
Favorite Links & Web Rings

smallangel My favorite homepages smallangel

Creative Works by Tammy
Beautiful Embroidery, Bird Stockings, Western Santas and more

Tashambra's Embroidery Forum
Embroidery Design Hunt & More

Dad's Page
Links & Pics

AB Kitchens
Kitchen Remodeling

smallangel Page Building Links smallangel

Animations & Graphics

Aminated Graphics & Original Wallpapers by AngelStar

SheriBerry Graphics
Original Animations & Graphics

Lorraine's Animation Creations
Holiday Animations & Graphics

Enchanted Backgrounds
Beautiful backgrounds

Free Web Sites

smallangel Web Rings smallangel

Kind And Caring People Webring
Is A Member Of
Kind And Caring People
On The Internet !

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The Stephanie Ring
This 'The "Stephanie" Ring' site owned by Stephanie.
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Women's Ring
This Women's ring site owned by Stephanie.
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Main Recipe Ring
This Recipe Ring site is owned by Stephanie.

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