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~ That's What Friends Are For ~








Judy aka bantyhen

Hello everyone, my name is Judy aka bantyhen. And no I don't look like this. This is a hussied up one. Only one I would I am 49 years old and have been married for 33 years to nice man named Joe. We have 4 children, 11 grandkids, 2 cockatiels and a parrot named George. I love to play bingo, read, fish ,and garden, or at least eating what he brings in...haha We live in a little town north of Richmond, Indiana. I just wanted to let all of you know how much I enjoy listening to you all talk and cut up. I don't talk alot but I watch. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and you always make my day. Thank all of you very much. God Bless each and every one of you.



Steffie aka Ziggy

My name is Steffie (aka ziggy). I'm 42 years young and live at the very top of a mountain people around here all call The Ziggy Mountain, about 20 miles north of Little Rock, Arkansas. I have been divorced for almost 4 years, but life is wonderful. I have 2 sons, Christopher-21 and Sammye-7. They are the lights of my life. Christopher is married and I recently became a grand-mama for the 1st time. Alas, they live in Wisconsin now, so I seldom see them. I home school Sammye and it's fun and nerve wracking at the same time. He's in the 3rd grade and doing very well. Pictured are me(standing) Christopher (standing) Chris' wife, Monica( seated) holding my grandson, Noah and my sweet little Sammye (kneeling beside chair). I just recently got online and I love it. Bingo is very fun & everyone there is so kind. And funny, too. Hugs, Steffie (yes it's short for Stefania, I'm Italian)





Anna aka Saturn99nut

Hi. It's me, Saturn99nut. My real name is Anna, and that is my husband Ron in the picture with me. We have been married almost 6 years (October 31st), and couldn't be happier!. I am 46 years old and will be 47 in September. I have three stepdaughters who all live in Indiana, which is where we are from. We moved to Tennessee in 1994 and love it here (except that bingo is illegal here). So I play my bingo with you, all of my friends. My husband and I stay pretty busy, with work and the 5-1/2 acres we have. I have 3 cats indoor, 1 dog outdoors and a horse. We both work at Saturn building cars, and I am a distributor for Herbalife International part time. So you can imagine. I love each and every one of you, and someday hope to meet in person. Until then! Anna



Mary aka mif53

Hello Bingo Buds I am Mary aka mif53. I am married to a wonderful guy, Mel, for 12 very short years. We were both born and raised in Michigan. Would be tough to call any other place home. We live a comfortable life in the country, watching the wild critters run around. We have two lovely cats Pita (pain in the a**) and Nighter both pure black. Lovely children they are. My hubby has retired from operating heavy equipment, and I have semi retired from 23 years of bartending. We enjoy boating, fishing and just relaxing. Since I have stumbled upon this bingo room, I don't seem to get alot done around the house. Thanks all so much, hate housework. Just want to say, I have enjoyed each and everytime I stop in, you are all such fun, so caring and pleasant to be around. God bless you all, and may all your dreams and wishes come true.


Sherry & John

Sherry aka jshammes & John

Hi all from Bangor, Wisconsin this is (jshammes) aka Sherry a grandma to six grandkids and mom to three boys of my own and six stepchildren. I am married to a great guy named John. We will be married 12 years on October 3rd. We have a zoo, three cats Jasper, Molly and Tigger. Two dogs we call the boys Peanuts and Cosmo. We love to travel and this summer got to meet the greatest people in Tennessee ~ Saturn and her hubby Ron. We hope to meet more of you on our travels. I like to play bingo, you are such nice people just like family. Most of the time I like to read, and talk on the computer. See you all in bingo room 2.


Patti & Leland

Pattie aka Momafuzy & Leland aka Papafuzy

Here’s and Arkansas HOWDY from Moma and Papafuzy. Patti is the city slicker born and breed the big city of Little Rock. I on the other hand was born between Walnut Corner and Punkin Center; that’s two dirt road intersections near my hometown of Light, Arkansas. Light is famous for its rice fields, froggen, and near by Mesquitoe Festival.

We’ve been married for 28 years now, and no we didn’t meet at a family reunion. I ventured off to the big city and was seduced. Moma taught me to drink, smoke, cuss, and SEX.

I brought her back to the quiet of the country, where the dark and crickets scared her into carrying a gun for the first year. Of course a gun does come in handy with our mesquitoes.

We only had one child Daryl. He has the record for being the only child in the school’s history to have received a whippen from every teacher he ever had. Of course he didn’t deserve that last one, but he wanted that record. He’s married now to an imported country girl Stephanie, with two beautiful children. Felicia Krysteen (3) and Michael David (21 months), both you may have seen at local Chucky Cheese. Daryl and Steph have trucked them through all 48 states.

That’s enough for now from the Fuzzy household, but we’ll chat in the room. Till then may the breath of God power the sails of your vessel.



Jan aka siouxusa

I am Jan aka siouxusa. I live in Texas with my husband Mark of 25 years. We have two grown sons, Mark Jr., 22 and Michael 20. If you are wondering how I got my name, I am part Sioux Indian. I really enjoy playing bingo especially in Room 2. It seems as though everyone there is now part of my family. I enjoy reading and crocheting, but most of all bingo. My husband is a truck driver often gone for extended periods of time, so when I am not working I am on the computer in Room 2. I really enjoy the bingo page, it gives me a chance to put faces with the names. See y'all in Bingo.



PJ aka PJwinnie aka Perfectlife aka Corbpaula

Short but sweet bio ~ life is to short to worry. I love to work. I love to play. I love life. I live in Arizona. I am 46....and if you want to know more you can she shy?....NOT!!!!



Norbert and DJ Koeberle AKA jitterbug13 and flamered
This is our annual trip to Oktoberfest in Tulsa OK.

I am 40 and live in Oklahoma. I love to fish and camp. When the weather doesn't cooperate I enjoy painting and trying to learn more about this computer. Of course I really enjoy the friendship of everyone I have met at bingo. I have been married to my wife for eight years now and together we have six children. There are three girls and three boys ranging in ages from 23 to 5. I hope to see everyone in bingo for a long time to come.






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