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~ That's What Friends Are For ~







Lee aka LeeSays

Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of..." never mind. Ok, pic of me having just cooked and served Thanksgiving dinner to 24 family members last year. Do it every year, love it. Vitals (drum roll) real name Lee (surprise), 46, 6'1", 215 lbs. After 20 faithful years, "she" left me to "find herself" ~ I don't think she will like what she finds. Divorce to be final none too soon. My 14-year-old adopted son is currently with mom, but that may change soon if "things" don't work out. I'm a civil engineer living and working in a small town on the north end of San Francisco Bay, (native, born & raised). Hobbies include golf, boating, water-skiing, camping, woodworking, PC's, cooking, eating, and civic stuff. I've built houses, boats, and furniture among many other things. I'm keeping busy lately taking side jobs to make ends meet and attempt to salvage my house and toys. I believe my friends would describe me as loyal, hard working and generous. Oh yeah, and then there's that thing about my sense of humor...Currently LeeSays ~



Teri aka Wildcherry43

Hi ya! I am a single mother of a bright, handsome, intelligent and loving 22 year old son! Not too much Pride in that statement! LOL I know God guided me to this room, I had been doing alot of soul searching before this, and then I found "Our" room!! You have all been so nice to me, and I love each and everyone for it!! I'm actually 42, but will be 43 in November. I have a beautiful Pekenese named Teddy,(he has a bad gas problem! lol) but we still love him! Also we have a Himalayan cat named Hairy, which Teddy loves to chase and make life hard on!! I was born and raised in Michigan, but moved to Florida in 1995 to be closer to family! I love to go camping, fishing, swimming, lots of outdoor things! I collect Seraphim angels, Tiger and Unicorn statues & pictures!! Take Care and Good Luck in Bingo, I'll see ya soon!! Love to All, May God Bless, Wildcherry



Michelle aka Downeygirl

Hi all. First of all I don't like to do laundry...hehe :D I went to school in Downey so that is how I came up with my name. I have two children a boy 21 and a girl 17. I play golf at least 2 times a week. I like to garden and of course play bingo and I love to do anything outdoors. And last but not least this is my dog Hailey. awwww :~) "michelle"



Nancy aka NHP107 & Joe aka Trouble46

Hi, my name is Nancy aka NHP107. I'm 44 years young and my wonderful husband Joe and I have been married 11 1/2 years. I have 9 beautiful grandchildren, compliments of my 3 children, JODY, MISTY & MARYBETH. I love to crochet from which I make lots of afghans, pot holders, baby blankets among other things, I also love to read. My husband is the gardner in the house and because of this we have a beautiful yard most all the time. He also likes to crochet and does beautiful work. We love spending time with our grandchildren. They are a very important part of our lives. Other than that my favorite past time is with all my friends in bingo room 2. They are wonderful company and I love all of them. GOD BLESS ALL OF U.



Natalie aka jwsweatland

Hello everyone! I am 38 years old and live on the very tip of New York State, about 5 minutes from Canada. I have worked for 6 years as a secretary in a county government office that specializes in helping people find jobs. I was born and raised here, but my previous job took me to New York City, where I lived for about 6 years. I returned home shortly after my father died and my mother became ill. My mother is now doing quite well. In fact, she travels all the time (I can't keep up with her!). I've always said coming home was the best decision I ever made! I have no children of my own, but have nieces and nephews that I love to spoil. I'm a little more than single and a little less than married. Jim and I have "cohabitated" for about 5 years. We love going to auctions. I love to find cut glass and art glass. Jim likes old insulators. I usually get back into my needlepoint and reading a good novel in the winter when there's not much else to do. And, of course, I love playing Bingo with all the great people on Table 2!! If you ever want to contact me you can find me at:



Bonnie aka bunsaplenty aka bonnikins

Hi everyone. My name is Bonnie aka bunsaplenty and previously aka bonnikins. I am 45 for now and live in Prince George B.C. I was born and raised right here. I am the mother of three ~ Kris 22, Eddy 20, and Angie 19...that's her with me in the pic on her graduation day...some of you may remember the dilema of the gown...well it all turned out beautiful and she was the belle of the ball. I have 4 step grandchildren ages 12, 12, 8, and 5. In 3 months I may be adding a new and improved pic of myself so wish me luck on my journey to a smaller me :>). See you in the bingo room



Barbie aka gameplyr007



Anne aka Libra_46

Hi bingo friends. I am 46 years young and married 25 years this coming October. Silas (husband's name) and I have a son, William, who is 23. We love traveling and have lived in North Carolina 19 years. Originally from New York. I love playing Bingo and you all make it so much more fun than going out to play the real thing. See you all soon in room 2.



Mary aka Mary7744_

I'm 45, married 27 years, we have two daughters, April is 20 (4-4-79) Christa is 14 (10-26-84) and one grandson Jordan 17 mos. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 4 bunnies & 4 fish. We live in central Ohio (Knox Co.) wayout in the boonies, on a acre of land. We grow a huge vegetable garden every year & I love to plant flowers. My interests are sewing/crocheting, decorating, flower gardens, I enjoy listening to the oldies but goodies. I love golfing & on two leagues. I'm not good at it, but I'm not bad I'm a Christian & I love the Lord. I try to live my life according to what God wants of me, sometimes (alot of I fail, but I get back up & try I enjoy our room alot, it is my down Everyone is so nice! I thank each of you for your welcome. My pic will be there soon. Your Bingo Pal Mary7744_ E-mail is






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