your Mind /
Kiss Chase (Acoustic Version) / Last Night (Hexadecimal Dub Mix)

TOPOLINO (Canadian / Japanese cd)
500 (Shake Baby Shake) / I Have The Moon / Ex /
I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend / Matador / Piledriver /
I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind / Carmen / Plums & Oranges /
Heavenly / Demystification / Tinkerbell / Dear Me

LAST NIGHT (promo cd5)
Last Night (Latent Power Mix) / Undertow (Spooky Remix) /
Last Night (Darkest Hour Mix) / Lovelife (Suga Bullit Remix) /
Last Night (Hexadecimal Dub Mix) / Ladykillers (Demo/Ruff Mix '95)

**Thanks to a really kewl guy Nick for this information :-)**
