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Angels In Our Hearts

By: Rick

The early morning sunrise filters into my awakening eyes
Slowly illuminating my surroundings, then to my surprise
I see laying upon my nightstand a brightly colored card
My name is boldly written and to stay in control is hard

I see a beautiful heart drawn in the corner and I smile
Knowing there's only one person who has that unmatched style
You must have dispatched an angel to deliver it in the night
She quietly flew into my room, placed it and took flight

With blood racing wildly I walk over and take it in my hand
The suspense is building in me, almost more than I can stand
I carefully open the envelope with thoughts racing wildly
Wondering what special message you have written just for me

Your words are the most precious I've ever in my life read
Full of your sweet love for me, creating visions in my head
I grab some paper and a pen and start to answer your message
With love bubbling over for you I fill up page after page

Just as I finish I hear wings softly fluttering outside
The angel had returned knowing my missive needed a fast ride
Without a sound she took the envelope and flew up in the air
Soaring up among the clouds, your love will lead her there

Once in a thousand years two hearts completely blend as one
Soulmates forever and it's just now our happiness has begun
I care more for you honey than I thought I was capable of
You may be sure that for all time you'll be the one I love