Poetry Corner
Dream Come True
Written by: S.M. Hutchins
The first time you hold your newborn baby,
You think to yourself, I can do this, maybe;
It can't be as hard as I think it looks,
I've watched the videos and read the books.
Diapers, bottles and a nap,
does he sleep in a crib or on my lap?
So many choices, how do I choice?
My mind, you think, I will definately lose.
Colic, oh my, will it ever go away?
Why does he cry all night and day?
I'm always tired, will I ever again sleep?
And the laundry to do, what a heap.
Pictures and baby book, must do those,
You wonder if your inexperience shows.
Every day you learn a new lesson,
you sometimes consider parenting sessions.
Sleepless nights, you will not care,
because of your love when he is near.
Even the extra work you must do,
your baby is a dream come true!
My Rebirth
Written by: S.M. Hutchins
Turning the big five-O
is a big deal some say.
But I will look at them
and say, hey, no way.
What is the problem?
I just don't understand.
So what if I've spent
fifty years on this land.
What makes you think
I'm over the hill?
Do you know the saying
"You're only as old as you feel"?
My life is not over,
not near to the end.
There are many more things
to which I must tend.
Even though I have spent
50 years upon this earth;
This is my shining moment,
my complete rebirth.
I Won?
Written by: S.M. Hutchins
My relationship with my 'puter
is disfunctional at best.
I really hate to admit it,
but I think I'm obsessed.
Some days it makes me crazy,
more than it's microchips know.
I hang my head and wonder,
it it my friend or my foe.
Blank screens and freeze ups,
I know all about those.
I think the dumb thing does it,
to keep me on my toes.
It knows it makes me angry,
when I stare at it and swear.
Illegial operation, file not found;
now I'm pulling out my hair.
I think I'll change my tactics,
maybe begging will work today.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you,
Forgive me, please, what d'ya say?"
Oh wait, I think it's working!
Is it getting tired of our fights?
Why does it always take so long,
To read all those gigabytes?
Please - Please - Please
I plead with it once more.
This time the victory is mine,
I yell it out loud with a roar.
My wonderful 'puter is running,
zipping and zapping with speed.
Does it really read my mind?
Or just anticipate my need?
Once again I am happy.
With a smile from ear to ear.
Is it any wonder to you,
why I hold my 'puter so dear.
Oh yes my 'puter is awesome!
The very best to be found.
I know it really loves me,
it let me win this round!
Growing Pains
Written by: S.M. Hutchins
When I was growing up,
many things I expected to be.
I didn't know of the sacrifice,
of things that were done for me.
But now that I'm older
and the proud mother of three,
I see what you did every day,
not for you, but for me.
The pets I had growing up,
were many that I recall.
Taking care of them for me,
couldn't have been much of a ball.
Flute practice and homework,
you always make me do those.
Fixing errors and keeping the beat,
and ignoring my many woes.
Need to go here, need to go there;
a lot of driving me around.
You usually complained about it,
but we were always activity bound.
Cooking, cleaning and decorating;.
I gave everything my own flair.
But you were pretty cool about it,
usually not telling me what to wear.
So now I think I'm a poet,
expressing in my own way,
The many thanks I owe you,
the many things I wanted to say.
There's much more I remember,
to numerous to list here.
Those are my special memories,
held in my heart so dear.
But as a last reminder,
there's something I want you to know.
That piece of macaroni on the floor?
I sweep around it....
I held it with my toe!
Written by: S.M. Hutchins
Ghosts and goblins are out in numbers
awaken from their yearly slumbers
Witches are brewing their magical brew
hidden from sight by the smokey hue
The vampire's coffins are slowly opening
a sight of you is what they are hoping
Jack-o-lanterns lights are all aglow
blinking and flickering in an erie show
You hope you don't see a flying bat
or even worse, the mystical black cat
But don't be scared, this happens every year
you know it must mean, Halloween is here
All poetry on this page is owned and copywritten by the author and may not be reprinted without written permission. For permission to reprint, please e-mail.