Presidential Files
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Presidential Files

*THE EARLY YEARS: All three of the Presidents grew up in Seattle. Chris and Dave went to middle and highschool together. They have been playing music together since around 1985. In the meen time Jason had his own band that he played with. Jason saw Chris and Dave play for the first time in 1991. For two years Jason would show up and play drums with them on occasion. In 1993, Jason, Chris, and Dave desided that they would become a full-fledged band, just the three of them.

*BEFORE HITTING IT BIG: The band never realy thought of a good name to use, so in every bar, club, etc. they performed at, they would use a different name. One night they wanted to use the longest name they could think of, they came up with, The Presidents Of The United States Of America. The name sort of stuck, still to this very day. They were able to put an album together, and a Seattle recording conpany, known as Pop Llama(Nirvana's first record company, too), released it. It was such a success, that Columbia picked them up.

*THE FIRST ALBUM: The first album produced three top 40 hits, Lump, Kitty, and Peaches. The shows that they are serious about having fun when they make music. They are definately not your normal Rock'N'Roll band. I personaly think that Steve Hochman of the L.A. Times put it best, with his live review of the band in the Times Mag(2/24/96): "...not a mere novelty act, but actually a necessary addition to mid-90's rock... there's an intelligence to their humor, a nonchalant sense of craft in both the skewed, offbeat lyrics and quirky music... like the Ramones did for 70's dinosaur rock, the Presidents pop the balloon of 90's self-absorption without mocking it. They neither parody Eddie Vedder nor preach to his fans to lighten up. They simply have fun."

*PERFORMIMG: The Presidents like performing at strange places. They have played on a flat-bed truck, many small venues, over the radio, and even at Mt. Rushmore. They have also toured to Japan(where they performed a song in Japaneese), and Australia, too.

*II: Many thought this would be a bust, and wouldn't compete with the first. Well, it isn't as good as the first, but there isn't that much that is as good as the first album. But still, II is a very good album. Mach 5 was the first single, folled by Twig, and Volcano.

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