My Paintball Page
I started playing Paintball about 5 years ago, I got hooked after the first game and went out and bought my own Marker (what some people call a Paintball gun).
My first Marker was a used pump action rifle called a Brute. I used it for about a year then sold it to buy a Semiauto.
I got lucky and got a used (but almost new) Automag with power feed, crown point barrel, and a remote bottle setup. All for $300. I have since added a raised sight rail (looks like the handle on an M16) Scope and folding stock. None of this helps much but it does raise the Gun's intimidation factor ;-)
P.S. I made the folding stock myself and I'm working on a silencer. I've built a couple so far but they don't quiet the gun down enough. I know I can't make the gun completely silent, but I have an idea for a better silencer and some thoughts on how to knock down the noise from the breach.
I also have a cheap pump action Traccer (for my daughter) and a PGP pistol (just for fun).