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~ That's What Friends Are For ~


Daphne aka Mysty aka Mystyfyd

Hello everyone! My real name is Daphne, and I live in California. I am 45 years young, so am qualified to play at your table for only 5 more years, LOL. I live with my three wonderful teen-age boys: Justin (18), Derek (16), and Nathan (14)...they are the joy of my life! We have two cats: Scooter (age 5), who is a sweet tuxedo; and Whiskers (age 3), who is an obnoxious feral grey-longhair. Justin is going into the Army in less than a month (boo-hoo, sob, sniff), Derek is working as an apprentice to a building contractor, and Nathan is working as a model for the John Robert Powers agency, (watch for him in Hollywood!). Hmmmmmmmm....That leaves me....I work as a family therapist, and parent's rights advocate. I love these jobs! It seems today that parents seem to feel less and less "power" to act in their children's behalf. I love helping parents learn what they are capable of - what incredible influences they can be, to their children and their world - and what strong advocates they can be, in standing up against the "system"...who seem hell-bent on taking all their rights as parents away. It keeps me busy...LOL!!! And in my spare time, I feed the million (it seems) teen-age boys who congregate in front of my refrigerator...When I am not doing that, you'll find me in our bingo room, at table 2!!!! Sometimes, I go in there to just "get away from it all"...thinking I'm going to hide in the corner (yeah right! LOL), and I just can't help myself...I just have to smile! That table is so much fun, and there is so much love's like being with family!!! I haven't met any of you in person, yet I feel like I've known you for a long time...And even those of you whom I haven't talked with yet, I know we'll be friends too. It's that kind of place, a wonderful place of friendship!!!! Oh, and sometimes it's fun to play bingo too!! (LOL) See you there!!



Gary aka gm833

Hi everyone! My name is Gary, a.k.a. gm833. I am 41 years old, single and I play in a band. I play country-rock and like meeting new friends! I also work full time for Value-City-Furniture as a delivery-driver. I am from Illinois. I like to go fishing and camping. I love being outdoors and also like playing bingo with everyone in table 2!! You are a great bunch of people and I am glad I met you all!



I would like to thank Moonanjel for writing the above poem for all of us at table 2 (40's)...thanx again Moonanjel from everyone at bingo table 2 :~)



Walter aka beerman54

Hi there, it's beerman54, and here is my bio!!! I am 54, single, and retired. My favorite hobbies are gardening, role-playing games, Nascar, and reading science fiction!!Also love playing Bingo at table 2 with all my new friends!!! beerman54



To my Friends 40 something game two ~ Ezad aka Brenda



Ken aka Ken42

Hello all! Our famous words as we enter in, "Our," bingo room. My name is Kenneth a.k.a. KEN42. No one accused me of being original! Most of you already know I am in a wheelchair. I was in a water diving accident in 1980, but I look back and thank the Lord everyday I am alive. I have a degree in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling, but currently am keeping payroll on my computer. I have no picture of myself, but if you picture Sam with white hair, a beard, and in a wheelchair you will have a good idea of what I look like. My hobbies include; reading, music, Civil War history, having a good time with friends, and bingo? Lol. I have been divorced for seven years now, but have met a wonderful lady named Melissa and her three wonderful children. She will be moving to Tacoma after October. My greatest vision in life is to share my love of Jesus Christ with each and every person I come in contact with. He is the love of my life and without him, I would not care to live. Right now, I believe the Lord is leading me to continue to minister to people I meet in the various game rooms. It is with great joy that I have met almost each and every one of you in "Our" bingo room. The beautiful friendships that have been made will last a lifetime, even after we no longer see each other the memories will continue. I pray each and every one of you come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior the way I love him. May His grace and peace abound in each and every one of you. Lord bless all always. See you in the bingo room! Ken. My email address is, Feel free to write anytime.



Cyndee & Dale

I am Cyndee and this is my big bear hug hubby Dale. We live in Texas and have been married 18 years (19 on Dec. 31) I have one son from a previous marriage. Mike is 22 and in the Army. Shawna is our daughter and is a senior in High School this year. I am a crafter by heart and would love to be able to stay home, craft and play bingo all day. But as they say "reality bites", so I will have to get a job soon. I had my own shop for a year and a half but when my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I closed my shop to care for her full time. That was January last year and she seems to be doing a little better. So its back to work for me. I am so thankful to all of our bingo family for all the prayers and support you have given my family and I during all the surgeries and bad news with Mom. I dont know where I'd be without you all!



Pearl aka Lotterygirl40

I am a single woman. I just recently moved to Calgary to start a Fresh New Life at the age of 40. I love country music and I dance Country and Social style. I love playing Bingo, Bowling, and challenges.



Janet aka __Janet2t

Hi ya, from Canada, I'm Janet & I'm a bingoholic *giggles behind her hand* Oops wrong place! Well, ok then, about myself, *thinking* I'm 39, no SO to brag about, single, with no kids to brag about, not even a pet, so I guess I gotta talk about me. I go out to a bingo whenever I can afford to, & even win at times. I also play online backgammon. I am recovering from a nasty car accident on December 5th, I had multiple injuries that nearly took my life, and kept me in the hospital for 3 months. I am so thankful for my guardian angels that have watched over me and guided me through that ordeal. I am also thankful for the angel that guided me to find our bingo hall & table 2, where I have found so many great and caring friends, it is something that I had been looking for as I really can't go out too much to meet with others. If you have icq please add me to your list, 1358007 or email me at Oh.....btw.....umm.....are there any single guys from let's say around Ontario.....maybe Toronto area.....that are looking for someone to take care of????????..... o O ( gotta try anything to meet someone)*giggling*



Willy aka Dutchmoo & Jeff

My name is Willy, dutchmoo, I am Dutch and have lived in Canada since I was 1 1/2 years old. We have 3 children, AdaMarie-32, Jeff Jr.- 20 and Riekie-17. That is my hubby in pic with me dancing. We all bowl 5 - pin and I love doing plastic canvas crafts, gardening & canning and I love my numerous flower beds. Hubby and I were both born in 1950, so we will be 50 in the millenium. I hope I can still stay in the 40's room with you wonderful people. I am pretty much a loner, I don't go out much and unless someone includes me in the conversation, I don't say too much either. You are a great group of people and have made me feel very welcome, thank you all so much.






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