
~ Holes in the Floor of Heaven ~ Steve Wariner

All Poems on this page and the following pages are © 1998

~ Jenny ~

She has soft blonde hair and big blue eyes,
She is always smiling she hardly ever cries,
She is not aware of things going on,
She is like a wilted flower who is lost without the sun,
Jenny can't walk or talk yet, I believe that inside of her there is someone just aching to get out! possibly saying, don't give up, I'm in here!
Though she may never be normal and run and play like other children, there is one thing, like the rest of us that she will do and that is, go to Heaven.
There she will have the kind of life that was not possible for her on earth.
This is not anyone's fault, it is just something that happens and something we all accept, and try to help, for someday she will be rewarded...She will never be forgotten.
She is a brave little soldier in a big strange world.
I wish Jenny and all of her little friends could know how we feel...
But, even more, I wish we could know what they are feeling.

~ Someone ~

If you have someone, you love as your mate,
Then tell that, someone, before it's too late,
Tell that, someone, who to you is so dear,
Say it, while you can speak and they can hear,
So, I implore you, please don't delay,
Tell that someone you love them, today,
And know that you have the blessing of God from above,
For in this life, you have someone you love.

~ Heaven's Special Child ~

A meeting was held quite far from earth
"It's time again for another birth,"
Said the Angels of the Lord above,
"This special child will need much love."
Her progress may seem very slow;
Accomplishments she may not show.
And she'll require much extra care,
From all the folks she meets down there.
She may not laugh or run or play;
Her thoughts may seem quite far away.
In many ways, she won't adapt,
And she'll be known as "Handicapped."
So let's be careful where she's sent,
We want her life to be content.
Please, Lord, find the parents who,
Will do this special job for you.
They will not realize right away,
The leading role they're asked to play.
But with the child from above,
Comes stronger faith and richer love.
And soon they'll know the privilege given,
For caring for this gift from Heaven ~
Their precious child so meek and mild,
Is "Heaven's Very Special Child."

~ The House ~

I spoke, then could see no one was home,
For the house was empty and alone,

There was no light or warmth inside,
And I knew the one who lived there, had died.

Now, you may think I mean a house of wood, brick or stone,
But, that's not the house I saw empty and alone,

It was a house of flesh, hair and bone,
That was the house where no one was home.

For the body's a house where the soul does abide,
And the soul is the warmth and light inside,

But when, it's a house of bone, flesh and hair,
Then, it's a house, in which no one is there.

~ If All Were Blind ~

I wonder what this world might be,
If not a one of us could see.

You would not judge me for my blonde hair and eyes of blue,
You would judge me by the way I treated you.

You would judge me by my spirit and my attitude,
And you would be listening, to know, if I was kind or rude.

You would be searching then, for the things you could not see,
And isn't that the only way you can know what's really me?

And so, I ask again of you, how do you think this world might be,
If we had to judge each other and none of us could see?

~ My Father Is A King ~

We, sometimes, think life isn't fair,
For we have more than our share,

Of troubles and grief,
Sometimes, without relief,

But, if we can realize, for us, God has a plan,
And we must look, for all the good in our fellow man,

For, we can either grow bitter and die,
Or we can reach up to the sky,

And do all the things our hearts desire,
For God's love, is all that we require,

For our Father is the king,
And he wants us to have everything.

~ Gone ~

by Catherine Heck

It's been a lifetime since you've gone, and still I miss you.
Wheels of time keep turning, churning mindless days to years.
I'm a bucket with a hole, sands of love falling through.
The cold granite at my feet belies the warmth yet in my heart;
while the words etched below, like dry ice burn my soul.
I love you. I hope you like the roses.

~ Mother's Day ~

On a day once a year,
We honor one who is so dear,

We honor her, for she is a winner,
As she fixes, our Mother's day dinner,

She sets out all the dinnerware,
And gets dinner ready with loving care,

The salads made, the roast is cut,
They sit right down and eat it up,

Now Mother knows it is her day,
And it's been great in every way,

They came, so she could spend her day with them,
True, just like a mother hen,

But then, in spite, of mother's wishes,
They run, like heck, from dirty dishes,

Once again the kitchens clean,
And from the kitchen comes the queen,

Now, let me make one thing quite clear,
She couldn't stand Mother's Day twice a year.

