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~ That's What Friends Are For ~



I'm a 46 year old, married, mother of a 23 year old daughter. My primary function in life is to serve and protect..This I have been doing for 16 years now. I am proud to say I also just passed the bar exam for Ontario so once I retire from the force..will work the other side of the fence for a while hehe... My husband has muscular dystrophy but I admire him a ton cause he has his own drafting business..he also collects hot wheels..sheesh My daughter is a nursery school teacher and is also the light of my life. I enjoy the bingo chat..u people make me feel a whole heap better after a long shift..thanx for that and good luck to u all.


Jim & Sandie

Jim & Sandie aka jdw2 & SandieW

Married Feburary 13, 1998, have two beautiful grand daughters, one a 2 year old and the other 4 months. Their names are Tachenah Walela and Kiriki Ann. My husband has 2 children by a previous marriage, a daughter 20 years old and a son that will be 18 this month. I have 3 children by a previous marriage, a son 24 and one that is 26, and a daughter that is 25. I love to read and paint. Husband loves to hunt and fish. We both love to play bingo with our friends at EZ bingo.



Pam aka teagle21

I am teagle21 in the bingo room. My real name is Pam from Ohio. I am 44 years old. I have a husband Butch and 3 kids ~ two sons and one daughter and one 4 year old grandson. Have two cats. I work in a pharmacy as a tech and have been doing this kind of work for over 10 years. I am active in my church. I sew crochet, canvas and cross stitching. I bowl on a womens league every Tuesday morning. Thanks for making me feel welcome in your group. Thanks again, teagle21 (pam)



Sharon aka sg1vegas

Hi! This is me, Sharon aka sg1vegas. I live in Oregon and have two daughters, 29 and 25. They both live in New York. I am 48 years old and love to play bingo in game room two. I have a lot of friends in there and it is a blast. My hobbies include making Dream Catchers and Headdresses and playing bingo. I am married to a wonderful man of 17 years and plan on it for the rest of my life. See you all at bingo.





Does this remind you of anyone? I think we have all experienced this at one time or another during our time at However, we all it that we love bingo soooooo much or is it because we love our *friends* even more? I know my answer to that °Ü°. Love you all very much...take care and God Bless.



DJ aka DJ1871
DJ you have to look looking he is DEFINITELY out there!!

I live and grew up in Eastern Oregon. I am a 44 year old single female, still looking for that handsome man who has his own Oh I forgot, I also have two children, well adults now ~ a son that is 23 and a daughter that is 21, most important, a grandson that is just turning 3. And thank you all for being my Bingo Friends, and Thank you Lyn, for a great web sight..........See ya all in Bingo




I am an easy going guy so it doesn't take much for me to get interested into something. As far as my hobbies, I really only have a couple. That is playing pool and playing with computers. When it comes to pool, I am a very serious person about learning the game so I can be a better player. Other hobbies include listening to music and trying to play some on my guitar. Some of my favorite types of music would be the late 60's, 70's, and early 80's Rock N' Roll. My favorite group is Creedence Clearwater Revival. Others included are Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Eagles, Aerosmith, ZZTop, and Fleetwood Mac. I'm not really into watching TV unless it is something that interests me or something that I consider funny. TVLand and Nick At Nite always show the old comedies of the late 60's and 70's. My favorite has to be "All in The Family". I can hear Edith now, "Now Archie....." Another hobby I have is the Georgia Lottery. I play it about everyday so I am always checking the numbers to see if I won or not.



Sandie aka Naked-j-bird

Hello all my new found friends in bingo room 2. I will be married 20 years this September 13th to Jim who also plays in our room but doesnt say much. Men find it hard to talk and dab at the same time! I have 2 children, Dallas is 16, and Shari is 13. My stress level has changed dramatically with two teens in the house. I am an emergency room nurse, and have worked in every department of medicine over my twenty year career. We have recently sold a family business (nursing home) so hope retirement will come soon. I spend my time at the skating rink with my kids as both are competitive figure skaters and I myself am a judge in competitions. I also like to scuba dive (not real good at it) and travel.




I'm 41 years old soon to be 42, been married 22 years old to John, a wonderful man, we made a contract for 50 years then we will make new terms so have a while to run. I have two human children, Erin 18 years old and Mike 14 years old. They are the lights of my life as well as the reason I pull my hair out. I have two dog children, Kelsey 9 year old golden retreiver and Morgan 2 year old black lab. They keep me company when I'm playing bingo. I work from home, we have our own company we started 2 years ago. I answer phones, do paperwork and errands. I worked in accounting for 18 years before this and did a year in training. My hobbies are reading, cross stitch and bingo. I love being able to go to table 2 and talk or sometimes just listen. Good luck to all and may fortune favor all.



Laree aka REALYTY449

Hi I am Laree/REALYTY449 ~ A Proud Single parent suppose to be disabled, but don't look at myself that way. Love my Creator, myself, my son and life. I am a human being first ...a woman ...a friend ....a mother. I love all that life has to offer good or my friends hobbies ....meeting new friends n my bingo roomies n I am here for anyone any time and will always help in any ways that I can.....Love you & Blessings In All Ways. Love Ya ~ Laree ~ ô¿~


Brad & SallyCoCoBrad

Brad & Sally aka Muskyl & MrsMuskyl
CoCo ~ she wants to know if you can touch your nose with your tongue like she can! LOL

This is Mr. and Mrs. Musky (aka Brad and Sally) and dog Coco. We live in the media capital of the free world in Ohio. We were married December 16th of 1998 and live with Sally's 2 sons and oldest ones wife (soon to be) and of course the dog. We were married after a courtship over the internet. We both would like to thank Lyn for this site so we can put faces and background with names. We both enjoy the company and the friendship this site has offered us. May God bless and keep you all. Love Brad and Sally






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