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    For many years now people have suggested that marijuana should be legalized. This thought
has provoked many debates. The government while waging its so called war on drugs chases
those that would grow, import, and sell the weed in the United States. Every year they spend more tax payer money and get further behind in their efforts.
    Now at the same time they have created new taxes to impose on tobacco users. Tobacco has
always been legal in this country but now the fed wants to attack tobacco users by adding new taxes that only the rich can afford and attack the tobacco industry for growing, manufacturing, and the sale of tobacco products.
    I would think that if the government wants to create new revenues why not make marijuana legal and tax that. As with alcohol this would generate enormous tax revenues. As a legal substance the cannabis would be subject to the same laws as alcohol, make illegal marijuana
dealers non existent and give the fed a huge reduction in criminal drug trafficking. Also this
would give added revenues to battle more serious drugs and drug dealers.
    The solution to many of our nations problems
is so simple that our elected officials seem to be un-able to grasp the concept at all.
    I ask you to consider: a working man that makes as little as ten dollars per hour will pay about twenty five percent of his wages to federal income tax, thirteen point eight percent
is paid in social security tax, half of which is deducted from our pay check. Almost a matching amount is deducted for medicare tax.
Then (in most states) there is a seven percent
state income tax, and (in most cities a two and one half percent city income tax. This brings the total of the average deductions to forty seven point three percent before we get any of the money we work for. Upon receipt of our salaries we find that we have really been working for about five dollars and twenty three
cents an hour (based on a ten dollar an hour wage). It takes all of that to live and pay our bills. But the fed is not done with us yet in just about all states we find a six to seven percent sales tax on the necessities of life. Once that seven percent is deducted from our income we find that a ten dollar per hour job actually pays
us less than the minimum wage. I believe that this makes life difficult for all.
    To drive my point home marijuana is said by the government to be around a hundred billion
dollar a year industry (that's bigger than the auto industry) so it would appear that if the fed controlled the sale of this substance they could generate huge revenue, give the working man a serious tax break, lower the crime rate, pay for
all of the politician's pet programs, have enough revenue to sure up the social security system, and quit trying to tax america to death.


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