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Love Friendship

Heart Heart

~ Love in the First Degree ~ Alabama

Feel free to email your quotes and/or sayings to the email address at the bottom of the page. Your quotes will be added along with the ones that we have already received including your name. If you don't want your name posted please specify and we will just sign "unknown". Thank you and let's see how many quotes we can get on this site regarding love and/or friendship. If you have anything that a friend or someone you love made for you or you made for them (i.e., a button, etc.) ~ email it to me at the address at the bottom of the page and it will be added. God Bless each and every one of you!!!!

Made With Love
Please do not take mine from here ~ just click on the Made With Love Button and get your very own ~ Thank You!!!




I adopted the two Dust Bunnies from Teddy~Bear. Sorry Teddy~Bear, I had to adopt both...what is one without the other? Just like the love and friendship you have shown to each of us...thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to adopt your very own, please click on the Adopt Logo above and get your very own...take care and God Bless...friends FOREVER, love, Lyn


Wings "A true friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." Dedicated to my dearest true friends - Lyn and Mare - with love and thanks...from Mysty

Wings The greatest sign of God's love is that He wants to be known ~ Lyn

Wings Everything that happens ~ Happens for a reason or purpose ~ Ours is not to question why ~ Just to do and NEVER die! ~ Pam & Lyn

Wings A heart is not judged by how much you love.....but, by how much YOU are loved by others! ~ Scott

Wings Let the angels help you through the day ~ Adam

Wings Surrender must begin on the smallest, most intimate scale. It starts with you and someone you love, learning to be together without resistance or fear ~ Lyn

Wings Love begins with understanding and never ends ~ Goldfish

Wings There are many paths you can take in life and love..just beware of the back alleys, and dead end streets. Main roads are always more safe!!! ~ Goldfish & Roper23_74

Wings If you love something set it free...If it comes back to you it's yours...If it doesn't then it was never meant to be. ~ Pam

Wings The only way to have a friend is to be one ~ Mary

Wings Whenever a person's heart dries up, it may appear that love has dried up. In fact, that person has built a boundary to shut out a force that is always at flood tide ~ Lyn

Wings Love is meant to heal ~ Love is meant to renew ~ Love is meant to make us safe ~ Love is meant to inspire us with its power ~ Love is meant to make us certain, without doubt ~ Love is meant to oust all fear ~ Love is meant to unveil immortality ~ Love is meant to bring peace ~ Love is meant to harmonize differences ~ Love is meant to bring us closer to God ~ Rebecca

Wings A decision must be made in the recesses of your heart to choose between the known, which is safe but familiar, or the unknown which is fresh ~ a field of infinite possibilities ~ Lyn

Wings Sometimes it's best to take the rocky path in life, compared to the smooth one. You never know what you are missing or how solid the ground is till you test it ~ WhiteKnightCowboy & ACountryVixen

Wings The miracle of love is that feeling a grain of love for another person can suddenly reveal the divine. Such a tiny shift of perception is needed to regain infinity ~ Lyn

Wings What is love? To some ~ it's the feeling of not being alone ~ for others it's the feeling of security...the knowing that someone is there to support them. Still others believe that it's the caring of another person that has come into ones' life. No matter what your definition of love is ~ one thing is for certain ~ it was meant to be shared ~ Glenn (grs61)

Wings The more difficult the obstacle, the stronger one becomes after hurdling it ~ Unknown

Wings Real love gains complete satisfaction simply by flowing out to what is loved; if love comes back that is an added joy, but isn't required or demanded ~ Lyn

Wings Friends are angels sent down to earth to make good days and to help us find our way ~ Mike

Wings Only you can open and close your heart. The power of love to nurture and sustain us depends on our commitment to it "in here." ~ Lyn

Wings You should never have to look for Love, it will find you before you know it. The three basic things to life are food to eat, a roof over your head, and someone to love. Some look forever for their true loves and find that the one that has stood behind them through everything is their true love. Others, already know this and appreciate their love for everything that they are. ~ Lilsexyangel

Wings I can tell him anything, good or bad, and I don't have to worry. I feel safe and secure when we are together, and I know that he is behind me. I fell in love and was afraid, but learned it's hard to be without him. To me, the meaning of love is how much I love him, and every moment I spend with him is very special to me ~ Dee

Wings A friend is a present you give yourself ~ Mary

Wings Surrender is not achieved until you surrender completely to your beloved. To accomplish this you must relinquish everything that deprives you of love and nuture everything that comes from love ~ Lyn

Wings Passion is the energy that love creates with no object other than itself ~ Lyn

Wings Scientists know only what loves does ~ Love properly applied, could virtually empty our asylums, our prisons, our hospitals. Love is the touchstone of psychiatric treatment. Love can be fostered, extended, used to subjugate hate and thus cure diseases. More and more clearly, every day, out of biology, anthropology,sociology, history, economics, phychology, the plain common sense, the necessary mandate of survival ~ that we love our neighbors as ourselves ~ is being confirmed and reaffirmed. Christ gave us only one commandment ~ Love...Now to the laboratory with love! ~ Mary

Wings Awareness can be shared. What God gives you out of love, you can give to someone you love ~ Lyn

Wings Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job ~ Mary

Wings Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak approving, cheering words while their ears can hear them, and while their hearts can be thrilled and made happier by them ~ Lyn

Wings The door to the human heart can be opened only from the inside ~ Mary

Wings A friend is a person with whom you dare to be yourself ~ Mary


The above wings were sent to me by Mysty to be used on the pages...thanx Mysty!!!!!!!!


The following was sent to Nancy from Teddy...isn't it beautiful? Nancy wanted to share it with all of us...thanx Nancy for allowing me to put it on our *Friends* website.

Links to My Pages

If someone did not send me their picture to use or did not have one at the moment, I used a Precious Moments picture that I had and tried to put a little of their own personality into me ~ every moment that I spend in Bingo with my friends is a very precious moment to me ~ thanx, Lyn :~)

BinGo Town

BinGo Town ~ The Saga Continues

An Angel Wrote

Poem ~ From Decrepit to Funny

Friends Index

Bingo Friends

Bingo Friends ~ 1

Bingo Friends ~ 2

Bingo Friends ~ 3

Bingo Friends ~ 4

Bingo Friends ~ 5

Bingo Friends ~ 6

Bingo Friends ~ 7

Bingo Friends ~ 8

Bingo Friends ~ 9

Bingo Friends ~ 10

Bingo Friends ~ 11

Bingo Friends ~ 12

Bingo Friends ~ 13

Bingo Friends ~ 14

Bingo Friends ~ 15

Bingo Friends ~ 16

Bingo Friends ~ 17

Bingo Friends ~ 18

Bingo Friends ~ 19

Bingo Friends ~ 20

Bingo Friends ~ 21

Bingo Friends ~ 22

Circle of Friends

Our Circle of Friends Continues

The button above was made for me by my dear friend Pam...thanx Pam you are the bestest Sis!!!

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Background and graphics contained on this page were
created by ~ JustMe ~ *smiles*