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Louise aka carsneakmt

Hello Roomies. I am 48. I was born in Abbington, Pa. Moved to Florida by age 6 lived there until my mother passed away when I was 15. We then moved to Virginia my Dad and two brothers. We stayed there for almost a year then we all moved back to Florida. When I was 17 we moved back to Pa. I live in Valley Forge, Pa. I have three wonderful children and a grandson who is 27 months old. My son Shane is 26 he’s a manager. He works in the medical field...something to do with hospitals. My son Dan is soon to be 23. He has his own landscaping business, he also does auto repair. He recently rebuilt a 79 Buick. My daughter is Jessica...she is 24 and the mother of my grandson Cameron. She is a manager at Wendy’s. I have a beagle named Boomer who is getting a little overweight and older everyday. I have three cats. Hence my AKA Carolina, sneakers and mittens. My girls beat up boomer on a fairly regular basis. I enjoy bingo and going to the casino. I love the shows. I love to go to “our” table and enjoy talking to the many super great friends there. Even when you run into them in another room you know you’re not alone that there is a friend nearby who will chat and always ask how you are feeling and how you are doing. I thank God everyday for guiding me to 40 something game 2 table one. I wish to thank all of you for being such great friends. Love to all of ya. carsneakmt AKA Louise.

It is a rare and special thing
to find a friend who will remain
a friend forever.

Blessed are they who have the gift
of making friends,
for it is one of God's best gifts.

It involves many things but above all,
the power of going out of one's self,
and appreciating whatever is noble
and loving in another. . .

The world holds few things so wonderful
as the wonder of a growth of a genuine
Love between two souls. . .

Deepening, broadening, intertwining all their lifes,
growing quite unconsciously, and in spite
of full recognition of all limitations and imperfections,
bringing a sense of unity of lives,
of the necessity of one to the other. . .

Such friendships are perhaps the best proof the world
affords of love at the very heart of the universe. . .

Friendship is surely one of life's
special miracles. . .

When two people are united in friendship's spirit,
the relationship assumes special light and
life-giving qualities unlike any other. . .

Friendships give richness to life
and promise to the future. . .

Keep in mind,
that each of us is special because
we are different. . .we have come together
in this friendship, because we have our
differences to bring to each other . . .

So listen to me, as I listen to you,
we will hear ourselves grow into the
realization of expanding mutual respect...

Mychele R.



Patty aka Prnprinters aka Pattyann48

I am really new to the net. I don't even know all the protocols or abbreviations, but I'll learn fast. I only want to be friendly. I grew up without any constant example, so in order to learn how to live and treat others, I had to teach myself by trial and error. I still sometimes offend unintentionally, trying to maybe get cute or whatever. Sorry in advance, and just tell me when I say something stupid or offensive, so I'll learn. And then, please try to forgive me. Thanks. I've lived in 36 of the 50 U.S. States, been in all of them except Alaska and Hawaii, been to Mexico, Ireland and Athens, Greece and all the provinces in Canada. My mother was unstable, and moved a lot looking for work and love. She left us (my two sisters and I) with different people all the time. I had to put up with 3 abusive stepfathers (one really bad)and never got to know my own father until I became an adult. I'm on my third and last marriage. 3's a charm or 3 strikes, I'm out. I tend to pick men who do not demonstrate with their affections much in an attempt to make sure I don't live with abuse. In other words, I've given up a quality that I need in order to avoid one that I can't live with. Brilliant, huh? Thank God this one is willing to go with me to counselling, to help us both learn to live with each other happily. I'm what I like to call a multi-faceted artist. I write childrens' stories, and am a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature. I'm in the middle of putting together a book of short stories. I'm also three chapters into a story about a teenager who gets pregnant and gives her child up for adoption. I draw pictures with coloured charcoal, some of which have won awards. I'm a photographer too, and some of my photos have been awarded 1st place ribbons in competition. Most important to me is my singing. I perform for local events, and used to be a part of a large choral group that performed all around Vancouver. Although I try to be a happy person I have my fair share of sob stories. My mother died of cancer when I was 23, and I had to look after my teenaged sister. The other thing is something I have to continually pray about for understanding and acceptance. The one thing I wanted above everything else in my life was to be a mother. It has been denied me. I know God only wants the best for me, and maybe, somehow, not having children is what's best for me. Someday maybe I'll understand. Prayers help. There's nothing works better. I guess that's a fair condensation for a short bio of myself. I could really write a book, and maybe I will. For now, I'm tired of saying "I". Thanks for emailing me. See you at bingo. God is Love. May the Love of God Surround you and enfold you forever.



Mari aka Beaniemari

Hi, I am a mother of 2 boys, 26 and 30. I have 3 grandchildren. Two of which I watch so the mother can work. They are 3 and 4. I have a granddaughter and a son that live in Germany. I have been married now for 30 years to the same guy I feel in love with when I was 14. We have traveled some of the US. Lived in Kansas for a year or so (Topeka) Montana for about the same amount of time (Miles City) and in Arizona for 4 years. We came back to Maine in 1980 and have stayed ever since. I am 48, my birthday is January 12. I enjoy my computer very much, the games and the news on it. I love the Lord and try to spread his word. I work part time at a little corner store. I love Pepsi.



Debb aka Freckles1953

I'm 46 y/o female til November 19th at least. I am single, but my partner is supportive and loves me very much. I am a disabled nurse of over 20 years....many physical challenges. I am allergic to my own body so all my major organs are involved..I use my electric wheelchair to get around if there's walking involved. My partner says I use people as speed bumps...but only if they are being obnoxious and I need to get their attention!! giggle....we have 3 cats (our children) to travel, we play music and sing.........doing open "mic" at local coffee houses and partner is a composer and guitar player...makes it much easier that way!! life is busy with school, currently going to a local junior college, taking computer, drawing and composition, and just really thrilled with all the new friends I've found in Excite's Bingo rooms. They are such a wonderful supportive group with great senses of humors......giggle....I guess that says it all for now.....If I ever figure out my scanner will send a picture.....Thanks all...debb






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