Hellish Link Area Somthing for Everyone!


Angelfire Free Webpages

If you are bored and wanna start your own webpage angelfire is a great way to get started!

The Dark Lair of Infinate Evil

This site has a little for everyone that enjoys evil. Send evil grams or write your own zines on the great wall of evil.

Hotmail Free Email

Get your own free email addresses!

Nine Inch Nails Homepage

The offical website of Nine Inch Nails. Pictures, Links... ect. If your a nin freak like me then this site is for you. Become a member and get your own personal email and chat in nin chat rooms when you become a member of nin.

Rotten Things

Want pictures of celebrities. Dead pictures of celebrities. Go here if interested you sick fool. >:-)~


conspiracy theories and political rebellion.

Dark Side of the Net: Dark Computer Goodies

Great source for all that is evil. Pictures,Screensavers,Desktop themes,all sorts of goodies.

The Australian Satanic Council Web Site

By far the best source for information on all forms or Satanic and devil worship religions.

Harmony Central®: OLGA Search Engine

Do you play guitar like myself??? Here is the best place to find tabs on any band you can think of.

Internet Crime Archives

Mureder,killer cults all that kind of information on the sickest people in the 20th century.

The Ultimate Masturbation Resource

You Jack off, i know i can tell. Here is a website that tells (girls and guys) many many different ways to masturbate. Make masturbation more fun and more pleasureable. Follow this link you perverts>:-)~

Rage Against The Machine

Here is the offical homepage of rage against the machine. Find out lyrics get recordings get involved in the political rebellion!

The Word of Hackers

Learn to hack get hacking programs; the hackers hevan.


Here is the offical website of Tool. Great page for pics, lyrics, ect....


This site is cool if your looking for grafix and such, check it out.

Mechanical Animals...aren't we all. Mar1lyn Man5on.Com

The official website of Marylin Manson and links to his other websites including his Curch of Antichrist Superstar.

Vampire Temple

Temple of Vampires. How to become a member ect...


This is just one wierd site. Dont ask me what it is about, explor yourself.


Baphomet... ...what it is.


Great source for Satanism information and links

Realplayer Homepage

Download realplayer programs free and watch and listen to stuff on the web.


Search engine

Search engine

Get Instant Messanger and another search engine