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I feel very lucky to be inspired to write,
some search hard for their inspiration
I've been told that I'm blessed to have it,
and I feel that it's a true revelation
The first few lines of a poem just seem to come to me,
after that it's so easy
I try not to force things,
I just let it flow whether the words are nice or sleazy
I honestly believe I have little control over what's created,
I am merely a tool
The words are from my heart,
but if I thought they were all mine I'd be a fool
Call it a higher power if you will
but I know not from where this all originates
I'm obligated to share my words and feelings,
I love what doing this creates
I get to touch others lives and loves,
it makes me feel like I'm very important
It has opened new avenues for me,
I'm not religious but this is Heaven sent
I'd like to help others to create
because I know how great it makes me feel
If I knew the secret I would gladly give it out,
creation has wonderful appeal