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The Five Senses of Love

By: Lady Cinderella

As the sun rays fall upon my body,
I feel the warmth and think of you.
I think of your hands as they touch my body
and I feel the love in your sweet caress.
I think of bright summers and the soft
spring rains and of the late night,
fire light in the shadows of winter.
As I stand in the meadow I hear the laughter
of the crickets and remember the happiness that
live first brings. As the flowers start to sway
in the soft gentle breeze, I smell the fragrance of
the honeysuckle and I think of the sweet times
we’ve had. When thinking of our love it reminds me
of the moment when your eyes met mine for the very
first time. The fiery look of passion that will be in
my mind for all of eternity. As the clouds move in
and the rain for all starts to fall, I feel the moisture
on my lips and I remember the taste and pleasure
I got from receiving Love’s First Kiss!