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Debbie aka hopefully04

Name: Debbie
UserName at Bingo: hopefully04
Birthdate: May 3rd
Address: Maine
Hobbies: Crafting, reading, bingo and computer



Debbie aka Taynik

Hi everyone. My name is Debbie aka Taynik. My e-mail is I live in a small town outside of Albany, NY. I have been married for 26 years and have four wonderful children ~ twin boys, Lenny (24), Mike (24), a daughter, Tami (22) and another son, Kris (17). I also have 3 beautiful grandchildren ~ Taylor (5), Nicole (3) and the newest is Mike Jr. (6weeks). My daughter is expecting her third child (we just found out). I also have 2 shih-tzu's that are part of the family ~ Casey and Ko-Ko-Mo. I like to read and play bingo on the puter. I feel like I know a lot of you and yet, we have never met. I love the chat and how you all support each other. I feel like family in the room. Sorry I can't send a picture right now, don't have the equipment. See you in bingo.



J.R. aka JesseLee39

I am married with children, 40, housewife and loving online bingo... delighted to be a part of the bingo buddies!



Kim aka fritzykim and Brian aka brianes

Hi, I am Kim aka fritzykim and my hubby (aka brianes) live in California with our 2 children Cody (8) and Katie (5). I am a floral manager for a major supermarket chain and Brian is a financial consultant and long time telecommunictions specialist. I am a native Californian (a rarity) and Brian is from Washington. In May I prayed for friendship and God blessed me abundantly by giving me my bingo friends. The people in my room are the most wonderful people I have ever known and I am priviledged to call all of them my friends. I am 42 and will be 43 on Sept 5th. Brian is 42 and will be 43 on Mar 4th. I married a younger man !!! LOL



Speaking Turtle

My name is Speaking Turtle ~ I am of mixed blood white and Abenaki Indian. Since my Heart and Soul are Native I consider myself as native. While we Abenakis are not federally recognized in the USA we are alive and well. I am 44 years old and come originally from York, Maine and because of work now live in Florida. I am single and the only children I have are Adia, Lil Joe and Hoss ~ three lovely SharPeis who have come into my life and settled in quite comfortably as important parts of it. I do not hate any man only certain things that some people do. I try not to judge people by their outer shell but rather by the person inside. I hope that people judge me the same way.



Faye aka Ladyfaye970

After living in Tennessee, near Knoxville, almost 22 years, my husband and I moved to Maryland, near Washington DC. We have 5 children between us and 7 grandchildren. I grew up singing professional gospel music with my brothers and sisters out of Cincinnati and when I turned 18 I left home to sing in nightclubs. After traveling all over the country with various road bands I wound up in Knoxville, TN. I met my husband while singing in a lounge there and fell in love with him almost instantly. John is a perpetual Deacon in the Episcopal church and a hydrogeologist, working with an environmental company in Arlington, VA. I haven't worked outside the home since 1984 and I love it. It has given me the freedom to make online friends on AOL ( and at (ladyfaye970). I had never played bingo until I found it by accident and I'm here to tell you I fell in love with it the first time there. I became addicted to it almost immediately. Then I had the awesome pleasure of being invited to receive the moonmail newsletter and birthday list. The outpouring of love I felt there is amazing and I wanted to be a part of it. I am 49 years old, soon to be 50 and considering the alternative, I don't mind. Let the years roll on! lol It is a pleasure to be a part of Bingo Friends and I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible.


Teresa & Larry

Teresa aka IJustLuv2Shop

I'm 45 and married with 4 children which two are stepchildren. I have 3 grandbabies. One I am raising he is 7..Tyler and Olivia which is 5..Kelby is one..they all belong to my baby making I live in Georgia. I'm disabled caused by a quack doctor. I was a supervisor for a chain of stores for 10 years and now I'm a stay home grandmother. I can't say mom I'm very happy I've met so many friendly folks in bingo and hope to meet more.






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