~ When You're Old ~

Things you need when you are young, you will get when you are old,
Things are backward don’t you see, like air conditioning when you’re cold,

You have no house and fenced in yard,
And you must work very hard,

You have no money, life to enjoy,
And teach your kids to not annoy,

The neighbors who surround you then,
And look forward to the time when,

You can relax and take your time,
And live a life we call sublime,

Then you end up old and beat,
With a house you can’t keep neat,

You have money, but you won’t crow,
Your health is gone, so no place you’ll go,

And when you don’t cook, anymore,
You’ll have pots and pans galore,

So life is backward, it seems to me,
And reverse, seems it should be,

For when you’re young the things you would dearly hold,
You will get, when you are old.

~ Special ~

There is a special person who deserves a star upon a crown,
For, he is the one who never lets me down,

He is kind and, oh, so patient, is all that I can say,
And understands all problems, though, he’s away all day,

He always gives me courage when I’m feeling low,
What I would do without him, I would never know,

When we meet in Heaven, I know, a star upon his crown I’ll see,
Because, of all the goodness, he showed my dad and me.

~ Islands To Ones Self ~

The person too independent, the person too strong,
Does not feel he should help, someone, else along,

There’s joy I helping others but, be gracious and let others help you,
For, remember, we are all brothers so, whatever, else you may do,

Just don’t be too independent and just don’t be too strong,
For others have to feel needed, and they will be needed, if they help you along.

~ Normal ~

Do you ever wonder what this life is all about?
Do you, sometimes, not feel devout?

And then, you wish, you could end it all,
Then you get dressed and go to a mall,

You look at the beautiful things that are there,
Or, perhaps, go and have lunch somewhere?

Then, you feel better when you return home,
And decide to call, some friend, on the phone,

You’re glad you did, for she had felt low,
And you realize and for sure, you know,

Tht you are just normal when you’re discontent,
It does take effort, but happiness,, for us, is God’s intent.

~ The Inventory ~

When I start judging others a voice says take a report,
Look at yourself, do you fall short?

So I hym and haw and I rationalize,
And after, sometime, I realize,

That I’m not perfect, neither are you,
And so, I think, the thing to do,

Is always be patient and try to be kind,
And with this philosophy, I believe, you will find,

When you catch yourself judging others, just quickly retort,
Don’t do it, baby, for you, too, fall short.

~ Clouds ~

When I am high up in a plane,
It seems I walk a hidden lane,

And I wonder, are loved ones there,
All around me in the air?

The clouds around are soft and white and I see tall castles too,
It seems like a different world just one we’re passing through,

It seems that we are in a town, but, we just can’t get in,
And when, again, we’re back on earth, it seems a place we’ve never been,

Now, I’ve been told we could not stand to view paradise,
If we had not been transformed and still had human eyes,

The beauty, there, that we will see,
Is far greater than we believe can be,

And, to think, it’s there for you and me,
And better, yet, to all it’s free.

~ Unexpected ~

People, sometimes, say so innocently to me,
You are not what I expected you to be,

And I always wonder just what they meant,
Should I feel complimented or should I resent,

That vague statement that’s never quite clear,
And, yet, it’s something quite often I hear,

I wonder why pictures we do get in mind,
Then meet someone and simply find,

They are not the way we expected them to be,
But, I always like them and I hope they like me.

~ Growing ~

I want to keep growing but not up or out,
For a different kind of growing I’m talking about,

A growing that helps me understand,
The heartaches of my fellowman,

A growing so that I can see,
That the one who’s right is not always me,

A growing so I can admit when I’m wrong,
And by admitting help someone along,

A growing so I can help the hunger and need,
I see in this world by planting God’s seed,

For it’s God’s word I want to grow,
And by my growing let others know,

It’s the only way for them to be,
I know it’s the only way for me,

So let them grow in God’s sunshine and love,
And attain the maturity that comes from above,

And an example every one can see,
Whenever and wherever they see me.

