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The Wonderful World of ODOT

Welcome one and all to one of the greatest web sites on the internet. Currently, this page is under construction, but check back periodically because Rod and Ryan will be updating this page soon. It will be filled with classic stories about the adventures to be had while working to improve Ohio's already great highway system. This page is going to be the home of the great stories which will be found in the links below. So as they get added, feel free to share in Rod and Ryan's adventures as they remember the good old days of their care free youth.

The Men Who Make ODOT Great
  • Stan Wesser
  • Johnny Jordan
  • Tony Green
  • Kelley Havens
  • Charlie Nelson
  • Paul Dever
  • Superman the Traco Operator

  • Ike
  • Moses
  • Oskie
  • Chris Bihl
  • Danny Orin
  • Spudbar
  • The Pentecostal Traco Operator

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