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By: Lady Cinderella

Aphrodite lies within me
she seeks your face
she whispers your name.
Like irridescent wings of a butterfly
she flutters inside your heart.
She enfolds you in her wings
pressing your visage to her breast
that you might drink
the nectar of her charms
and taste and feel
her desires.
Your lips search
to release her passions
They have languished
without your touch.
Your hands hold her
so gently
she is new
and not long from her coccoon.
That these fragile wings
can send you soaring
is without question.
That she soars with you
is uncommon.
Aphrodite lies within me.
She beckons to you
like a siren.
Her wings are unfurled
they want to envelope you in warmth.
Her scent cannot be denied.
Fly with me
to the other side of ecstacy
Then let me feel your release.
Cry with me
and let me taste your tears.
Let me hold your trembling limbs
and enfold you in love.
Aphrodite lies within me.
She smiles the smile of contentment.