~ God's Pull ~

I feel God pulling on me,
Just as the moon pulls on the sea,

I simply know I’ll ride God’s tide,
Until I return to be by His side,

This feeling is so strong,
I know I can’t be wrong,

So I shall pray most fervently,
That I may know God’s Will for me,

For God’s will is important for me and you,
And follow God’s Will I will do.

~ The Heart ~

We have heard the expression they have a heart of gold,
But we should remember that gold is metal cold,

And a warm and caring human heart,
Is better than a metal one that can not love impart,

I just want to be a human that cares about my fellow man,
And to do God's bidding the very best that I can.

~ Great Pumpkin ~

Oh great pumpkin I see you there,
All toothless and orange with nary a hair,

Your candle inside is pretty and yellow,
And gives out a light that really is mellow,

A halloween pumpkin that was your fate,
But old toothless pumpkin you really look great,

Halloween is a great night for you,
You give joy to children what more could you do.

~ Press Faithfully Forward ~

We speed down life's highway,
And miss the flowers along the way,

So press forward but not so fast,
That you let God's Love go past,

So slow down and press faithfully on,
To know Jesus before this life is gone.

~ Happiness Find ~

If you can smile when things aren't right,
And when it's dark it will soon be light,

If you can laugh when others expect you to cry,
And when others give up you continue to try,

You'll keep growing day by day,
And those around you will marvel and say,

I wish I had the strength that she obviously does,
And even in sorrow others she loves,

Adversities can make us grow strong,
Or make us feel that the whole world is wrong,

You'll be just as happy as you want to be,
For the happiness is here for you and me,

So the way you act, think and do,
Will determine how the world looks at you,

For each has the power to control his own mind,
And in this way happiness find.

~ The Loser ~

The devil does tempt me and try me each day,
But he can't win, is all I can say,

When others are angry I will remain calm,
And when I am burned I'll rub on God's balm,

The devil can't win when I know I'm right,
That old devil just lost a fight.

~ Who Moved ~

Count what you have not what you lost,
And, remember, Jesus paid all the cost,

If you feel God isn't with you, then all I can say,
It isn't God who moved away.

~ Rainbow ~

As a small child I was told,
At the end of the rainbow there was gold,

These wonderful tales I did believe,
And joy from them I did receive,

I never searched or tried to find,
But it was joy to fill my mind,

I'd rather believe in those tales of old,
And think there is a pot of gold,

Than not believe and have no fun,
After all it hurts no one,

And who can say if there's gold or not,
For who ever found that rainbow pot.

~ Be ~

Be careful in all you say and do,
So you won't say this day I'll rue,

Be careful in your actions daily,
So you can live your life most gaily,

Be careful and be just to all,
And in this life you'll have a ball,

Be patient, kind and understanding,
And know this life can be demanding,

Be quick to say to all I love you,
You'll see by their face they love you too,

Be serene in your daily chores,
Even if you're just scrubbing floors,

Be happy each day that you live,
Knowing our sins God did forgive,

Be careful what you pray for too,
Because those prayers just might come true.

~ Me Too ~

Small children find so much to do,
And the smallest ones always yell, "me too,"

And so through life the joys we see,
Just as a hive is to a bee,

We go along and get enthusiastic too,
And then we decide, yes, me too,

And when the day we cease to be,
It comes to each one you see,

I want to see that gate so wide,
And be sure I get inside,

For with that crowd I want to be,
And so I'll yell, "wait for me,"

For when that gate you go through,
You'll hear me yell, "wait, me too."

