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~ That's What Friends Are For ~


Marty aka Marty1344

I am now married to Tommy Gwyn (tog49), March 10, 2000. My youngest son no longer works at Bob Evans, he is a Setup Man for a local rental company. My email address is now & ICQ #56476833 with email there . I am also including a pic with this update. The little one is our grandson Jay 16 months old. He lives is Washington, DC. Love and hope to see you soon in BinGo. Thanks for the wonderful work you do for us! Luva U Bunches! Marty & Tommy Gwyn aka Marty_WV & tog49


Ray & Deb

Ray and Debi aka Razor40 and Debi_43

Ray (razor40)and Debi (Debi_43) met on the internet and then met in person in July, 1999. We have been together ever sense, and we are planning a May wedding. Razor is 41 and I am 44. Together we share my 2 kids and 2 grandsons, and a cat. We live in Michigan. Ray and I enjoy quiet times at home, watching movies, playing with the grandsons who are 4 and 2...and going for long drives.






Hi I am a 47 year old female from Iowa...can you guess which one I am???...LOL My email address is



Norma aka Angel54USA

I just now got to read all of my email. It makes me sad to hear of all the illness and the deaths of friends. For each and everyone is always in my prayers. My name is Norma 45 years of age and I live in North Oklahoma. I am married to a fine man and have 2 children ~ a girl 26, a son 23 years, and three lovely grand-daughters. I have a few health problems ~ one that bothers me the most is being a diabetic...that I found out about just 2 months ago. I am on medication for it right now and doing fine. I work outside of the home as a waitress in a small cafe. I am sorry to say that I have not been to bingo lately because I have been helping my children out by watching the grandkids at nights while they work...and keeping in touch with my father-in-law that is not well at all...he went to the lung specialist last week and the doctor said that he has a fungus in his lungs that there is no cure for. I do not know the name of this fungus as of yet. He also has a calcium build up in his bronchial tubes that is cutting off the air passage to his lungs. He is on oxygen most of the time and has been since before Christmas. We will know in a few weeks what the Doctor is going to do to try and help him in his breathing...I am also sorry to say that I do not know any of you at bingo as of yet, but when things settle down some with the kids then I will be back to playing. Will keep you posted on how my father-in-law is doing...and will try and play bingo as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me be in your group of friends.


BobMojoma & Bob

Bob aka myhun70

Hi, I am a single male from Harper Woods, Michigan. D.O.B 2/21/56. I have one son ~ Ryan age 15. My hobbies include ~ Sports... Hockey (my son plays). Golf watching and playing, and watching football.



Sandy aka funkyhuny

I live in Summerville, South Carolina with the love of my life, Kevin and Chip our dog, (who thinks he's our kid), Herbie our geriatric hamster, and Peep and Tweet our male parakeets. I am a teacher at Fort Dorchester High School dealing with 9th-12th graders. We are retiring from the Navy in four months and are starting a new partnership with a friend from the service, who is also retiring this summer. Our new business is called Carolina Curbing, a landscaping business that uses continuous concrete edging with designer textures and colors. It puts shape, color and free form contour into your curbing or landscaping project. Our start up date is March 1, 2000. We can use all the prayer we can get to make this a successful operation. I want to thank all of you in room 2 table 2 for your warm welcome and dear friendship. With love and prayers to all. My birthday is 11/12, I am 43, have three grown children and 4 grandchildren (three girls and a boy).



Karen aka Eagle 471 and Steve

I am a wife and mother of 6 ~ grandmother of 3. Five daughters, one son, two grandaughters and one grandson. I am a full time bartender. I piddle around with my in-home craft shop. I love crafts!!! I love my family...including my new found bingo family! I'm new on the computer and have had sooo much encouragement and help from my on-line friends! LOVE my computer and connection to all of you!! For now... that's it! Eagle 471 ~ Ohio



Diana aka Dspeh aka Speh

I live in Mass and have been married to a bright beautiful man for 16 years. I also have a son 14 and one that is 27. I have a daughter that is 23. I have 3 beautiful grand kids. One girl that is 4 one girl that is months and a girl due in April and one grandson that is 3 poor thing out done by all the girls. I love to see people smile and laugh. I spend my days on the puter sending jokes and toons to people hoping to make their day. I enjoy talking to people on the internet and meeting some of them. I have met one man that I have found to be a very beautiful person and I have come close to him and I hope to meet more of you and come close to you. May God be with each and everyone of you each day keeping you safe. Love you all, and hope we all stay close no matter where we are.



Laurie aka dglvr_1999

I'm 45 years old, a grandma twice, live in Maryland, have been seperated 4 years (but still praying for reconcilliation) enjoy church, love the Lord, and my dogs. I really like the Bingo Room even though I have never really played. Some day I'd like to give it a try. I was formerly a veterinary technician who did animal rescue on the side. Now I am in animal rescuer who is unemployed! I work with local animal control agencies to get dogs adopted. I also groom dogs for people (seniors) who can't afford or cannot get to the groomers. I have 8 dogs who are a gift from God, they are: Nubby - 100 lb rottweiler, Rocky - 100 lb rottweiler, Jasper - 60 lb shar-pei mix, Cheekah - 9 lb chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, Ruby - 9 lb Dachshund mix, Tiffany - 5 lb Maltese, Suds - 6 lb toy fox terrier and Emily - 14 lb Poodle/Dachshund mix. They are all inside members of the family. What a hoot to live here! I don't have a scanner so I can't give a picture but picture in your mind Ricki Lake and Roseanne and there I am!!! So...that's pretty much me, Love, Laurie aka dglvr_1999



Cathy aka Cathy_95

My name is Cathy. I'm 48 years old, married, have two children. A boy, John, who will be 29 on Dec 2, a girl, Lisa, who will be 25 on April 17, and 5 grandchildren and one on the way, due May 28. My birthday is April 11, and my fifth wedding anniversary is June 3. I work with mentally retarded people that have severe behaviors.






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