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A Fantasy

By: Lady Cinderella

Night after night I lay in the darkness and fantasize of you
Of you and I making sweet love the whole night through
Caressing and kissing your body from head to toe
Whispering to you my confessions of how I love you so
Staring into your beautiful eyes there is no need for you to say a word
Because I can sense the love you feel for me without it being heard
Our bodies intertwined, becoming as one in the delicate glow of candlelight
Thrusted into a world of pleasure and ecstasy our souls come together to unite
I close my eyes and in my mind I try to save this sensuous moment between you and me
But when I open my eyes, I remember it’s all just a fantasy
A fantasy that one day
I hope will come true
A fantasy that I long for
between me and you...