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A Bench In The Park

By: Lady Cinderella

I dreamt of you last night, we were sitting on a bench in the park cuddling

It was a lovely spring day, why we hadn't come here often was befuddling

You were dazzling in your pretty sun dress, you bare shoulders accessible

Kissing and caressing them both is a treat, they are absolutely delectable

Your hair flowed softly in the gentle breeze tickling my face and delighting

Every single inch of you wondrous body was glowing, it was quite inviting

I moved my arm around your waist and pulled you into me for a sweet kiss

As our lips met, we explored each other's soul, it was pure, heavenly bliss

There were people around, but we saw only each other as we embraced

No portion of our spirits were left untouched, they were completely traced

A day in the park with you is a dream come true, we hold each other tight

Demonstrating my great adoration for you is easy because you're a delight