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gun controll
Gun Control

50 caliber Browning Machine Gun

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Criminal's Do Not Obey Gun Laws

I watch as new gun laws are enacted against the people by politicians every year, and wonder "will they ever learn?"
With every new anti gun law the crime rate in the United States escalates. The only proof that crime and anti gun laws are related is to ask one to look at the state of Texas, Dade County Florida,and any other state or county where pro gun laws were recently passed allowing any non felon to purchase and carry a hand gun. I am sure anyone that was awake the last twenty years remembers how unsafe it was to even visit Dade County (Miami) but after the passing of these laws the crime rate in Dade County fell through the floor. Muggings are down, rapes are down, burglaries are down, etc...! Miami has become a pretty nice place to visit! Need I say more?
It would appear the criminals do not work as well under the threatening possibility of getting shot!
The current attack on the U.S. peoples right to keep and bear
weapons does indeed begin to look like Hitler's pre war Germany.
Before a nation can be conquered it is necessary to dis-arm the people.
This country became the most powerful country in the world because its people had the right to keep and bear arms. Once that right is taken away we are all diminished!
At the rate the Government is infringing on our constitutional rights it may not be long before we have to learn a new language (perhaps one of our new king or dictator) just to survive.
I believe our leaders should take a real look at what they are doing to the American People, get back to up-holding the constitution instead of attempting to take away the rights granted TO THE PEOPLE and quit fixating on who got laid when!

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