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The Anticipation Is Killing You

By: A Nice Poet

The anticipation is killing you because you know his kisses are very sweet
He's the kind of man ladies dream about sweeping them right off their feet
Just thinking about him makes you weak in the knees and so very excited
And now he's standing inches away from you with a look that says invited
He gazes into your eyes and strips away the veneer that covers your soul
He's melting you completly and making you tremble, and it's taking it's toll
You want to reach out and pull him into you, but you enjoy the anticipation
Your mind is moving at break neck speed, it is an overwhelming sensation
He raises his hands to your face and gently strokes your cheeks with care
His fingers trace the outlines of your face and romantically stroke your hair
He moves in slowly, pauses for a second, and looks deeper into your eyes
A tear wells up in your eye because your Prince Charming is sliciting sighs
Ten you embrace, one sensuous, passionate kiss that seems everlasting
Your head is aloft in the clouds, the sky is aglow, and rockets are blasting