~ All But My Soul ~

Hard times can come to all,
A few in your life time you may recall,

Then we must sell the things we cherish,
It's either sell them or we perish,

Every man has his price you have heard it said,
But you will have nothing to sell when you are dead,

So sell your car, your house and clothes,
Sometimes it is the way life goes,

And start again as you survey,
The things you sold at give away,

And as I stood upon a rocky knoll,
I said, "thank God, I did not sell my soul."

~ Reunited ~

I walked along the summer path,
I heard the little children laugh,

I loved one and he loved me,
And the world was beautiful to see,

Soon autumn fell and winter came,
And nothing ever was the same,

My love was gone my eyes were dim,
And the world was not as it had been,

Now the sky is bright and joy I know,
As I view the earth below,

My love is here and joy is mine,
And children laugh and play through time.

~ Empty Mansions ~

Mansions are built where rich people dwell,
And if we knew the facts they're living in hell,

They fuss and argue until friends come in,
Then, like a switch, they turn on a grin,

They are sweet to each other when friends are in sight,
And when everyone leaves they resume the fight,

So a mansion they own where they scream and shout,
And though it's all very beautiful there's no love about,

Now there can be happiness in a house built of sod,
If the people within simply love God.

~ The Need ~

Inferior to you I might be,
Yet, someone of you might need me,

On the other hand Imight be superior to you,
And discover that I need you, too,

For it is the heart or if you please the soul,
That is the thing that makes us whole,

It isn't youth or wealth or a social plane,
For these are things that won't remain,

But if we all had goodness, truth and love,
Heaven would be here on earth and not somewhere above,

For it is the heart that makes us superior,
And no heart at all that makes us inferior.

~ The Secret of Aging ~

If we didn't have such things as mirrors we wouldn't know when we grow old,
And perhaps if we couldn't heart we wouldn't know if we were told,

It seems that deep inside we just remain the same,
But the body does grow old, that's the name of the game,

I think if we were like moles, maybe, better life would be,
For in our hearts we would stay young and wouldn't know what we couldn't see,

I believe if I live a hundred years my mind will be as it is now,
For it is not my mind but my body that must bow,

To the ravages of time and that is why I am so sure,
My body will grow old, you see, but my soul will always endure.

~ My Prayer ~

God from whom all blessing flow,
Keep a watch on us below,

Keep our shield and sword so bright,
It can even light the night,

Keep our hearts so clean and true,
That others see the light of You,

Help us tell our fellow man,
Of all that's good in our God's plan,

And help others along the way,
To want to walk with God today.

~ An Act of God ~

A friend brought me a rose one day,
And I thought I would not throw the rose away,

Until a petal fell at my feet,
The first one from that rose so sweet,

And every day no petals fell,
And I knew I wasn't well,

The rose has withered and turned brown,
This illness will not get me down,

No way could any human declare,
That God simply didn't care,

For a simple act shown through a rose,
Tells me how much my God's love shows.

~ Rain ~

Oh how that rain came down,
It rained until it flooded the town,

It rained until it flooded the street,
And ran at least to curbstone deep,

It rained until the candles were put to use,
Because the rain had blown the juice,

It rained until I thought it would never stop,
And I thought that I would blow my top,

It rained until I wondered what it was about,
Then I knew, it washed my grass seed out.

~ I Get Attached ~

Do you remember I used to say,
When I had a stray to give away,

The sooner the better it will be for me,
For I get attached to those little creatures you see,

Now it will be a similar song,
I'll miss dad when he goes along,

But the one thing I'll know is true,
I did the best that I could do,

And I'll know dad is happy with Jenny you see,
Much happier than he could be with me,

So I'll not fret or grieve or wish he could stay,
When my Dad goes on his way.

~ Searching ~

Sometimes in life we search here and we search there,
But we can't find answers anywhere,

But with peace and understanding and acceptance of our fate,
We will be shown the answers and not be left sitting on the wishing gate,

For like the little boy who searched and sat unknowingly,
Then went home discouraged because the gate he did not see,

For the very gate he sat upon,
Was the way his life would go on,

For he simply sat and was not aware,
That what he searched for was right there.

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~ Lyn ~