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I Wish 4 You

By: Black Rose

Strength in dealing with times of weakness
Ability to cherish your own uniqueness
Consolation when going through times of pain
Realization to know that its never in vain

Balance among your work, rest and pleasure
To know in your heart that you are a treasure
Comfort when going through struggle and strife
Good health to come for the rest of your life

Sunshine and blue skies to warm up your soul
Rain so you'll blossom and continue to grow
Rainbows so that you'll appreciate the rain
Wisdom to know that its for your own gain

Courage to go after your dreams and ambitions
Flexibility to endure through life's transitions
Hope when you feel helpless and want to rebel
Faith when you think that you're going to fail

Good luck when life seems to be so unfair
The knowing that someone really does care
Desire to pursue your full capablities
Arousal to share your creative abilities

Prosperity, well being and true happiness
Peace and tranquility in times of distress
Love everlasting for the rest of your days
May the Angels watch over you now and always