
Music "Amazing Grace"
The song was sung by a very dear friend, _Janet2t, thank you so very much Janet for sharing your talent with all of us.
Also, I would like to ask everyone for prayers for Janet...she was in a car accident and one of her lungs were punctured so she cannot get her lung capacity back as it stands now to sing like she once did...I know with prayers and help from God that she will once again be able to continue to sing for us and God.
The music will take awhile to load, but it is well worth the wait :~)


I would like to thank Nancy for this award, without God in my life this site would not be what it is today. Click here to visit Nancy's pages ~ you will come back with a truly heartwarming experience. Don't forget to sign her guestbook to let her know that you were there ~ thanx.

Grief is a powerful thing. It's a good thing, a healing thing. It's a way to let go of a lot of pain. But it's something to go through, not hold on to.

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On this site I am hoping to cover the different aspects of grief that people deal with on a daily basis and during their lifetime. I am talking grief anywhere from money matters, to divorce, to losing a loved one. In just about everyone's life we encounter grief in many different forms. If anyone would have any suggestions as to what they would like to see here or added, please just email me at the address at the bottom of the page. Thank you and come back often as new things will be added continually.

Bible Bar

Never Retreat

I won't retreat from the things that I dread,
Instead of retreat I'll charge right ahead,

I'll face the adverse with courage and hope,
For I know with God's help I can certainly cope,

With anything in this world I must face,
As long as I remain in this time and place,

For there is work that must be done,
And I won't shirk if I'm the one,

Who has been given the responsibility,
I'm not alone and this gives me ability,

To do the things I feel I must,
For it is completely in God I trust,

So I won't pull back I'll thrust ahead,
I'll never give up I'll fight instead,

I'll never retreat from the challenge of foes,
For I have no fear for Heaven knows,

With God's help I will win every battle I fight,
Just as long as I know that I'm doing what's right,

So battles I'll fight and I'll say cool and neat,
And you can be sure I'll never retreat.

Bible Bar

God's Lent Child

"I'll lend you for a little while a child of mine", God said...
"For you to love while he lives and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be one or two years or forty two or three;
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you and (should his stay be brief)
You'll have his lovely memories as a solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since ALL from earth return;
But the lessons taught below I want this child to learn.
I've looked the whole world over in search for teachers true;
And from the things that crowd life's lane ---
I have chosen you.
Will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take this lent child back again?"
I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For joys Thy child will bring the risk of grief we'll run.
We will shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may
And for the happiness we've known forever grateful stay.
But should Thy Angels call him much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the grief that comes, and try to understand.

Author ~ Mackenzie Yvonne Bryceland
This was written for Michael by his sister
© As listed in the Library of Congress
Please do not take this poem without the permission of Yvonne, you can click on her name above and it will take you to her website...thanx!!!

Bible Bar

Who Moved?

Count what you have not what you lost,
And, remember, Jesus paid all the cost.

If you feel God isn't with you, then all I can say,
It isn't God who moved away.

Bible Bar

Windows in Heaven
by CJ Heck

I know sometimes that clouds bring rain
In wintertime it's snow
And spring is good because it makes
The pretty flowers grow.

I know that God is everywhere
And angels all have wings,
That dogs can't talk and bunnies hop
I know so many things.

But why do Daddies go away?
It makes kids and Mommies sad.
Are there windows up in Heaven?
Did I do something bad?

My Mommy said it's not like that...
That children all are good.
Sometimes Daddies just can't stay
Even though we wish they could.

She said Daddy loves me most of all
Not to think he doesn't care...
And he sees me from the windows...
God just needs him more up There.

Bible Bar

My Favorite Links

A Fireman's Dedication
Our Angels' Lil' Bit of Heaven
Angels of Hope
Sassy's Home On The Web
Love ~ Friendship ~ Internet Style
Deborah's Home
Jake's Treasures
A County Vixen's Villa
Life In A Fish Bowl
Roper's Corral
The Phillips' Clan
Beckyg_98's Homepage
Texas Backwoods Cafe
Melissa's Paul Brandt Fan Page "Wolfie"
Richmond Fire Department
Firekiller Fires Hothouse
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web

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My Links

When You're Grieving and Can't Show It
Where's Sabrina ~ Helping a Child Understand Death
A Journey through Grief
Shock or Numbness
Express Emotion
Depression and Loneliness
We May Become Panicky
Feeling Guilt About the Loss
Hostility ~ Resentment
Unable to Return to Usual Activities
A Teacher's Impact
This & That ~ Things to Ponder
True Life Stories From The Heart!
Gifts From My Angels
More Poems
What Do Angels Look Like?
Trail of Tears
My Hopes, Dreams, Wishes and Prayers
Live Everyday Like It Is Your Last!!!
My Awards
My Webrings
An Angelic Christmas
A Christmas With Your Angel

Bible Bar


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Living Life When The Unthinkable Happens Guestbook

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~ Lyn ~