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  • I told you that there was a new album in the making, and I wasn't lying. There wer so many songs left over from O.K. Computer, that they could have made it a double CD, but it was recomended that they didn't. Go here to get a published preview and a list of songs that could be on the new CD.

  • This is the first entry in my little log here. All I really have to say is that I just got my second Radiohead shirt. It is another W.A.S.T.E. Products shirt. It's white, with the car drawing like on the O.K. Computer album, with lyrics on the front and back from No Surprises. The odd thing is, it's a v-neck. The other one I have is a tan/brown color. It has a little saying on it not from any song of theirs.

    Email: Jimmy Hendryx