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Pete's Cyber Cafe'

These pages look best with a screen resolution of 800x600 or higher.

Electric Bicycles
Electric Vehicles
Computers & Robotics
Kites and Para-Fauna
My Porsche 914
My page of links
Those of you who have visited before will notice that we just went through a major upgrade. As requested by a few people this page no longer uses frames (except in one place). Recent changes in the way Angelfire works have made them load slower and besides they weren't really needed.
Anyway, since we are coming up on our two year aniversery I felt it was time to redecorate.
So sit down, put your feet up (it's allowed here) and order the house special:
A Cyber-Latte' ( they're virtually fat free :-) )

If you'd like you can Sign My Guestbook or take a Peek at My Guestbook
What's New?

Fixed the Woodburn 2000 electric drag races page, now it works(barely).
Updated photos and construction details on my three wheeled Human Electric Hybrid (HEH).

Links to my Family

Polly: My best friend, a lovely lady, my wife
Emma: She's either an Alien from outerspace or my Daughter, you decide

Feel free to Email me any comments or suggestions.