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Giving To You

By: Lady Cinderella

Your body still tingles from the multiple earthquakes you have just endured

Though covered in sweat and panting deeply, you don't want to be cured

He lies there next to you, his strong hands still caressing you soft and true

Your energy is totally depleted, but he never seems to tire of giving to you

Before you met him, you didn't know what afterplay was, now it's required

It's amazing how quickly you've grown to expect it, now it's surely desired

His hands run the gamut of your body, from your head down to your toes

And he pauses in all the right places, it's something he instinctively knows

When you were young, you were told that guys that are all hands are bad

Now you know better, his hands are pure magic, they make you very glad

You've finally caught your breath, you reach out and discover a protrusion

It's going to start again, you are exhausted but in no need of a conclusion