Hello to: Suzanne, I see you everyday and I never sick of you! Amazing you GIMP!!, Nicole H., Nicole R., Nicole G., Rochelle Belle youre soooooo blonde!, Jen Jen bo Ben Banana Nana of Fen... I LUV U!!!, Candace I miss you!, Josh and Mike go have your fun in San Fran ;), Megan the official vice president of the boob club, Mike you do nothing but confuse me, Jillian you're the best so keep on running and keep on loving the Beatles... Ob La Di...,Alana why haven't you ever emailed me lately girlfriend!? "Erik" ooohh laalaaa! You're such a hottie! and Q Tip I love you ever so!! I miss you all!!!
About Rosey
^^^That's me hella days ago^^^
First name: Rose Mary, or as it's most commonly spelt: Rosemary
Nicknames : Rosey,Rose,Rose-Doodle, giggles ;),Jean, Romy, Blondie
Birthplace: a hospital in North Eastern Ohio
Residance: California since May of 1999... I miss you, Cleveland!
Parents: yes, 2 of them I don't talk to that oft
Siblings: 3 sisters and 1 brother in law
Birthdate: 1st of January (very soon!)
What do you look like: Brown hair hair, 5'3 1/2 and you can see my face in the picture
Favorite TV show: Conan O'Brien, Simpsons, most of what's on VH1 except that Leif Garrett shit!
Favorite actor/actress:James Dean, Ralph Macchio/Patsy Kensit, Marilyn Monroe
Favorite movie: Help!, Tank Girl, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Giant
Favorite Pop: Dr Pepper & Cherry 7up
School: College Park High School Pleasant Hill, California
Current job: Fudd Ruckers
Future life: Don't know just yet, probably a waitress hopefully an actress
Boyfriend: no:)
Best Friends: Kristin, Suzanne
Most influential person/people you owe something to: Tori Amos and Marilyn Monroe and Catherine (I MISS YOU!!!)
Things you collect: Marilyn Monroe stuff
Favorite body part on/in you: skin
Favorite body part of the opposite sex: eyes, especially if they're blue
Any tattoos and where of what?: no, I have no tolerance for any sort of pain
Piercings and where?: ears, that's it!
What do u sleep on: my bed which is now small
What do u sleep in: whatever's clean and comfortable
Best Advice: Never judge someone for their looks
Non-sport activity u enjoy: sleeping
Favorite Sports to play: hahaha... You're kidding me right? none
Favorite Sports to watch: baseball, but only Indians and I've grown to really like the Giants and the A's... although I prefer San Francisco
Dream car: Fiat 500 or a '57 Chevy. Most new cars suck. Sorry Mike :)
Dream of: marriage
Coolest experience of my life: seeing Lush
Scariest thing you've ever done: I don't wanna jinx it by saying I don't have one, cause then I'll get scared out of my mind some how, so I'll have to say...weighing my self ;) No j/k moving out to whole new state
Special Skills or talent: writing, making people laugh, making malts and milkshakes
Where do u and your friends go out?: I have fun hanging out with Suzanne at her house and talking with CAITLYN in French class (HEY DOLL!) and hanging out with dear, dear Jennifer
What is your favorite thing to wear?: My halloween comstume, which is a French maid's costume (can't have enough dresses like that!)
Favorite color: black, it's simple and thinning and matches pretty much everything
Favorite song: by Lush: "Babytalk" "For Love" and "Light from a Dead Star" by Tori Amos: ALL
My all time fave is "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" sung by Marilyn Monroe
Question you are asked often and do not like/are sick of: Are you 14? (Ugh! I'm almost 17!)
What you hate about the opposite sex: arrogance, being too muscley and being too skinny
Pets: one cat named Fred who hasn't gotten used to the idea I live in the same house as he!! And one doggiw Puddin' and one kitten I found and kept named Rush after Rush Limbaugh
Fave food: salt and vinegar chips, Chinese Food, french fries, chicken strips
Fave cartoon character: Ralph Wiggum
Fave animal: zebras
Fave Radio Station (California): KSAN 107.7 and KSJO 92 and Live 105 but only for Howard Stern and LoveLine
Fave Radio Station (Cleveland): I guess WMMS ... I hear that all the Cleveland radio stations have really gone down hill.
Pet Peeve: people who say they'll call and they don't for a REALLY dumb reason
Motto: A kiss on the hand may be quite continental... but DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND
Radio Show: Rush Limbaugh (I know, I know, but he's intersting!), Loveline (yes that IS a radio show out on the west coast!), and Howard Stern.
Some cool links I fancy ;-)
Don and Pat's Marilyn Monroe Collectables
the Marilyn Monroe Pages
Offical Go-Go's webpage
Offical James Dean page
Marilyn Monroe
In Depth Marilyn Monroe Pictorial
More pictures of me... they're all from like 2 years ago.
Here's some silly voting:
"Dream as if you'll live forever,
Live as if you'll die today."
James Dean