~ Angels Among Us ~ Performed by Alabama

This was made for me by my Sissy ~ she is the BESTEST Sis anyone could ever have. No one has ever met a kinder ~ more caring person than she is. Thanx Sissy ~ I love it ~ but more importantly ~ I love you, JD and Amanda ~ thanx for being my SISSY!!!!!!!!!

This was made for me by Sissy aka Pam...thanx sis it means a lot to me...gotta say tho...love you too!!!!!!!!!

This was made for me by Sissy...boy she can stay in the lines when she colors...lol...just kidding ya sis...love you all very much too...always treasure everything you give me...thanx :~)

The above was made for me by my Sis. Please under no circumstances steal this from here. It was Heather's first Christmas angel and it means the world to me and to Pam. I feel very honored that she made this for me under those circumstances, so please do not take it. Sis, you have taught me a very valuable lesson again and for that I thank you and I also thank God for bringing you into my life when he did. You are my earthly angel sis and there are not enough words in the world to convey how I feel about you and your family. Just thank you God, Heather, Jenny and Dad for bringing us back together. Love you sis about this much jfiur8ijgk jierji8ijiyu9jknkaok n ljioreuiojkijt fn ruenfj ruih jkn jknnnmvljio ~ you know what that means sis.

This was given to me one day by Sissy, she told me to delete it...she is also known to me as the "Great Deleter"...lol...when I told her that it was going up on my "gifts" page she told me that she wished she would have put a frame around it and fancied it up a bit, but I told her that I "Never" delete anything I get from my Sis and that it reminded me so much of myself...always said I was just plain, simple, me...that's all I ever claimed to be...just myself...at one time a different, name but always just myself...so Sis...just want to say again "thank you" very very much...love ya bunches.

This was made for me by one special young lady...thank you very much Amanda...it will be treasured for the rest of my life. Knows Sis has two very special angels ~ A Heavenly Angel (Heather) and an Earthly Angel (Amanda). I love you very much Amanda and Merry Christmas!!!!

The above animated button was made for me by my Sis, Pam. Please do not steal it from here. She knows when I am crying and can make me SMILE; she knows when I am down and can make me LAUGH; when I am about ready to give up she gives me HOPE. My WISH for EACH of YOU is that you can find a friend like I have found in Pam. I know that I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you Sis. Friends Forever ~ Sisters for Life ~ Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The above was made for me by Sis ~ aka Pam ~ aka Silk ~ love you Sis ~ still think you have the best site ~ sorry can't help it Sis, gotta say what I feel you know.

The above was made for me by Sis ~ aka Pam ~ aka Silk ~ love you Sis.

The above was made for me by Sis ~ aka Pam ~ aka Silk ~ my Angel ~ love you Sis ~ you are one in a trillion.

The above was made for me by Brian and Jo ~ aka WhiteKnightCowboy and ACountryVixen ~ I love you both!!!

The above was made for me by ACountryVixen ~ aka Goldfish ~ aka Jo ~ love you Sis.

The above was made for me by Jo ~ aka Goldfish ~ love you Jo.

Love Ya Sis
The above was made for me by Sis ~ aka Pam ~ aka Sassy ~ for me while I was ill ~ thanx sis and love you lots.

The above was made for me on March 10, 1999 by Pam ~ aka Sissy ~ aka Silk_n_Sassy ~ love ya Sis.

The above was made by Diane of IBIA. Thank you very much Diane, I will cherish it always.

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DO NOT under any circumstances take them.
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~ Lyn ~