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I Wish That I...

By: Betsy Bajek

I wish that I could run away from you
I'd settle for walking
Instead of tripping and plodding
And constantly evading nosey questions
From people whose lives are so boring
That mind seems exciting
I wish that I could squat
Or sit with my legs crossed
I'd settle for sitting on the floor
And being able to get up again
Without any help
I wish that I could stand on my toes
Like I used to
And reach things on the top shelf
Instead of getting a stable step ladder
Which I shouldn't use anyway
I wish that I could wear pretty shoes
Or even any shoes
That didn't hurt my feel
Or draw attention to their deformations
Instead of being told that I'll never be able to
Wear women's shoes
I can live with the stares
I can live with the pain
I can live with the annoying questions
I can live with the fact that
I may have passed this on to my children
For, unlike me, they will know what to expect
From their mother who's been there
And know what it's like
To have always been chosen last
in gym class
And to always have finished
Last in any physical competition
Who should never have been in gym class
I will spare them the suffering
And humiliation
That I endured
So that they won't have to know
What it feels like
And, perhaps, one day
They will be able to
Run away from me