Standing on the edge the Meadow...
Cliffs surge in majestic Surrounding
With a wisp of air, the Meadow...
Feels his flight as he is Rounding.
Thunderous in his Encounter
Feels she the breath from the Beast
Thereupon they Eye one Another
Suspect of who feels the Least.
She closes the Distance
With calm Deliberation...
A child that Knows
Of the dragon's Evolution.
With outstretched Hands,
And the same hidden Fears,
Near they're Drawn,
Senses she the dragon's Tears.
The people cry Nay
Rising behind the Two,
Good cannot Come of this
A dragon you must not Woo!
Together they Circle...
Twirl round, round, they Go
Closer.... Yet Still
Paying heed to the people? No!
Great Hesitation
They're face to Face
Small tender Hands
Caress the Giant's grand breast
Deep throated Rumbles
Silent.... the two Unite
Purple smoke it does Swirl
Ner'a person in Sight.
Beauty you See
Is in the eye of the Beholder
The Beast that is there
Is a genuine Protector.
The child she Saw
The beast he did Counter
You see what was Missing...
Was one from the Other.